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The Truemail gem helps you validate emails via regex pattern, presence of DNS records, and real existence of email account on a current email server. Also Truemail gem allows performing an audit of the host in which runs.
## Table of Contents
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Configuration features](#configuration-features)
- [Setting global configuration](#setting-global-configuration)
- [Read global configuration](#read-global-configuration)
- [Update global configuration](#update-global-configuration)
- [Reset global configuration](#reset-global-configuration)
- [Using custom independent configuration](#using-custom-independent-configuration)
- [Validation features](#validation-features)
- [Whitelist/Blacklist check](#whitelist-blacklist-check)
- [Whitelist case](#whitelist-case)
- [Whitelist validation case](#whitelist-validation-case)
- [Blacklist case](#blacklist-case)
- [Duplication case](#duplication-case)
- [Regex validation](#regex-validation)
- [With default regex pattern](#with-default-regex-pattern)
- [With custom regex pattern](#with-custom-regex-pattern)
- [MX validation](#mx-validation)
- [SMTP validation](#smtp-validation)
- [SMTP safe check disabled](#smtp-safe-check-disabled)
- [SMTP safe check enabled](#smtp-safe-check-enabled)
- [Event logger](#event-logger)
- [Available tracking events](#available-tracking-events)
- [JSON serializer](#json-serializer)
- [Host audit features](#host-audit-features)
- [PTR audit](#ptr-audit)
- [Truemail helpers](#truemail-helpers)
- [.valid?](#valid)
- [Test environment](#test-environment)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
- [Versioning](#versioning)
- [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)
## Synopsis
Email validation is a tricky thing. There are a number of different ways to validate an email address and all mechanisms must conform with the best practices and provide proper validation. You can get more information about email validation techniques in our [blog](https://rubygarage.org/blog/how-to-validate-emails).
**Syntax Checking**: Checks the email addresses via regex pattern.
**Mail Server Existence Check**: Checks the availability of the email address domain using DNS records.
**Mail Existence Check**: Checks if the email address really exists and can receive email via SMTP connections and email-sending emulation techniques.
## Features
- Configurable validator, validate only what you need
- Zero runtime dependencies
- Whitelist/blacklist validation layers
- Simple SMTP debugger
- Event logger
- JSON serializer
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'truemail'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install truemail
## Usage
### Configuration features
You can use global gem configuration or custom independent configuration. Available configuration options:
- verifier email
- verifier domain
- email pattern
- SMTP error body pattern
- connection timeout
- response timeout
- connection attempts
- default validation type
- validation type for domains
- whitelisted domains
- whitelist validation
- blacklisted domains
- SMTP safe check
- event logger
- JSON serializer
#### Setting global configuration
To have an access for ```Truemail.configuration``` and gem configuration features, you must configure it first as in the example below:
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
# Required parameter. Must be an existing email on behalf of which verification will be performed
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
# Optional parameter. Must be an existing domain on behalf of which verification will be performed.
# By default verifier domain based on verifier email
config.verifier_domain = 'somedomain.com'
