 simple table buttons
<input type = text name="confirmtext">
<table >
      <td> <input type = button value = "Click" id = "b1" onClick	= "document.all.confirmtext.value = 'CLICK1';"><td>Click1 </td>
      <td> <input type = button value = "Click" onClick	= "document.all.confirmtext.value = 'CLICK2';"><td>Click2 </td>
      <td> <input type = button value = "Click" onClick	= "document.all.confirmtext.value = 'CLICK3';">
           <input type = button value = "Click too" onClick	= "document.all.confirmtext.value = 'CLICK TOO';">
      <td> <input type = text value = "Im a text field" ></td>

      <td>An input field and a button in the same cell<br> <input type = text name='same_cell' value = "Click ->" ><input type=button value = "Click To Change <-" onClick	= "document.all.same_cell.value = '';" </td>


This table has 3 images in each row. Each is a seperate cell
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><td><img src = images/2.gif><td><img src = images/3.gif>
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><td><img src = images/2.gif><td><img src = images/3.gif>
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><td><img src = images/2.gif><td><img src = images/3.gif>

This table has 3 images in each row. They are all in the same cell
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><img src = images/2.gif><img src = images/3.gif>
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><img src = images/2.gif><img src = images/3.gif>
     <td><img src = images/1.gif><img src = images/2.gif><img src = images/3.gif>

<style type="text/css">
   div.hide { display: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
   div.show { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

   tr.hide { display: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
   tr.show { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }


<script language=javascript>

function expand_or_shrink_row( row ) {

    which_row = 'r' + row;
    which_image = 'i' + row;
    if ( document.getElementById(which_row).className=='hide' ){

    else {



The table below can show or hide its rows. Click the + (or -) to show or hide the row
<table id=show_hide>
  <tr><td><img id=i1 width=30 height=30 src = images/plus.gif onClick='javascript:expand_or_shrink_row("1")'>
  <tr class = hide id=r1><td>Line 1
  <tr><td><img id=i2 width=30 height=30 src = images/plus.gif onClick='javascript:expand_or_shrink_row("2")'>
  <tr  class = hide id=r2><td>Line 2
  <tr><td><img id=i3 width=30 height=30 src = images/plus.gif onClick='javascript:expand_or_shrink_row("3")'>
  <tr  class = hide id=r3><td>Line 3
  <tr><td><img id=i4 width=30 height=30 src = images/plus.gif onClick='javascript:expand_or_shrink_row("4")'>
  <tr  class = hide  id=r4><td>Line 4
  <tr><td><img id=i5 width=30 height=30 src = images/plus.gif onClick='javascript:expand_or_shrink_row("5")'>
  <tr  class = hide id=r5><td>Line 5

