Feature: EmailSpec Example -- Prevent Bots from creating accounts In order to help alleviate email testing in apps As an email-spec contributor I want new users of the library to easily adopt email-spec in their app by following this example In order to prevent bots from setting up new accounts As a site manager I want new users to verify their email address with a confirmation link Background: Given no emails have been sent And I am a real person wanting to sign up for an account And I am on the homepage And I submit my registration information Scenario: First person signup (as myself) with two ways of opening email Then I should receive an email And I should have 1 email # Opening email #1 When I open the email Then I should see "Account confirmation" in the email subject And I should see "Joe Someone" in the email body And I should see "confirm" in the email body # Opening email #2 When I open the email with subject "Account confirmation" Then I should see "Account confirmation" in the email subject And I should see "Joe Someone" in the email body And I should see "confirm" in the email body When I follow "Click here to confirm your account!" in the email Then I should see "Confirm your new account" And "foo@bar.com" should have no emails Scenario: Third person signup (emails sent to others) with two ways of opening email Then "foo@bar.com" should have no emails And "example@example.com" should receive an email And "example@example.com" should have 1 email # Opening email #1 When they open the email Then they should see "Account confirmation" in the email subject And they should see "Joe Someone" in the email body And they should see "confirm" in the email body # Opening email #2 When "example@example.com" opens the email with subject "Account confirmation" Then they should see "Account confirmation" in the email subject And they should see "Joe Someone" in the email body And they should see "confirm" in the email body When they follow "Click here to confirm your account!" in the email Then they should see "Confirm your new account" Scenario: Declarative First Person signup Then I should receive an email with a link to a confirmation page Scenario: Declarative First Person signup Then they should receive an email with a link to a confirmation page Scenario: Checking for text in different parts Then I should receive an email And I should have 1 email # Opening email #1 When I open the email Then I should see "This is the HTML part" in the email html part body And I should see "This is the text part" in the email text part body