// @page Pattern Library/JavaScript // @name Tabs // // @description // These are the basic tabs used for landing pages. You can either reference a data-target for the urls or href for the target tabs. They have a non-js fallback and fold over to accordion when in small tablet view. They are initialised on page load if the tabs classes exist. // // @javascript // var tabs = new Tabs({ // tabContainer: ".us-tabs", // tabLinks: ".us-tabs-nav-mainlink", // tabTitle: "us-tab-title", // activeClass: "active", // changeUrls: true, // collapsible: true, // autoScroll: false // }); // // @markup //
Fatback capicola leberkas pork loin pork jowl. Meatloaf shoulder pancetta, salami prosciutto ribeye andouille chuck landjaeger short loin filet mignon sirloin. Pork chop tri-tip ham pork hamburger frankfurter leberkas short ribs biltong. Prosciutto ham hock rump, andouille tongue flank sirloin tri-tip ball tip frankfurter ham drumstick meatloaf pork loin.
//Kielbasa tenderloin spare ribs, andouille doner brisket chuck drumstick bresaola short loin pork t-bone ground round jowl. Ball tip pork loin doner tongue filet mignon biltong hamburger leberkas. Filet mignon kielbasa kevin short ribs, drumstick chuck shankle spare ribs tri-tip.
//Pig pastrami pork loin kielbasa, filet mignon meatloaf short ribs tenderloin. Pork loin leberkas kevin fatback porchetta bresaola. Cow rump shoulder pastrami. Andouille pork belly t-bone short ribs brisket. Bresaola pork belly tail salami capicola meatball. Pork belly beef ham landjaeger.