module React # to_native_react_props: the native_component params is used for event handlers, it keeps the event handlers # it does not need to be component, can be a object with the event handlers # language=JS %x{ self.render_buffer = []; self.lower_camelize = function(snake_cased_word) { var parts = snake_cased_word.split('_'); var res = parts[0]; for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { res += parts[i][0].toUpperCase() + parts[i].slice(1); } return res; } self.to_native_react_props = function(ruby_style_props) { var result = {}; var keys = ruby_style_props.$keys(); var keys_length = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < keys_length; i++) { if (keys[i].startsWith("on_")) { var handler = ruby_style_props['$[]'](keys[i]); if (typeof handler === "function") { result[Opal.React.lower_camelize(keys[i])] = handler; } else { var active_component = Opal.React.active_component(); result[Opal.React.lower_camelize(keys[i])] = active_component[handler]; } } else if (keys[i].startsWith("aria_")) { result[keys[i].replace("_", "-")] = ruby_style_props['$[]'](keys[i]); } else { result[Opal.React.lower_camelize(keys[i])] = ruby_style_props['$[]'](keys[i]); } } return result; } self.internal_render = function(component, props, block) { var children; var block_result; var react_element; if (block !== nil) { Opal.React.render_buffer.push([]); block_result = block.$call(); if (block_result && (block_result !== nil && (typeof block_result === "string" || typeof block_result.$$typeof === "symbol" || (typeof block_result.constructor !== "undefined" && block_result.constructor === Array && block_result[0] && typeof block_result[0].$$typeof === "symbol") ))) { Opal.React.render_buffer[Opal.React.render_buffer.length - 1].push(block_result); } children = Opal.React.render_buffer.pop(); if (children.length == 1) { children = children[0]; } else if (children.length == 0) { children = null; } } react_element = React.createElement(component, props, children); Opal.React.render_buffer[Opal.React.render_buffer.length - 1].push(react_element); }; self.active_components = []; self.active_component = function() { var length = Opal.React.active_components.length; if (length === 0) { return null; }; return Opal.React.active_components[length-1]; }; self.active_redux_components = []; self.active_redux_component = function() { var length = Opal.React.active_redux_components.length; if (length === 0) { return null; }; return Opal.React.active_redux_components[length-1]; }; } def self.clone_element(ruby_react_element, props = nil, children = nil, &block) block_result = `null` if block_given? block_result = block_result = `null` unless block_result end native_props = props ? `Opal.React.to_native_react_props(props)` : `null` `React.cloneElement(ruby_react_element.$to_n(), native_props, block_result)` end def self.create_context(const_name, default_value) %x{[const_name] = React.createContext(default_value); var new_const = #{`[const_name]`)}; #{Object.const_set(const_name, `new_const`)}; return new_const; } end def self.create_element(type, props = nil, children = nil, &block) %x{ var component = null; var block_result = null; var native_props = null; if (typeof type.react_component == "function") { component = type.react_component; } else { component = type; } Opal.React.render_buffer.push([]); #{ native_props = `Opal.React.to_native_react_props(props)` if props; } if (block !== nil) { block_result = block.$call() if (block_result && (block_result !== nil && (typeof block_result === "string" || typeof block_result.$$typeof === "symbol" || (typeof block_result.constructor !== "undefined" && block_result.constructor === Array && block_result[0] && typeof block_result[0].$$typeof === "symbol") ))) { Opal.React.render_buffer[Opal.React.render_buffer.length - 1].push(block_result); } children = Opal.React.render_buffer.pop() if (children.length == 1) { children = children[0]; } else if (children.length == 0) { children = null; } } return React.createElement(component, native_props, children); } end def self.create_factory(type) native_function = `React.createFactory(type)` proc { `` } end def self.create_ref`React.createRef()`) end def self.forwardRef(&block) # TODO whats the return here? A React:Element?, doc says a React node, whats that? `React.forwardRef( function(props, ref) { return block.$call().$to_n(); })` end def self.isValidElement(react_element) `React.isValidElement(react_element)` end def self.lazy(import_statement_function) `React.lazy(import_statement_function)` end def self.memo(function_component, &block) if block_given? %x{ var fun = function(prev_props, next_props) { return #{,}; } return React.memo(function_component, fun); } else `React.memo(function_component)` end end end