module BTC # Private key in Wallet Import Format (WIF aka Sipa format). # Examples: 5KQntKuhYWSRXNq... or L3p8oAcQTtuokSC... class WIF < Address register_class self KEY_LENGTH = 32 def self.mainnet_version 128 end def self.testnet_version 239 end attr_accessor :public_key_compressed def public_key_compressed? @public_key_compressed end def key self.private_key, public_key_compressed: @public_key_compressed, network: end def private_key @data end def public_address self.key.address(network: end def ==(other) return false if !other == && self.version == other.version && self.public_key_compressed == other.public_key_compressed end alias_method :eql?, :== # Usage: # * ...) # * ..., public_key_compressed: true|false, network: ...) # * ...) def initialize(string: nil, data: nil, network: nil, _raw_data: nil, private_key: nil, key: nil, public_key_compressed: nil) if key raise ArgumentError, "Key must contain private_key to be exported in WIF" if !key.private_key private_key = key.private_key if public_key_compressed == nil public_key_compressed = key.public_key_compressed end network ||= end if string if data || private_key || key || (public_key_compressed != nil) || network raise ArgumentError, "Cannot specify individual attributes when decoding WIF from string" end _raw_data ||= Base58.data_from_base58check(string) if _raw_data.bytesize != (1 + KEY_LENGTH) && _raw_data.bytesize != (2 + KEY_LENGTH) raise FormatError, "Raw WIF data should have size #{1 + KEY_LENGTH}(+1), but it is #{_raw_data.bytesize} instead" end # compressed flag is simply one more byte appended to the string @base58check_string = string @data = _raw_data[1, KEY_LENGTH] @public_key_compressed = (_raw_data.bytesize == (2 + KEY_LENGTH)) @version = _raw_data.bytes.first @network = nil elsif data ||= private_key if data.bytesize != KEY_LENGTH raise FormatError, "Failed to create WIF: data should have size #{KEY_LENGTH}, but it is #{data.bytesize} instead" end @base58check_string = nil @data = data @public_key_compressed = public_key_compressed if @public_key_compressed == nil @public_key_compressed = false # legacy default is uncompressed pubkey end @version = nil @network = network else raise ArgumentError, "Either data or string must be provided" end end def data_for_base58check_encoding data = BTC::Data.data_from_bytes([self.version]) + @data if @public_key_compressed data += BTC::Data.data_from_bytes([0x01]) end return data end def inspect %{#<#{self.class}:#{to_s} privkey:#{BTC.to_hex(data)} (#{@public_key_compressed ? '' : 'un'}compressed pubkey)>} end end # For compatibility PrivateKeyAddress = WIF end