2009-05-07 * Fixed a problem with WithoutTable * Removed unusued routes * Fix few typos * Require at least Rails 2.2.x 2009-04-30 * Fix a small typo in extgrid * Fix a dependency problem in lipsiadmin rake tasks 2009-04-29 * Added :displayInfo => true in generators of grids * Fixed a problem with dependencies 2009-04-23 * Fix rdoc for grid view * Fix a bug override default ext component methods 2009-04-20 * Fix compatibility issues with ruby 1.9 * Added a new module for background workers * Little formatting to tab helper for accept custom options * Fix rdoc for open_window helper 2009-04-10 * Added startup test for account * Added raketasks for init test and autotest 2009-03-24 * Fix landescape mode in pdf builder 2009-03-18 * Removed an unused menu locales dir * Updated the readme with new generators 2009-03-17 * Bump to version 3.3.3 * Fix a typo in attachment migration 2009-03-16 * Bump to version 3.3.2 * Updated locales for work with rails 2.3.2 (do rake lipsiadmin:update:locales) 2009-03-14 * Bump to version 3.3.1 * Removed debug code from state_session_controller * Fix mistake in ux.js [Joseph] 2009-03-13 * Improve licensed PD4ML detection, now will look first into vendor/pd4ml * Bump to version 3.3 * Fixed a bug with responds_to_parent * Added a new generator for build database state session for extjs (script/generate state_session) * Added a new utils for use your licensed (if you have it) pd4ml jar * Fix pluralization when lipsiadmin generate migrations (attachment) * Removed debug info in lipsiadmin rake 2009-03-10 * Fixed some typos in attachment table [Vakiliy] 2009-03-10 * Bump to version 3.2 * Fixed a problem with has_one_attachment * Fixed few typo in api doc for attachments 2009-03-05 * Bump to version 3.1 * Added a base login page for frontend * Added a new generator for frontend * Fixed a Typo in Authentication * Fixed an issue with frontend_login_required * Removed from backend generator frontend stuff * Small Fix in Backend Controller * Fixed Spelling Issue 2009-03-02 * Release the stable version 3.0 2009-02-28 * Fixed a small js error on dblclick on grids * Added for Ext::Component a new method for remove listener, remove_listener * Added for Ext::Component a new alias for grid.on, called add_listener * Fixed problem with generation of template for boolean cols * Improvement in Backend.js, now mask() when clean() * Fixed Attachment for get many styles * Added a new method in Ext::Component for generate on the fly extjs objects * Small refactoring in Ext::Component * Small refactoring in Ext::Grid * Fixed a small errror in Ext::Store 2009-02-27 * Added as default sm :checkbox * Fixed a litte padding in firefox for datetimefield * Fixed a typo in account.rb * Fixed attachment creation for new records * Fixed a little problem with the generation of the attachment table * Added an options for prevent sending email, usefull for test rescue but not email report * Fixed a translation in backend_helper * Fixed a double render action in pdf * Added send_data as an options in pdf builder (for the controller) * Fixed the en locale for backend * Added scope to the component events * Added a new task for update javascripts (add require 'lipsiadmin_tasks' if you don't have yet in your RakeFile) * Fixed padding in DateTime Field for firefox * Removed not necessary frontend images * Extended Ext Component to be more flexible * Small refactoring of ext components 2009-02-26 * Removed a grid unusued var * Added a new method to grid for getSelection * Added a as default grid.on("dblclick", edit) * Added a component handler (eg. grid.on(:dblclick, ...)) * Fixed a litte error in date renderer * Fixed a litte error in Ext.form.DateTimeField * Added a padding for exceptions in standard.css * Fixed a litte error in backend.js * Fixed update, for force text/html header * Added two helpers to ext for mask, unmask Backend.app * Improved the exception_notifier and rescue templates for backend * Fixed ext_alert helper * Fixed ext_date_select * Fixed a little problem in exception notifier * Added a rescue if association not found in column_store * Improved documentation of box helper * Fixed a missing localization in box helper * Added :start => :close/:ope to the box helper * Added :style => "mystyle" to the box helper * Added in grid builder (edit, new, destroy) path for toolbar * Little reformat to Lipsiadmin::Controller::Ext::ColumnStore * Added new renderer in column model (boolean, eur_money, us_money) * Updated the remember file of script/generate backend_page * Improved store_data :include etc... see documentation Lipsiadmin::Controller::Ext for more details * Fixed a dataIndex conditions * Imporoved mapping columns for a better search 2009-02-25 * Improved documentation now is online here http://api.lipsiasoft.com * Refactored text_field, text_area, password_field helpers * Refactored country_select helper * Refactored ext_date_select, ext_datetime_select helpers 2008-02-24 * Rename Js app from Lipsiadmin.app to Backend.app * Added the possibility to reuse pages/froms/grids in windows. * Removed all external plugins * Rewritten Attachment creation * Rewritten Authentication and Menu creation * Rewritten all Helpers (now more fast) * Added a new helper for build extjs calendar (eg. ext_datetime :model, :created_at) * Added a new helper for build ext box * Included the missing country_select * Added helpers for build rjs grids * Grid by default have a search box that is no longer clientside but serverside * Improved html tags using the extjs stylesheets * Improved performances of javascript * Minimized ExtJs and Rails javascripts * Added a support request * Added an exception notifier * Rewritten pdf builder and helper * Added a pdf builder for actionmailer * Added method missing in ActiveRecord to intercept calls to non-localized methods (eg. name instead of name_cz) * Added utility scopes for paginate, include, search * Added a new literal method for prevent json to "strignify" javascripts funtctions (eg. "function() { alert('me')}".to_l) * Added a new module for escape utf8 chars for servers that don't have java with utf8 fonts (it's used by pdf builder) 2008-05-21 * Added a new PDF generator, we don't need the expensive PRINCEXML, we can use pd4ml 2008-05-12. * Added a manifest that show the current routes that are necessary to add 2008-05-09. * Added ext-all-debug.js (Was autodetect if env == development) * Removed menuitems table and added new module project * Improve Auth System with project modules * Initial rdoc documentation * Removed from admin view list to index so we can use cruds * Improve Admin -> Accounts for add project modules * Added new class AccessControl (Documented) * New config file for roles, modules in initializers/access_rules.rb