module IdentityCache module ConfigurationDSL extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do |base| base.class_attribute :cached_model base.class_attribute :cache_indexes base.class_attribute :cached_has_manys base.class_attribute :cached_has_ones base.class_attribute :primary_cache_index_enabled base.cached_model = base base.cached_has_manys = {} base.cached_has_ones = {} base.cache_indexes = [] base.primary_cache_index_enabled = true end module ClassMethods # Declares a new index in the cache for the class where IdentityCache was # included. # # IdentityCache will add a fetch_by_field1_and_field2_and_...field for every # index. # # == Example: # # class Product # include IdentityCache # cache_index :name, :vendor # end # # Will add Product.fetch_by_name_and_vendor # # == Parameters # # +fields+ Array of symbols or strings representing the fields in the index # # == Options # * unique: if the index would only have unique values # def cache_index(*fields) raise NotImplementedError, "Cache indexes need an enabled primary index" unless primary_cache_index_enabled options = fields.extract_options! unique = options[:unique] || false cache_attribute_by_alias('primary_key', 'id', by: fields, unique: unique) field_list = fields.join("_and_") arg_list = (0...fields.size).collect { |i| "arg#{i}" }.join(',') if unique self.instance_eval(ruby = <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def fetch_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}, options={}) id = fetch_id_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}) id && fetch_by_id(id, options) end # exception throwing variant def fetch_by_#{field_list}!(#{arg_list}, options={}) fetch_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}, options) or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end CODE else self.instance_eval(ruby = <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def fetch_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}, options={}) ids = fetch_id_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}) ids.empty? ? ids : fetch_multi(ids, options) end CODE end end # Will cache an association to the class including IdentityCache. # The embed option, if set, will make IdentityCache keep the association # values in the same cache entry as the parent. # # Embedded associations are more effective in offloading database work, # however they will increase the size of the cache entries and make the # whole entry expire when any of the embedded members change. # # == Example: # class Product # include IdentityCache # has_many :options # has_many :orders # has_many :buyers # cache_has_many :options, embed: :ids # cache_has_many :orders # cache_has_many :buyers, inverse_name: 'line_item' # end # # == Parameters # +association+ Name of the association being cached as a symbol # # == Options # # * embed: If set to true, will cause IdentityCache to keep the # values for this association in the same cache entry as the parent, # instead of its own. # * inverse_name: The name of the parent in the association if the name is # not the lowercase pluralization of the parent object's class def cache_has_many(association, options = {}) ensure_base_model options = options.slice(:embed, :inverse_name) options[:embed] = :ids unless options.has_key?(:embed) deprecate_embed_option(options, false, :ids) ensure_cacheable_association(association, options) self.cached_has_manys[association] = options case options[:embed] when true build_recursive_association_cache(association, options) when :ids build_id_embedded_has_many_cache(association, options) else raise NotImplementedError end end # Will cache an association to the class including IdentityCache. # IdentityCache will keep the association values in the same cache entry # as the parent. # # == Example: # class Product # cache_has_one :store, embed: true # cache_has_one :vendor # end # # == Parameters # +association+ Symbol with the name of the association being cached # # == Options # # * embed: Only true is supported, which is also the default, so # IdentityCache will keep the values for this association in the same # cache entry as the parent, instead of its own. # * inverse_name: The name of the parent in the association ( only # necessary if the name is not the lowercase pluralization of the # parent object's class) def cache_has_one(association, options = {}) ensure_base_model options = options.slice(:embed, :inverse_name) options[:embed] = true unless options.has_key?