module BrowserIrb class MainController < Volt::ModelController # Include the collection helpers for irb if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'opal' ` Opal.Object.$include((($scope.get('Volt')).$$scope.get('CollectionHelpers'))) ` end def initialize(*args) super @indented = false # Setup ESC keybinding ` $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { #{toggle_console} } }); self.main_node = $('
').appendTo('body'); #{@term} = self.main_node.jqconsole(false, 'volt> ', '...'); ` restore_history prompt $stdout.write_proc = proc {|str| `#{@term}.Write(str, 'line')` } $stderr.write_proc = proc {|str| `#{@term}.Write(str, 'error')` } end def toggle_console ` if ($('body').is('.terminal-open')) { $('body').removeClass('terminal-open'); $('.terminal-area').hide(); } else { $('body').addClass('terminal-open'); $('.terminal-area').show(); #{@term}.Focus(); } ` end def prompt ` self.term.Prompt(true, function(input) { //self.$command(input); }, function (input, cb) { self.$command(input, cb); return false; }, true); ` end def command(command, callback) if command.present? do |code| if code == '...continue...' indent = @indented ? 0 : 2 @indented = true `callback(indent);` else @indent = false `callback(false);` begin # Run the code returned from the server result = `eval(code)` `self.term.Write('=> ' + #{result.inspect} + "\n", 'line');` rescue => e `self.term.Write(#{e.inspect} + "\n", 'error');` end end stash_history prompt do |err| @indent = false `self.term.Write(err, 'error')` `callback(false);` stash_history prompt end else prompt end end def stash_history ` var history = self.term.GetHistory(); history = history.slice(0, 50); sessionStorage.setItem('irbhistory', JSON.stringify(history)); ` end def restore_history ` var data = sessionStorage.getItem('irbhistory'); if (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); self.term.SetHistory(data); } ` end end end if Volt.client? `$(document).ready(function() {` `});` end