cs:choose - Conditional Statements" Use to conditionally render rendering elements. If used, the element content is only rendered if it disambiguates two otherwise identical citations. This attempt at disambiguation is only made after all other disambiguation methods have failed. true Tests whether the given variables contain numeric text. Tests whether the given date variables contain approximate dates. Tests whether the locator matches the given locator types. Tests whether the cite position matches the given positions. first subsequent ibid ibid-with-locator near-note Tests whether the item matches the given types. Tests whether the default ("long") forms of the given variables contain non-empty values. Set the testing logic. all Element only tests "true" when all conditions test "true" for all given test values. any Element tests "true" when any condition tests "true" for any given test value. none Element only tests "true" when none of the conditions test "true" for any given test value.