require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../spec_helper.rb" module ActionView::Helpers::RailsLegacyHelper if ''.respond_to?(:html_safe) # oops def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block) options[:form] = true options[:html] ||= {} options[:html][:onsubmit] = (options[:html][:onsubmit] ? options[:html][:onsubmit] + "; " : "") + "#{remote_function(options)}; return false;" form_tag(options[:html].delete(:action) || url_for(options[:url]), options[:html], &block) end def link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = nil) link_to_function(name, remote_function(options), html_options || options.delete(:html)) end def link_to_function(name, *args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys function = block_given? ? update_page(&block) : args[0] || '' onclick = "#{"#{html_options[:onclick]}; " if html_options[:onclick]}#{function}; return false;" href = html_options[:href] || '#' content_tag(:a, name, html_options.merge(:href => href, :onclick => onclick)) end def button_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = {}) button_to_function(name, remote_function(options), html_options) end end end describe RightRails::Helpers::Rails do include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper include ActionView::Helpers::RailsLegacyHelper include ActionView::Helpers::ScriptaculousHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include RightRails::Helpers::Basic include RightRails::Helpers::Rails # stubbing the convertion methods def url_for(url) url end def protect_against_forgery?() false end describe "#remote_function" do it "should generatorate a simple request" do remote_function(:url => '/foo').should == "Xhr.load('/foo')" end it "should let you specify the method" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :method => 'put').should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{method:'put'})" end it "should accept the method parameter as a symbol too" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :method => :post).should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{method:'post'})" end it "should let you specify the spinners" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :spinner => 'my-spinner').should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{spinner:'my-spinner'})" end it "should let you specify the callbacks" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :before => 'before()', :after => 'after()', :complete => 'complete()', :success => 'success()', :failure => 'failure()').should == "before();Xhr.load('/foo',{"+ "onComplete:function(request){complete();},"+ "onFailure:function(request){failure();},"+ "onSuccess:function(request){success();}});after()" end it "should work with the 'with' parameter" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :with => "'name='+'boo'").should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{params:'name='+'boo'})" end it "should generate an update call" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :update => 'boo').should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{onComplete:function(request){$('boo').update(this.text)}})" end it "should generate an update for different elements depend on the status" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :update => {:success => "boo", :failure => "moo"}).should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{"+ "onFailure:function(request){$('moo').update(this.text)},"+ "onSuccess:function(request){$('boo').update(this.text)}})" end it "should generate update calls with position" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :update => 'boo', :position => :top).should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{onComplete:function(request){$('boo').insert(this.text,'top')}})" end it "should allow to specify the Xhr options" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :evalScripts => true, :encoding => 'cp1251', :params => 'boo=boo').should == "Xhr.load('/foo',{encoding:'cp1251',evalScripts:true,params:'boo=boo'})" end it "should allow the 'condition' option" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :condition => 'boo()').should == "if(boo()){Xhr.load('/foo')}" end it "should allow the 'confirm' option" do remote_function(:url => '/foo', :confirm => 'Sure?').should == "if(confirm('Sure?')){Xhr.load('/foo')}" end end describe "#link_to_function" do it "should still be working with string commands" do link_to_function('click me', "$(this).remove()").should == 'click me' end it "should still be working with blocks" do link_to_function('click me') do |page| page.alert 'boo' end.should == 'click me' end end describe "#button_to_function" do it "should be working with string commands" do button_to_function('Boo', "alert('boo')").should == %Q{} end it "should be working with the blocks" do button_to_function('Boo'){|p| p.alert('boo')}.should == %Q{} end end describe "#link_to_remote" do it "should generate normal remote calls" do link_to_remote('click me', :url => 'boo').should == %Q{click me} end end describe "#button_to_remote" do it "should generate normal remote calls" do button_to_remote('Boo', :url => '/boo').should == %Q{} end end describe "#submit_to_remote" do it "should generate a proper element" do submit_to_remote('name', 'Send', :url => '/foo', :spinner => 'spinner').should == %Q[] end end describe "#form_remote_tag" do it "should generate a simple remote form".should do form_remote_tag(:url => '/boo').should == %Q{
} end it "should generate a proper remote form with options" do form_remote_tag(:url => '/boo', :spinner => 'spinner').should == %Q{} end end describe "#periodically_call_remote" do it "should generate the script" do periodically_call_remote(:url => '/foo').should == %Q{} end end it "should generate #draggable_element_js" do draggable_element_js(:element_id, :revert => true).should == 'new Draggable("element_id", {revert:true});' @_right_scripts.should == ['dnd'] end it "should generate #drop_receiving_element_js" do drop_receiving_element_js(:element_id, :url => '/boo').should == %Q{new Droppable("element_id", {onDrop:function(draggable){Xhr.load('/boo',{params:'id=' + encodeURIComponent(})}});} @_right_scripts.should == ['dnd'] end it "should generate #sortable_element_js" do sortable_element_js(:element_id, :url => '/stuff/%{id}.js').should == %Q{new Sortable('element_id',{url:'/stuff/%{id}.js'})} end end