# Copyright (c) 2018 Yegor Bugayenko # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. require 'slop' require 'semantic' require 'rainbow' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'time' require_relative 'args' require_relative '../node/farm' require_relative '../log' require_relative '../http' require_relative '../remotes' require_relative '../score' # REMOTE command. # Author:: Yegor Bugayenko (yegor256@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2018 Yegor Bugayenko # License:: MIT module Zold # Remote command class Remote def initialize(remotes:, farm: Farm::Empty.new, log: Log::Quiet.new) @remotes = remotes @farm = farm @log = log end def run(args = []) opts = Slop.parse(args, help: true, suppress_errors: true) do |o| o.banner = "Usage: zold remote [options] Available commands: #{Rainbow('remote show').green} Show all registered remote nodes #{Rainbow('remote clean').green} Remove all registered remote nodes #{Rainbow('remote reset').green} Restore it back to the default list of nodes #{Rainbow('remote add').green} host [port] Add a new remote node #{Rainbow('remote remove').green} host [port] Remove the remote node #{Rainbow('remote elect').green} Pick a random remote node as a target for a bonus awarding #{Rainbow('remote trim').green} Remote the least reliable nodes #{Rainbow('remote update').green} Check each registered remote node for availability Available options:" o.bool '--ignore-score-weakness', 'Don\'t complain when their score is too weak', default: false o.bool '--ignore-score-value', 'Don\'t complain when their score is too small', default: false o.bool '--force', 'Add/remove if if this operation is not possible', default: false o.bool '--reboot', 'Exit if any node reports version higher than we have', default: false o.bool '--help', 'Print instructions' end mine = Args.new(opts, @log).take || return command = mine[0] raise "A command is required, try 'zold remote --help'" unless command case command when 'show' show when 'clean' clean when 'reset' reset when 'add' add(mine[1], mine[2] ? mine[2].to_i : Remotes::PORT, opts) when 'remove' remove(mine[1], mine[2] ? mine[2].to_i : Remotes::PORT, opts) when 'elect' elect(opts) when 'trim' trim(opts) when 'update' update(opts) update(opts, false) else raise "Unknown command '#{command}'" end end private def show @remotes.all.each do |r| score = Rainbow("/#{r[:score]}").color(r[:score] > 0 ? :green : :red) @log.info(r[:host] + Rainbow(":#{r[:port]}").gray + score) end end def clean @remotes.clean @log.debug('All remote nodes deleted') end def reset @remotes.reset @log.debug("Remote nodes set back to default, #{@remotes.all.count} total") end def add(host, port, opts) if @remotes.exists?(host, port) raise "#{host}:#{port} already exists in the list" unless opts['force'] @log.debug("#{host}:#{port} already exists in the list") else @remotes.add(host, port) @log.info("#{host}:#{port} added to the list, #{@remotes.all.count} total") end @log.info("There are #{@remotes.all.count} remote nodes in the list") end def remove(host, port, opts) if @remotes.exists?(host, port) @remotes.remove(host, port) @log.info("#{host}:#{port} removed from the list") else raise "#{host}:#{port} is not in the list" unless opts['force'] @log.debug("#{host}:#{port} is not in the list") end @log.info("There are #{@remotes.all.count} remote nodes in the list") end # Returns an array of Zold::Score def elect(opts) scores = [] @remotes.all.sample(1).each do |winner| @remotes.iterate(@log, farm: @farm) do |r| next if r.host != winner[:host] || r.port != winner[:port] res = r.http('/').get r.assert_code(200, res) score = Score.parse_json(JSON.parse(res.body)['score']) r.assert_valid_score(score) r.assert_score_ownership(score) r.assert_score_strength(score) unless opts['ignore-score-weakness'] r.assert_score_value(score, Tax::EXACT_SCORE) unless opts['ignore-score-value'] @log.info("Elected: #{score}") scores << score end end @log.info("No winners elected out of #{@remotes.all.count} remotes") if scores.empty? scores end def trim(opts) @remotes.all.each do |r| remove(r[:host], r[:port], opts) if r[:errors] > Remotes::TOLERANCE end @log.info("The list of remotes trimmed, #{@remotes.all.count} nodes left there") end def update(opts, deep = true) capacity = [] @remotes.iterate(@log, farm: @farm) do |r| start = Time.now res = r.http('/remotes').get r.assert_code(200, res) json = JSON.parse(res.body) score = Score.parse_json(json['score']) r.assert_valid_score(score) r.assert_score_ownership(score) r.assert_score_strength(score) unless opts['ignore-score-weakness'] @remotes.rescore(score.host, score.port, score.value) if Semantic::Version.new(VERSION) < Semantic::Version.new(json['version']) if opts['reboot'] @log.info("#{r}: their version #{json['version']} is higher than mine #{VERSION}, reboot! \ (use --never-reboot to avoid this from happening)") exit(0) else @log.info("#{r}: their version #{json['version']} is higher than mine #{VERSION}, \ it's recommended to reboot, but I don't do it because of --never-reboot") end end if deep json['all'].each do |s| add(s['host'], s['port'], opts) unless @remotes.exists?(s['host'], s['port']) end end capacity << { host: score.host, port: score.port, count: json['all'].count } @log.info("#{r}: #{Rainbow(score.value).green} (#{json['version']}) in #{(Time.now - start).round(2)}s") end max_capacity = capacity.map { |c| c[:count] }.max || 0 capacity.each do |c| @remotes.error(c[:host], c[:port]) if c[:count] < max_capacity end total = @remotes.all.size if total.zero? @log.debug("The list of remotes is #{Rainbow('empty').red}, run 'zold reset'!") else @log.debug("There are #{total} known remotes") end end end end