ActivityNotification.configure do |config| # Configure if all activity notifications are enabled # Set false when you want to turn off activity notifications config.enabled = true # Configure ORM name for ActivityNotification. # Set :active_record, :mongoid or :dynamoid. ENV['AN_ORM'] = 'active_record' if ['mongoid', 'dynamoid'].exclude?(ENV['AN_ORM']) config.orm = ENV['AN_ORM'].to_sym # Configure table name to store notification data. config.notification_table_name = "notifications" # Configure table name to store subscription data. config.subscription_table_name = "subscriptions" # Configure if email notification is enabled as default. # Note that you can configure them for each model by acts_as roles. # Set true when you want to turn on email notifications as default. config.email_enabled = false # Configure if subscription is managed. # Note that this parameter must be true when you want use subscription management. # However, you can also configure them for each model by acts_as roles. # Set true when you want to turn on subscription management as default. config.subscription_enabled = false # Configure default subscription value to use when the subscription record does not configured. # Note that you can configure them for each method calling as default argument. # Set false when you want to unsubscribe to any notifications as default. config.subscribe_as_default = true # Configure default email subscription value to use when the subscription record does not configured. # Note that you can configure them for each method calling as default argument. # Set false when you want to unsubscribe to email notifications as default. # config.subscribe_to_email_as_default = true # Configure default optional target subscription value to use when the subscription record does not configured. # Note that you can configure them for each method calling as default argument. # Set false when you want to unsubscribe to optinal target notifications as default. # config.subscribe_to_optional_targets_as_default = true # Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in ActivityNotification::Mailer, # note that it will be overwritten if you use your own mailer class with default "from" parameter. config.mailer_sender = '' # Configure the class responsible to send e-mails. # config.mailer = "ActivityNotification::Mailer" # Configure the parent class responsible to send e-mails. # config.parent_mailer = 'ActionMailer::Base' # Configure the parent job class for delayed notifications. # config.parent_job = 'ActiveJob::Base' # Configure the parent class for activity_notification controllers. # config.parent_controller = 'ApplicationController' # Configure the parent class for activity_notification channels. # config.parent_channel = 'ActionCable::Channel::Base' # Configure the custom mailer templates directory # config.mailer_templates_dir = 'activity_notification/mailer' # Configure default limit number of opened notifications you can get from opened* scope config.opened_index_limit = 10 # Configure ActiveJob queue name for delayed notifications. config.active_job_queue = :activity_notification # Configure delimiter of composite key for DynamoDB. # config.composite_key_delimiter = '#' # Configure if activity_notification stores notificaion records including associated records like target and notifiable.. # This store_with_associated_records option can be set true only when you use mongoid or dynamoid ORM. config.store_with_associated_records = false # Configure if WebSocket subscription using ActionCable is enabled. # Note that you can configure them for each model by acts_as roles. # Set true when you want to turn on WebSocket subscription using ActionCable as default. config.action_cable_enabled = false # Configure if WebSocket API subscription using ActionCable is enabled. # Note that you can configure them for each model by acts_as roles. # Set true when you want to turn on WebSocket API subscription using ActionCable as default. config.action_cable_api_enabled = false # Configure if activity_notification publishes WebSocket notifications using ActionCable only to authenticated target with Devise. # Note that you can configure them for each model by acts_as roles. # Set true when you want to use Device integration with WebSocket subscription using ActionCable as default. config.action_cable_with_devise = false # Configure notification channel prefix for ActionCable. config.notification_channel_prefix = 'activity_notification_channel' # Configure notification API channel prefix for ActionCable. config.notification_api_channel_prefix = 'activity_notification_api_channel' # Configure if activity_notification internally rescues optional target errors. Default value is true. # See for more details. config.rescue_optional_target_errors = true end