(:embed) ensure_cacheable_association(association, options) self.cached_has_ones[association] = options if options[:embed] == true build_recursive_association_cache(association, options) else raise NotImplementedError end end # Will cache a single attribute on its own blob, it will add a # fetch_attribute_by_id (or the value of the by option). # # == Example: # class Product # include IdentityCache # cache_attribute :quantity, by: :name # cache_attribute :quantity, by: [:name, :vendor] # end # # == Parameters # +attribute+ Symbol with the name of the attribute being cached # # == Options # # * by: Other attribute or attributes in the model to keep values indexed. Default is :id # * unique: if the index would only have unique values. Default is true def cache_attribute(attribute, options = {}) cache_attribute_by_alias(attribute.inspect, attribute, options) end def disable_primary_cache_index ensure_base_model self.primary_cache_index_enabled = false end private def cache_attribute_by_alias(attribute, alias_name, options) ensure_base_model options[:by] ||= :id alias_name = alias_name.to_sym unique = options[:unique].nil? ? true : !!options[:unique] fields = Array(options[:by]) self.cache_indexes.push [alias_name, fields, unique] field_list = fields.join("_and_") arg_list = (0...fields.size).collect { |i| "arg#{i}" }.join(',') self.instance_eval(<<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def fetch_#{alias_name}_by_#{field_list}(#{arg_list}) attribute_dynamic_fetcher(#{attribute}, #{fields.inspect}, [#{arg_list}], #{unique}) end CODE end def build_recursive_association_cache(association, options) #:nodoc: options[:association_reflection] = reflect_on_association(association) options[:cached_accessor_name] = "fetch_#{association}" options[:records_variable_name] = "cached_#{association}" self.class_eval(<<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{options[:cached_accessor_name]} fetch_recursively_cached_association('#{options[:records_variable_name]}', :#{association}) end CODE options[:only_on_foreign_key_change] = false add_parent_expiry_hook(options) end def build_id_embedded_has_many_cache(association, options) #:nodoc: singular_association = association.to_s.singularize options[:association_reflection] = reflect_on_association(association) options[:cached_accessor_name] = "fetch_#{association}" options[:ids_name] = "#{singular_association}_ids" options[:cached_ids_name] = "fetch_#{options[:ids_name]}" options[:ids_variable_name] = "cached_#{options[:ids_name]}" options[:records_variable_name] = "cached_#{association}" options[:prepopulate_method_name] = "prepopulate_fetched_#{association}" self.class_eval(<<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) attr_reader :#{options[:ids_variable_name]} def #{options[:cached_ids_name]} @#{options[:ids_variable_name]} ||= #{options[:ids_name]} end def #{options[:cached_accessor_name]} if IdentityCache.should_use_cache? && !#{association}.loaded? @#{options[:records_variable_name]} ||= #{options[:association_reflection].klass}.fetch_multi(#{options[:cached_ids_name]}) else if IdentityCache.fetch_returns_relation #{association} else #{association}.to_a end end end def #{options[:prepopulate_method_name]}(records) @#{options[:records_variable_name]} = records end CODE options[:only_on_foreign_key_change] = true add_parent_expiry_hook(options) end def attribute_dynamic_fetcher(attribute, fields, values, unique_index) #:nodoc: raise_if_scoped cache_key = rails_cache_key_for_attribute_and_fields_and_values(attribute, fields, values, unique_index) IdentityCache.fetch(cache_key) do query = reorder(nil).where(Hash[]) query = query.limit(1) if unique_index results = query.pluck(attribute) unique_index ? results.first : results end end def add_parent_expiry_hook(options) child_class = options[:association_reflection].klass child_class.send(:include, ArTransactionChanges) unless child_class.include?(ArTransactionChanges) child_class.send(:include, ParentModelExpiration) unless child_class.include?(ParentModelExpiration) child_class.parent_expiration_entries[options[:inverse_name]] << [self, options[:only_on_foreign_key_change]] child_class.after_commit :expire_parent_caches end def deprecate_embed_option(options, old_value, new_value) if options[:embed] == old_value options[:embed] = new_value ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("`embed: #{old_value.inspect}` was renamed to `embed: #{new_value.inspect}` for clarity", caller(2)) end end def ensure_base_model if self != cached_model raise DerivedModelError, "IdentityCache class methods must be called on the same model that includes IdentityCache" end end def ensure_cacheable_association(association, options) unless association_reflection = self.reflect_on_association(association) raise AssociationError, "Association named '#{association}' was not found on #{self.class}" end if association_reflection.options[:through] raise UnsupportedAssociationError, "caching through associations isn't supported" end options[:inverse_name] ||= if association_reflection.inverse_of options[:inverse_name] ||= child_class = association_reflection.klass raise InverseAssociationError unless child_class.reflect_on_association(options[:inverse_name]) unless options[:embed] == true || child_class.include?(IdentityCache) raise UnsupportedAssociationError, "associated class #{child_class} must include IdentityCache to be cached without full embedding" end end end end end