Class ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordBase
      extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate
          extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate

public final class ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate
extends RecordAggregate

Glen Stampoultzis

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate
RecordAggregate.PositionTrackingVisitor, RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor
Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty aggregate
ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate(RecordStream rs)
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Performs a deep clone of the record
 void collapseColumn(int columnIndex)
 void expandColumn(int columnIndex)
 ColumnInfoRecord findColumnInfo(int columnIndex)
          Finds the ColumnInfoRecord which contains the specified columnIndex
 int getMaxOutlineLevel()
 void groupColumnRange(int fromColumnIx, int toColumnIx, boolean indent)
          Creates an outline group for the specified columns, by setting the level field for each col info record in the range.
 void insertColumn(ColumnInfoRecord col)
          Inserts a column into the aggregate (at the end of the list).
 void setColumn(int targetColumnIx, java.lang.Short xfIndex, java.lang.Integer width, java.lang.Integer level, java.lang.Boolean hidden, java.lang.Boolean collapsed)
 void visitContainedRecords(RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor rv)
          Visit each of the atomic BIFF records contained in this RecordAggregate in the order that they should be written to file.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates.RecordAggregate
getRecordSize, serialize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate()
Creates an empty aggregate


public ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate(RecordStream rs)
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
Performs a deep clone of the record

clone in class java.lang.Object


public void insertColumn(ColumnInfoRecord col)
Inserts a column into the aggregate (at the end of the list).


public void visitContainedRecords(RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor rv)
Description copied from class: RecordAggregate
Visit each of the atomic BIFF records contained in this RecordAggregate in the order that they should be written to file. Implementors may or may not return the actual Records being used to manage POI's internal implementation. Callers should not assume either way, and therefore only attempt to modify those Records after cloning

Specified by:
visitContainedRecords in class RecordAggregate


public void collapseColumn(int columnIndex)


public void expandColumn(int columnIndex)


public void setColumn(int targetColumnIx,
                      java.lang.Short xfIndex,
                      java.lang.Integer width,
                      java.lang.Integer level,
                      java.lang.Boolean hidden,
                      java.lang.Boolean collapsed)


public void groupColumnRange(int fromColumnIx,
                             int toColumnIx,
                             boolean indent)
Creates an outline group for the specified columns, by setting the level field for each col info record in the range. ColumnInfoRecords may be created, split or merged as a result of this operation.

fromColumnIx - group from this column (inclusive)
toColumnIx - group to this column (inclusive)
indent - if true the group will be indented by one level, if false indenting will be decreased by one level.


public ColumnInfoRecord findColumnInfo(int columnIndex)
Finds the ColumnInfoRecord which contains the specified columnIndex

columnIndex - index of the column (not the index of the ColumnInfoRecord)
null if no column info found for the specified column


public int getMaxOutlineLevel()

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