class Fluent::DataCounterOutput < Fluent::Output Fluent::Plugin.register_output('datacounter', self) def initialize super require 'pathname' end PATTERN_MAX_NUM = 20 config_param :count_interval, :time, :default => nil config_param :unit, :string, :default => 'minute' config_param :output_per_tag, :bool, :default => false config_param :aggregate, :string, :default => 'tag' config_param :tag, :string, :default => 'datacount' config_param :tag_prefix, :string, :default => nil config_param :input_tag_remove_prefix, :string, :default => nil config_param :count_key, :string config_param :outcast_unmatched, :bool, :default => false config_param :output_messages, :bool, :default => false config_param :store_file, :string, :default => nil # pattern0 reserved as unmatched counts config_param :pattern1, :string # string: NAME REGEXP (2..PATTERN_MAX_NUM).each do |i| config_param ('pattern' + i.to_s).to_sym, :string, :default => nil # NAME REGEXP end attr_accessor :tick attr_accessor :counts attr_accessor :saved_duration attr_accessor :saved_at attr_accessor :last_checked def configure(conf) super if @count_interval @tick = @count_interval.to_i else @tick = case @unit when 'minute' then 60 when 'hour' then 3600 when 'day' then 86400 else raise RuntimeError, "@unit must be one of minute/hour/day" end end @aggregate = case @aggregate when 'tag' then :tag when 'all' then :all else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "datacounter aggregate allows tag/all" end @patterns = [[0, 'unmatched', nil]] pattern_names = ['unmatched'] pattern_keys ={|k| k =~ /^pattern(\d+)$/} invalids ={|arg| arg =~ /^pattern(\d+)/ and not (1..PATTERN_MAX_NUM).include?($1.to_i)} if invalids.size > 0 $log.warn "invalid number patterns (valid pattern number:1-20):" + invalids.join(",") end (1..PATTERN_MAX_NUM).each do |i| next unless conf["pattern#{i}"] name,regexp = conf["pattern#{i}"].split(' ', 2) @patterns.push([i, name,]) pattern_names.push(name) end pattern_index_list ={|s| s =~ /^pattern\d$/}.map{|v| (/^pattern(\d)$/.match(v))[1].to_i} unless pattern_index_list.reduce(true){|v,i| v and @patterns[i]} raise Fluent::ConfigError, "jump of pattern index found" end unless @patterns.length == pattern_names.uniq.length raise Fluent::ConfigError, "duplicated pattern names" end if @output_per_tag raise Fluent::ConfigError, "tag_prefix must be specified with output_per_tag" unless @tag_prefix @tag_prefix_string = @tag_prefix + '.' end if @input_tag_remove_prefix @removed_prefix_string = @input_tag_remove_prefix + '.' @removed_length = @removed_prefix_string.length end if @store_file f = if (f.exist? && !f.writable_real?) || (!f.exist? && !f.parent.writable_real?) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "#{@store_file} is not writable" end end @counts = count_initialized @mutex = end def start super load_status(@store_file, @tick) if @store_file start_watch end def shutdown super @watcher.terminate @watcher.join save_status(@store_file) if @store_file end def count_initialized(keys=nil) # counts['tag'][num] = count # counts['tag'][-1] = sum if @aggregate == :all {'all' => ([0] * (@patterns.length + 1))} elsif keys values = {|i| + 1){|j| 0 } } Hash[[keys, values].transpose] else {} end end def countups(tag, counts) if @aggregate == :all tag = 'all' end @mutex.synchronize { @counts[tag] ||= [0] * (@patterns.length + 1) sum = 0 counts.each_with_index do |count, i| sum += count @counts[tag][i] += count end @counts[tag][-1] += sum } end def stripped_tag(tag) return tag unless @input_tag_remove_prefix return tag[@removed_length..-1] if tag.start_with?(@removed_prefix_string) and tag.length > @removed_length return tag[@removed_length..-1] if tag == @input_tag_remove_prefix tag end def generate_fields(step, target_counts, attr_prefix, output) sum = if @outcast_unmatched target_counts[1..-2].inject(:+) else target_counts[-1] end messages = target_counts.delete_at(-1) target_counts.each_with_index do |count,i| name = @patterns[i][1] output[attr_prefix + name + '_count'] = count output[attr_prefix + name + '_rate'] = ((count * 100.0) / (1.00 * step)).floor / 100.0 unless i == 0 and @outcast_unmatched output[attr_prefix + name + '_percentage'] = count * 100.0 / (1.00 * sum) if sum > 0 end if @output_messages output[attr_prefix + 'messages'] = messages end end output end def generate_output(counts, step) if @aggregate == :all return generate_fields(step, counts['all'], '', {}) end output = {} counts.keys.each do |tag| generate_fields(step, counts[tag], stripped_tag(tag) + '_', output) end output end def generate_output_per_tags(counts, step) if @aggregate == :all return {'all' => generate_fields(step, counts['all'], '', {})} end output_pairs = {} counts.keys.each do |tag| output_pairs[stripped_tag(tag)] = generate_fields(step, counts[tag], '', {}) end output_pairs end def flush(step) # returns one message flushed,@counts = @counts,count_initialized({|k| @counts[k][-1] > 0}) generate_output(flushed, step) end def flush_per_tags(step) # returns map of tag - message flushed,@counts = @counts,count_initialized({|k| @counts[k][-1] > 0}) generate_output_per_tags(flushed, step) end def flush_emit(step) if @output_per_tag # tag - message maps time = flush_per_tags(step).each do |tag,message| Fluent::Engine.emit(@tag_prefix_string + tag, time, message) end else message = flush(step) if message.keys.size > 0 Fluent::Engine.emit(@tag,, message) end end end def start_watch # for internal, or tests only @watcher = end def watch # instance variable, and public accessable, for test @last_checked ||= while true sleep 0.5 if - @last_checked >= @tick now = flush_emit(now - @last_checked) @last_checked = now end end end def emit(tag, es, chain) c = [0] * @patterns.length es.each do |time,record| value = record[@count_key] next if value.nil? value = value.to_s.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') matched = false @patterns.each do |index, name, regexp| next unless regexp and regexp.match(value) c[index] += 1 matched = true break end c[0] += 1 unless matched end countups(tag, c) end # Store internal status into a file # # @param [String] file_path def save_status(file_path) begin'wb') do |f| @saved_at = @saved_duration = @saved_at - @last_checked Marshal.dump({ :counts => @counts, :saved_at => @saved_at, :saved_duration => @saved_duration, :aggregate => @aggregate, :count_key => @count_key, :patterns => @patterns, }, f) end rescue => e $log.warn "out_datacounter: Can't write store_file #{e.class} #{e.message}" end end # Load internal status from a file # # @param [String] file_path # @param [Interger] tick The count interval def load_status(file_path, tick) return unless (f = begin'rb') do |f| stored = Marshal.load(f) if stored[:aggregate] == @aggregate and stored[:count_key] == @count_key and stored[:patterns] == @patterns if <= stored[:saved_at] + tick @counts = stored[:counts] @saved_at = stored[:saved_at] @saved_duration = stored[:saved_duration] # skip the saved duration to continue counting @last_checked = - @saved_duration else $log.warn "out_datacounter: stored data is outdated. ignore stored data" end else $log.warn "out_datacounter: configuration param was changed. ignore stored data" end end rescue => e $log.warn "out_datacounter: Can't load store_file #{e.class} #{e.message}" end end end