--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: ox version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.2.13 prerelease: platform: ruby authors: - Peter Ohler autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2011-09-01 00:00:00.000000000Z dependencies: [] description: A fast XML parser and object serializer that uses only standard C lib. email: peter@ohler.com executables: [] extensions: - ext/ox/extconf.rb extra_rdoc_files: - README.rdoc files: - lib/ox/bag.rb - lib/ox/cdata.rb - lib/ox/comment.rb - lib/ox/doctype.rb - lib/ox/document.rb - lib/ox/element.rb - lib/ox/node.rb - lib/ox/version.rb - lib/ox.rb - ext/ox/extconf.rb - ext/ox/base64.h - ext/ox/cache.h - ext/ox/cache8.h - ext/ox/ox.h - ext/ox/base64.c - ext/ox/cache.c - ext/ox/cache8.c - ext/ox/cache8_test.c - ext/ox/cache_test.c - ext/ox/dump.c - ext/ox/gen_load.c - ext/ox/obj_load.c - ext/ox/ox.c - ext/ox/parse.c - test/big.rb - test/bug1.rb - test/bug2.rb - test/bug3.rb - test/cache16_test.rb - test/cache8_test.rb - test/cache_test.rb - test/files.rb - test/func.rb - test/gen_sample.rb - test/obj_sample.rb - test/ox/change.rb - test/ox/dir.rb - test/ox/doc.rb - test/ox/file.rb - test/ox/group.rb - test/ox/hasprops.rb - test/ox/layer.rb - test/ox/line.rb - test/ox/oval.rb - test/ox/rect.rb - test/ox/shape.rb - test/ox/text.rb - test/perf_gen.rb - test/perf_mars.rb - test/perf_obj.rb - test/perf_pod.rb - test/perf_write.rb - test/sample.rb - test/test.rb - test/Sample.graffle - LICENSE - README.rdoc homepage: https://github.com/ohler55/ox licenses: [] post_install_message: rdoc_options: - --main - README.rdoc require_paths: - lib - ext required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' requirements: [] rubyforge_project: ox rubygems_version: 1.8.6 signing_key: specification_version: 3 summary: A fast XML parser and object serializer. test_files: []