# Optional parameter. You can override default regex pattern
config.email_pattern = /regex_pattern/
# Optional parameter. You can override default regex pattern
config.smtp_error_body_pattern = /regex_pattern/
# Optional parameter. Connection timeout is equal to 2 ms by default.
config.connection_timeout = 1
# Optional parameter. A SMTP server response timeout is equal to 2 ms by default.
config.response_timeout = 1
# Optional parameter. Total of connection attempts. It is equal to 2 by default.
# This parameter uses in mx lookup timeout error and smtp request (for cases when
# there is one mx server).
config.connection_attempts = 3
# Optional parameter. You can predefine default validation type for
# Truemail.validate('email@email.com') call without with-parameter
# Available validation types: :regex, :mx, :smtp
config.default_validation_type = :mx
# Optional parameter. You can predefine which type of validation will be used for domains.
# Also you can skip validation by domain. Available validation types: :regex, :mx, :smtp
# This configuration will be used over current or default validation type parameter
# All of validations for 'somedomain.com' will be processed with regex validation only.
# And all of validations for 'otherdomain.com' will be processed with mx validation only.
# It is equal to empty hash by default.
config.validation_type_for = { 'somedomain.com' => :regex, 'otherdomain.com' => :mx }
# Optional parameter. Validation of email which contains whitelisted domain always will
# return true. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_for
# It is equal to empty array by default.
config.whitelisted_domains = ['somedomain1.com', 'somedomain2.com']
# Optional parameter. With this option Truemail will validate email which contains whitelisted
# domain only, i.e. if domain whitelisted, validation will passed to Regex, MX or SMTP validators.
# Validation of email which not contains whitelisted domain always will return false.
# It is equal false by default.
config.whitelist_validation = true
# Optional parameter. Validation of email which contains blacklisted domain always will
# return false. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_for
# It is equal to empty array by default.
config.blacklisted_domains = ['somedomain1.com', 'somedomain2.com']
# Optional parameter. This option will be parse bodies of SMTP errors. It will be helpful
# if SMTP server does not return an exact answer that the email does not exist
# By default this option is disabled, available for SMTP validation only.
config.smtp_safe_check = true
# Optional parameter. This option will enable tracking events. You can print tracking events to
# stdout, write to file or both of these. Tracking event by default is :error
# Available tracking event: :all, :unrecognized_error, :recognized_error, :error
config.logger = { tracking_event: :all, stdout: true, log_absolute_path: '/home/app/log/truemail.log' }
##### Read global configuration
After successful configuration, you can read current Truemail configuration instance anywhere in your application.
=> #>
##### Update global configuration
Truemail.configuration.connection_timeout = 3
=> 3
Truemail.configuration.response_timeout = 4
=> 4
Truemail.configuration.connection_attempts = 1
=> 1
=> #>
##### Reset global configuration
Also you can reset Truemail configuration.
=> nil
=> nil
#### Using custom independent configuration
Allows to use independent configuration for each validation/audition instance. When using this feature you do not need to have Truemail global configuration.
custom_configuration = Truemail::Configuration.new do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
Truemail.validate('email@example.com', custom_configuration: custom_configuration)
Truemail.valid?('email@example.com', custom_configuration: custom_configuration)
Truemail.host_audit('email@example.com', custom_configuration: custom_configuration)
Please note, you should have global or custom configuration for use Truemail gem.
### Validation features
#### Whitelist/Blacklist check
Whitelist/Blacklist check is zero validation level. You can define white and black list domains. It means that validation of email which contains whitelisted domain always will return ```true```, and for blacklisted domain will return ```false```.
Please note, other validations will not processed even if it was defined in ```validation_type_for```.
**Sequence of domain list check:**
1. Whitelist check
2. Whitelist validation check
3. Blacklist check
Example of usage:
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
config.whitelisted_domains = ['white-domain.com', 'somedomain.com']
config.blacklisted_domains = ['black-domain.com', 'somedomain.com']
config.validation_type_for = { 'somedomain.com' => :mx }
##### Whitelist case
When email in whitelist, validation type will be redefined. Validation result returns ```true```
@whitelisted_domains=["white-domain.com", "somedomain.com"]>,
##### Whitelist validation case
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
config.whitelisted_domains = ['white-domain.com']
config.whitelist_validation = true
When email domain in whitelist and ```whitelist_validation``` is sets equal to ```true``` validation type will be passed to other validators.
Validation of email which not contains whitelisted domain always will return ```false```.
###### Email has whitelisted domain
Truemail.validate('email@white-domain.com', with: :regex)
###### Email hasn't whitelisted domain
Truemail.validate('email@domain.com', with: :regex)
##### Blacklist case
When email in blacklist, validation type will be redefined too. Validation result returns ```false```
##### Duplication case
Validation result for this email returns ```true```, because it was found in whitelisted domains list first. Also ```validation_type``` for this case will be redefined.
#### Regex validation
Validation with regex pattern is the first validation level. It uses whitelist/blacklist check before running itself.
[Whitelist/Blacklist] -> [Regex validation]
By default this validation not performs strictly following [RFC 5322](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5322.txt) standard, so you can override Truemail default regex pattern if you want.
Example of usage:
##### With default regex pattern
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
Truemail.validate('email@example.com', with: :regex)
=> #,
##### With custom regex pattern
You should define your custom regex pattern in a gem configuration before.
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
config.email_pattern = /regex_pattern/
Truemail.validate('email@example.com', with: :regex)
=> #,
#### MX validation
Validation by MX records is the second validation level. It uses Regex validation before running itself. When regex validation has completed successfully then runs itself.
