require 'optparse' require 'origen_verilog' options = { source_dirs: [] } # App options are options that the application can supply to extend this command app_options = @application_options || [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOT Parse the given top-level verilog file and convert the top-level module to an Origen top-level model. Usage: origen parse TOP_LEVEL_RTL_FILE [options] EOT opts.on('-t', '--top NAME', String, 'Specify the top-level Verilog module name if OrigenSim can\'t work it out') { |t| options[:top_level_name] = t } opts.on('-s', '--source_dir PATH', 'Directories to look for include files in (the directory containing the top-level is already considered)') do |path| options[:source_dirs] << path end opts.on('-d', '--debugger', 'Enable the debugger') { options[:debugger] = true } app_options.each do |app_option| opts.on(*app_option) {} end opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit 0 } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV unless ARGV.size > 0 puts 'You must supply a path to the top-level RTL file' exit 1 end rtl_top = ARGV.first unless File.exist?(rtl_top) puts "File does not exist: #{rtl_top}" exit 1 end ast = OrigenVerilog.parse_file(rtl_top) unless ast puts 'Sorry, but the given top-level RTL file failed to parse' exit 1 end candidates = ast.top_level_modules candidates = ast.modules if candidates.empty? if candidates.size == 0 puts "Sorry, couldn't find any Verilog module declarations in that file" exit 1 elsif candidates.size > 1 if options[:top_level_name] mod = candidates.find { |c| == options[:top_level_name] } end unless mod puts "Sorry, couldn't work out what the top-level module is, please help by running again and specifying it via the --top switch with one of the following names:" candidates.each do |c| puts " #{}" end exit 1 end else mod = candidates.first end rtl_top_module = mod.to_top_level # Creates dut