### 4.6.0 * Remove `capture` concept on `Buildkite::Pipelines::Command#run` and replaced with `Buildkite::Pipelines::Command::Result` object to represent `Open3.capture3` result. ### 4.5.0 * Do not upload `pipeline.yml` when steps is empty. ### 4.4.0 * Fix multiple arguments for `depends_on`. ### 4.3.0 * Remove the `DependsOn` helper module since it doesn't do anything additive. ### 4.2.5 * Add `skip` attributes to Block and Input steps. ### 4.2.4 * Add more group step attributes as listed in https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/group-step#group-step-attributes ### 4.2.3 * Simplify pipeline upload duplication check ### 4.2.2 * Use step id to distinguish different piplelines, fix re-uploading pipeline on same step issue. ### 4.2.1 * Allow uploading pipeline to different jobs ### 4.2.0 * Add shared global templates ### 4.1.2 * Raise error with stderr/stdout message when `buildkite-agent` command failed while using bang commands (`artifact!`, `annotate!`, `pipeline!`, and `meta_data!`) * Add `signal_reason` as an automatic retry option ### 4.1.1 * Fix `PluginManager`'s error message when plugin was not registered ### 4.1.0 * Remove `skip` step since it's only mimicing `command` step with a skip. ### 4.0.0 * Remove `subpipeline` since it's not a Buildkite standard. * Refactor template handling * Simplify `group` step implementation ### 3.9.0 * Create a `Plugins` extension to take care named plugins from the plugin manager. ### 3.8.1...3.8.3 * Expose extension manager to be accessible in dsl * Removes an extra definition of `attr_reader :extensions` in pipeline * Allow `group` steps to be able to use extension's dsl methods * Show buildkite builder version at the beginning of the command ### 3.8.0 * Extensions can now take block as argument [example](https://github.com/Gusto/buildkite-builder/blob/v3.8.0/.buildkite/pipelines/showcase/pipeline.rb#L6-L13) ## 3.6.0 * `Buildkite::Pipelines::Command#run` now uses `Open3.capture3` to run system commands, and accepts an optional arg `capture`. When `capture` is true, it returns the stdout of the command. `capture` is true for the meta_data subcommands `get` and `keys` and for the artifact subcommands `shasum` and `search`. ## 3.5.0 * `plugin` registrations now takes an optional default attributes hash as the third argument. ## 3.4.1 * `automatic_retry_on` now overwrites rules with the same exit status. ## 3.4.0 * `automatically_retry(status:, limit:)` has been renamed to `automatic_retry_on(exit_status:, limit:)` * Added `automatic_retry` for setting boolean for `retry.automatic` * Added `manual_retry` for setting `retry.manual` ## 3.3.2 * Fix subpipeline trigger step attributes leak to subpipeline. ## 3.3.1 * Add support to iterate over subpipelines. * Allow build options to be passed to subpipelines. ## 3.3.0 * Remove arguments in sub-pipeline's trigger step setup and use dsl delegation instead. ## 3.2.0 * Remove `template` from sub-pipeline trigger step setup and use arguments instead. ## 3.1.0 * Add subpipeline support to save triggered pipeline's YML definition beforehand to artifacts and pass down the file to an ENV for pipeline setup. ## 3.0.0 * Remove manifest features to prevent Github API dependency and simplify the gem to focus on Buildkite features. ## 2.4.1 * Fix pipeline upload as artifact logic. ## 2.4.0 * Upload custom pipeline artifacts in a single command. * Only upload the pipeline as an artifact when the pipeline upload fails. ## 2.3.0 * Improve BKB step idempotency. ## 2.2.0 * Add `.buildkite/lib` directory to $LOAD_PATH if it exists. ## 2.1.0 * Fix a bug introduced in 2.0.0 where artifacts were being uploaded before extensions had a chance to do work. * Remove `SortedSet` dependency. * Add `annotate` pipeline command helper. * Add `StepCollection#find` and `StepCollection#find!` for ease of finding a step by its key in extensions. * `group` now supports the `emoji:` helper. (Eg. `group "foobar", emoji: :smile`) ## 2.0.0 * Add support for `group`. * `Processor`s has been renamed to `Extension`. Extensions add more capabilities (will document separately). * `plugin` no longer takes 2 arguments (source, version). It's simply 1 arg that is both source and version, separated by a `#`. This is more akin to Buildkite's usage. * Full refactor of pipeline code allowing for extensions to extend DSL methods. ## 1.5.0 * Merge `BuildKite::Builder::Context` and `BuildKite::Pipelines::Pipeline` to `BuildKite::Builder::Pipeline` (#37) ## 1.4.1 * Fix the Github API Builder to account for Buildkite having both `.git` and no file exention repository URIs (#33) ## 1.4.0 * Fix the `files` command. You now pass in the manifest with the `--manifest` CLI argument. ## 1.3.1 * Expose `data` from `StepContext` to `Step` ## 1.3.0 * Add ability for step to store data in step context * Move `upload` from `BuildKite::Builder::Commands::Run` to `BuildKite::Builder::Context` * Add ability to set custom artifacts in context and uplaod before `pipeile upload`