module Rhoconnect module Resource def self.included(model) model.extend(ClassMethods) model.extend(HelperMethods) model.send(:include, InstanceMethods) model.send(:include, Callbacks) end module ClassMethods def rhoconnect_receive_create(partition, attributes) instance = self.send(:new) instance.send(:rhoconnect_apply_attributes, partition, attributes) instance.skip_rhoconnect_callbacks = true #=> return object id end def rhoconnect_receive_update(partition, attributes) object_id = attributes.delete('id') instance = self.send(is_datamapper? ? :get : :find, object_id) instance.send(:rhoconnect_apply_attributes, partition, attributes) instance.skip_rhoconnect_callbacks = true object_id end def rhoconnect_receive_delete(partition, attributes) object_id = attributes['id'] instance = self.send(is_datamapper? ? :get : :find, object_id) instance.skip_rhoconnect_callbacks = true instance.destroy object_id end end module InstanceMethods attr_accessor :skip_rhoconnect_callbacks def get_partition @partition = partition @partition.is_a?(Proc) ? : @partition end def rhoconnect_create call_client_method(:create) end def rhoconnect_destroy call_client_method(:destroy) end def rhoconnect_update call_client_method(:update) end def rhoconnect_query(partition, attributes = nil) #return all objects for this partition end # By default we ignore partition # TODO: Document - this is user-facing function def rhoconnect_apply_attributes(partition, attributes) self.attributes = attributes end # Return Rhoconnect-friendly attributes list def normalized_attributes attribs = self.attributes.dup attribs.each do |key,value| attribs[key] = Time.parse(value.to_s).to_i.to_s if value.is_a?(Time) or value.is_a?(DateTime) end if Rhoconnect.configuration.sync_time_as_int attribs end private def call_client_method(action) unless self.skip_rhoconnect_callbacks attribs = self.normalized_attributes begin, self.class.to_s, self.get_partition, attribs) rescue RestClient::Exception => re warn "#{self.class.to_s}: rhoconnect_#{action} returned error: #{re.message} - #{re.http_body}" rescue Exception => e warn "#{self.class.to_s}: rhoconnect_#{action} returned unexpected error: #{e.message}" end end end end module Callbacks def self.included(model) model.class_eval do install_callbacks end end end module HelperMethods def install_callbacks if is_datamapper? # test for dm-serializer if not is_defined?(DataMapper::Serialize) raise "Rhoconnect::Resource requires dm-serializer to work with DataMapper. Install with `gem install dm-serializer` and add to your application." end after :create, :rhoconnect_create after :destroy, :rhoconnect_destroy after :update, :rhoconnect_update elsif is_activerecord? after_create :rhoconnect_create after_destroy :rhoconnect_destroy after_update :rhoconnect_update else raise "Rhoconnect::Resource only supports ActiveRecord or DataMapper at this time." end end private def is_defined?(const) # :nodoc: defined?(const) end def is_datamapper? # :nodoc: self.included_modules.include?(DataMapper::Resource) rescue false end def is_activerecord? # :nodoc: self.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base rescue false end end end end