[Whitelist/Blacklist] -> [Regex validation] -> [MX validation]
Please note, Truemail MX validator not performs strict compliance of the [RFC 5321](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#section-5) standard for best validation outcome.
Example of usage:
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
Truemail.validate('email@example.com', with: :mx)
=> #,
#### SMTP validation
SMTP validation is a final, third validation level. This type of validation tries to check real existence of email account on a current email server. This validation runs a chain of previous validations and if they're complete successfully then runs itself.
[Whitelist/Blacklist] -> [Regex validation] -> [MX validation] -> [SMTP validation]
If total count of MX servers is equal to one, ```Truemail::Smtp``` validator will use value from ```Truemail.configuration.connection_attempts``` as connection attempts. By default it's equal 2.
By default, you don't need pass with-parameter to use it. Example of usage is specified below:
###### SMTP safe check disabled
With ```smtp_safe_check = false```
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
# Successful SMTP validation
=> #,
# SMTP validation failed
=> #"smtp error"},
errors={:rcptto=>"550 User not found\n"}>>]>,
###### SMTP safe check enabled
With ```smtp_safe_check = true```
require 'truemail'
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.verifier_email = 'verifier@example.com'
config.smtp_safe_check = true
# Successful SMTP validation
=> #,
errors={:mailfrom=>"554 5.7.1 Client host blocked\n", :connection=>"server dropped connection after response"}>>,]>,
# SMTP validation failed
=> #"smtp error"},
errors={:rcptto=>"550 User not found\n"}>>]>,
### Event logger
Truemail gem allows to output tracking events to stdout/file or both of these. Please note, at least one of the outputs must exist. Tracking event by default is `:error`
Truemail.configure do |config|
config.logger = { tracking_event: :all, stdout: true, log_absolute_path: '/home/app/log/truemail.log' }
#### Available tracking events
- `:all`, all detected events including success validation cases
- `:unrecognized_error`, unrecognized errors only (when `smtp_safe_check = true` and SMTP server does not return an exact answer that the email does not exist)
- `:recognized_error`, recognized errors only
- `:error`, recognized and unrecognized errors only
### JSON serializer
Truemail has built in JSON serializer for `Truemail::Validator` instance, so you can represent your email validation result as json.
# Serialized Truemail::Validator instance
"date": "2019-10-28 10:15:51 +0200",
"email": "nonexistent_email@bestweb.com.ua",
"validation_type": "smtp",
"success": false,
"errors": {
"smtp": "smtp error"
"smtp_debug": [
"mail_host": "",
"port_opened": true,
"connection": true,
"errors": {
"rcptto": "550 5.7.1 No such user!\n"
"configuration": {
"validation_type_by_domain": null,
"whitelist_validation": false,
"whitelisted_domains": null,
"blacklisted_domains": null,
"smtp_safe_check": false,
"email_pattern": "default gem value",
"smtp_error_body_pattern": "default gem value"
### Host audit features
Truemail gem allows performing an audit of the host in which runs. Only PTR record audit performs for today.
#### PTR audit
So what is a PTR record? A PTR record, or pointer record, enables someone to perform a reverse DNS lookup. This allows them to determine your domain name based on your IP address. Because generic domain names without a PTR are often associated with spammers, incoming mail servers identify email from hosts without PTR records as spam and you can't verify yours emails qualitatively.
# Everything is good
=> #,
# Has PTR warning
=> #"ptr record does not reference to current verifier domain"}>,
### Truemail helpers
#### .valid?
You can use the ```.valid?``` helper for quick validation of email address. It returns a boolean:
# It is shortcut for Truemail.validate('email@example.com').result.valid?
=> true
### Test environment
You can stub out that validation for your test environment. Just add RSpec before action:
# spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before { allow(Truemail).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) }
# or
config.before { allow(Truemail).to receive(:validate).and_return(true) }
# or
config.before { allow(Truemail).to receive_message_chain(:validate, :result, :valid?).and_return(true) }
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/rubygarage/truemail. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. Please check the [open tikets](https://github.com/rubygarage/truemail/issues). Be shure to follow Contributor Code of Conduct below and our [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the Truemail project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
## Versioning
Truemail uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](https://semver.org)
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