module Katello module Candlepin class Consumer include LazyAccessor ENTITLEMENTS_VALID = 'valid'.freeze ENTITLEMENTS_PARTIAL = 'partial'.freeze ENTITLEMENTS_INVALID = 'invalid'.freeze ENTITLEMENTS_DISABLED = 'disabled'.freeze SYSTEM = "system".freeze HYPERVISOR = "hypervisor".freeze CANDLEPIN = "candlepin".freeze CP_TYPES = [SYSTEM, HYPERVISOR, CANDLEPIN].freeze lazy_accessor :entitlements, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.entitlements(uuid) } lazy_accessor :consumer_attributes, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(uuid) } lazy_accessor :installed_products, :initializer => lambda { |_s| consumer_attributes['installedProducts'] } lazy_accessor :available_pools, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.available_pools(owner_label, uuid, false) } lazy_accessor :all_available_pools, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.available_pools(owner_label, uuid, true) } lazy_accessor :content_overrides, :initializer => (lambda do |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.content_overrides(uuid).map do |override| ::Katello::ContentOverride.from_entitlement_hash(override) end end) lazy_accessor :purpose_compliance, :initializer => lambda { |_s| Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.purpose_compliance(uuid) } attr_accessor :uuid, :owner_label def initialize(uuid, owner_label) self.uuid = uuid self.owner_label = owner_label end def regenerate_identity_certificates Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.regenerate_identity_certificates(self.uuid) end def checkin(checkin_time) Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.checkin(uuid, checkin_time) end def entitlement_status consumer_attributes[:entitlementStatus] end def filtered_pools(match_attached, match_host, match_installed, no_overlap) if match_host pools = self.available_pools elsif match_attached pools = { |ent| ent['pool'] } else pools = self.all_available_pools end # Only available pool's with a product on the system' if match_installed pools = do |pool| self.installed_products.any? do |installed_product| pool['providedProducts'].any? do |provided_product| installed_product['productId'] == provided_product['productId'] end end end end # None of the available pool's products overlap a consumed pool's products if no_overlap pools = do |pool| pool['providedProducts'].all? do |provided_product| self.entitlements.all? do |consumed_entitlement| consumed_entitlement['pool']['providedProducts'].all? do |consumed_product| consumed_product['cp_id'] != provided_product['productId'] end end end end end ::Katello::Pool.where(:cp_id => { |pool| pool['id'] }) end def filter_entitlements(pool_id = nil, quantities = nil) filtered = entitlements filtered = { |ent| ent['pool']['id'].to_s == pool_id.to_s } if pool_id if quantities&.any?!(&:to_s) filtered = do |quantity| index = filtered.index { |ent| ent['quantity'].to_s == quantity } filtered.delete_at(index) if index end filtered.compact! end filtered end def pool_ids { |ent| ent['pool']['id'].to_s } end def virtual_guests return @virtual_guests unless @virtual_guests.nil? return [] if self.uuid.nil? guest_uuids = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.virtual_guests(self.uuid).map { |guest| guest['uuid'] } @virtual_guests = ::Host.joins(:subscription_facet).where("#{Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.table_name}.uuid" => guest_uuids) end def virtual_host return nil if self.uuid.nil? if (virtual_host_info = Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.virtual_host(self.uuid)) ::Host.joins(:subscription_facet).where("#{Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.table_name}.uuid" => virtual_host_info[:uuid]).first end end def compliance_reasons self.class.friendly_compliance_reasons(Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.compliance(uuid)['reasons']) end def system_purpose @system_purpose ||= end def entitlements? # use cahced consumer_attributes if possible count = @consumer_attributes.try(:[], 'entitlementCount') return count > 0 if count !entitlements.empty? end def self.friendly_compliance_reasons(candlepin_reasons) do |reason| product_name = reason['productName'] || reason['attributes']['name'] "#{product_name}: #{reason['message']}" end end def self.distribution_to_puppet_os(name) return ::Operatingsystem::REDHAT_ATOMIC_HOST_OS if name == ::Operatingsystem::REDHAT_ATOMIC_HOST_DISTRO_NAME name = name.downcase if name =~ /red\s*hat/ 'RedHat' elsif name =~ /centos/ 'CentOS' elsif name =~ /fedora/ 'Fedora' elsif name =~ /sles/ || name =~ /suse.*enterprise.*/ 'SLES' elsif name =~ /debian/ 'Debian' elsif name =~ /ubuntu/ 'Ubuntu' elsif name =~ /oracle/ 'OracleLinux' elsif name =~ /almalinux/ 'AlmaLinux' elsif name =~ /rocky/ 'Rocky' elsif name =~ /amazon/ 'Amazon' else 'Unknown' end end end end end