module Plugins::Attack::AttackHelper # here all actions on plugin destroying # plugin: plugin model def attack_on_destroy(plugin) current_site.attack.destroy_all end # here all actions on going to active # you can run sql commands like this: # results = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(query); # plugin: plugin model def attack_on_active(plugin) current_site.set_meta("attack_config", {get: {sec: 20, max: 10}, post: {sec: 20, max: 5}, msg: "#{I18n.t('plugin.attack.form.request_limit_exceeded')}", ban: 5, cleared: }) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? 'plugins_attacks' ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :plugins_attacks do |t| t.string :path, index: true t.string :browser_key, index: true t.belongs_to :site, index: true t.datetime "created_at" end end CamaleonCms::Site.class_eval do has_many :attack, class_name: "Plugins::Attack::Models::Attack" end end # here all actions on going to inactive # plugin: plugin model def attack_on_inactive(plugin) current_site.attack.destroy_all end def attack_app_before_load() cache_ban = if cache_ban.present? # render banned message if it was banned render html: cache_ban.html_safe, layout: false return end # save cache requests attack_check_request end private def attack_check_request config = current_site.get_meta("attack_config") q = current_site.attack.where(browser_key: cama_get_session_id, path: attack_request_key) return unless config.present? # clear past requests if (Time.parse(config[:cleared]) rescue 2.hours.ago) < 1.hour.ago current_site.attack.where("plugins_attacks.created_at < ?", 1.hour.ago).delete_all config[:cleared] = current_site.set_meta("attack_config", config) end # post request if ( || request.patch?) r = q.where(created_at: config[:post][:sec] if r.count > config[:post][:max].to_i Rails.cache.write(cama_get_session_id, config[:msg], expires_in: config[:ban].to_i.minutes) # send an email to administrator with request info (ip, browser, if logged then send user info render html: config[:msg].html_safe return end # get request else r = q.where(created_at: config[:get][:sec] if r.count > config[:get][:max].to_i Rails.cache.write(cama_get_session_id, config[:msg], expires_in: config[:ban].to_i.minutes) render html: config[:msg].html_safe return end end q.create() end def attack_request_key(method = nil) "#{method.present? ? method : (( || request.patch?)?"post":"get")}_#{request.path_info.split("?").first}" end def attack_plugin_options(arg) arg[:links] << link_to(t('plugin.attack.settings'), admin_plugins_attack_settings_path) end end