== v2.1.0 (25 November 2016) * Add Terminal Notifier OK task (bake:ok_term_notifier) == v2.0.1 (24 November 2016) * Fix version headding addition in markdown files == v2.0.0 (17 November 2016) * Remove code quality tasks (Rubocop now does all of this) == v1.4.3 (17 November 2016) * Fix internal Rubocop violations * Add a blank line after logging out a step == v1.4.2 (12 October 2016) * Make semver tasks update version.rb in gem projects == v1.4.1 (08 September 2016) * Update Rake dependency == v1.4.0 (09 April 2016) * Make bundle-audit update ruby-advisory-db == v1.3.3 (01 March 2016) == v1.3.2 (26 September 2015) == v1.3.1 (25 September 2015) * Fix SimpleCov task (was showing 100% coverage when report was missing; now fails with helpful error) == v1.3.0 (17 August 2015) * Add more metrics tasks (MetricFu, Rubocop, Fasterer, Brakeman, RubyCritic) == v1.2.0 (28 June 2015) * Remove deprecated versioning task == v1.1.5 (28 June 2015) == v1.1.4 (24 March 2015) * Deprecate version task == v1.1.3 (22 March 2015) * Extract missing gem messages for consistant styling. == 1.1.2 (10 February 2015) * Allow the gem to be required with 'rake-n-bake' to match the gem name * Add alias so old projects can still require 'rake_n_bake' == 1.1.1 (05 January 2015) * SemVer now uses integers instead of strings for major, minor and patch == 1.1.0 (09 December 2014) == 1.0.6 (23 October 2014) * SemVer now patches CHANGELOG.md as well as history.rdoc == 1.0.5 (21 October 2014) * Fix semver tasks to write to the correct file == 1.0.4 (21 October 2014) * Update history.rdoc in semver tasks == 1.0.3 (21 October 2014) * Wrap rspec require in a begiun rescue == 1.0.2 (21 October 2014) * Wrap bundler audit require in a begiun rescue == 1.0.1 (21 October 2014) * Require libs in tasks and only require gems in them * Import RakeRack == 1.0.0 (20 October 2014) * Remove broken Karma task * Change the way colours are used on term * Add new Rainbow OK task * Add :check_external_dependencies for checking external dependencies are present * Suppress grep errors if no folder * Extract version logic into a class * Allow all tags to push to RubyGems * Change version tack so it can update gem version * Allow Travis to push gem on tag * Introduce history file