class Zendesk2::User include Zendesk2::Model extend Zendesk2::Attributes # @return [Integer] Automatically assigned when creating users identity :id, type: :integer # @return [Boolean] Users that have been deleted will have the value false here attribute :active, type: :boolean # @return [String] Agents can have an alias that is displayed to end-users attribute :alias, type: :string # @return [Time] The time the user was created attribute :created_at, type: :time # @return [Integer] A custom role on the user if the user is an agent on the entreprise plan attribute :custom_role_id, type: :integer # @return [String] In this field you can store any details obout the user. e.g. the address attribute :details, type: :string # @return [String] The primary email address of this user attribute :email, type: :string # @return [String] A unique id you can set on a user attribute :external_id, type: :string # @return [Array] Array of user identities (e.g. email and Twitter) associated with this user. See User Identities attribute :identities, type: :array # @return [Time] A time-stamp of the last time this user logged in to Zendesk attribute :last_login_at, type: :time # @return [Integer] The language identifier for this user attribute :locale_id, type: :integer # @return [Boolean] Designates whether this user has forum moderation capabilities attribute :moderator, type: :boolean # @return [String] The name of the user attribute :name, type: :string # @return [String] In this field you can store any notes you have about the user attribute :notes, type: :string # @return [Boolean] true if this user only can create private comments attribute :only_private_comments, type: :boolean # @return [Integer] The id of the organization this user is associated with attribute :organization_id, type: :integer # @return [String] The primary phone number of this user attribute :phone, type: :string # @return [Attachment] The user's profile picture represented as an Attachment object attribute :photo, type: :Attachment # @return [String] The role of the user. Possible values: "end-user", "agent", "admin" attribute :role, type: :string # @return [Boolean] If this user is shared from a different Zendesk, ticket sharing accounts only attribute :shared, type: :boolean # @return [String] The signature of this user. Only agents and admins can have signatures attribute :signature, type: :string # @return [Boolean] Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot log in to the end-user portal attribute :suspended, type: :boolean # @return [Array] The tags of the user. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled attribute :tags, type: :array # @return [String] Specified which tickets this user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null attribute :ticket_restriction, type: :string # @return [String] The time-zone of this user attribute :time_zone, type: :string # @return [Time] The time of the last update of the user attribute :updated_at, type: :time # @return [String] The API url of this user attribute :url, type: :string # @return [Hash] Custom fields for the user attribute :user_fields # @return [Boolean] Zendesk has verified that this user is who he says he is attribute :verified, type: :boolean attr_accessor :errors assoc_accessor :organization def save! data = if new_record? requires :name, :email cistern.create_user("user" => self.attributes) else requires :identity cistern.update_user("user" => self.attributes) end.body["user"] merge_attributes(data) end def destroy! requires :identity if == cistern.username raise "don't nuke yourself" end merge_attributes( cistern.destroy_user("user" => {"id" => self.identity}).body["user"] ) end def destroyed? !reload || ! end # @param [Time] timestamp time sent with intial handshake # @option options [String] :return_to (nil) url to return to after handshake # @return [String] remote authentication login url # Using this method requires you to implement the additional (user-defined) /handshake endpoint # @see def login_url(timestamp, options={}) requires :name, :email return_to = options[:return_to] token = self.cistern.token || options[:token] uri = URI.parse(self.cistern.url) uri.path = "/access/remote" raise "timestamp cannot be nil" unless timestamp hash_str = "#{}#{}#{token}#{timestamp}" query_values = { 'name' => name, 'email' => email, 'timestamp' => timestamp, 'hash' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hash_str) } unless Zendesk2.blank?(return_to) query_values['return_to'] = return_to end uri.query = Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder.encode(query_values) uri.to_s end # @option options [String] :return_to (nil) url to return to after initial auth # @return [String] url to redirect your user's browser to for login # @see # Cargo-culted from: def jwt_login_url(options = {}) requires :name, :email return_to = options[:return_to] jwt_token = self.cistern.jwt_token || options[:jwt_token] uri = URI.parse(self.cistern.url) uri.path = "/access/jwt" iat = jti = "#{iat}/#{rand(36**64).to_s(36)}" payload = JWT.encode({ :iat => iat, # Seconds since epoch, determine when this token is stale :jti => jti, # Unique token id, helps prevent replay attacks :name =>, :email =>, }, jwt_token) query_values = { 'jwt' => payload } unless Zendesk2.blank?(return_to) query_values['return_to'] = return_to end uri.query = Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder.encode(query_values) uri.to_s end # @return [Zendesk2::Tickets] tickets this user requested def tickets requires :identity self.identity) end alias requested_tickets tickets # @return [Zendesk2::Tickets] tickets this user is CC'd def ccd_tickets requires :identity self.identity) end # @return [Zendesk2::UserIdentities] the identities of this user def identities self.cistern.user_identities("user_id" => self.identity) end # @return [Zendesk2::Memberships] the organization memberships of this user def memberships self.cistern.memberships(user: self) end # @return [Zendesk2::Organizations] the organizations of this user through memberships def organizations self.cistern.organizations(user: self) end end