module Padrino module Generators ## # Responsible for add components within a Padrino project. # class Component < Thor::Group Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:component, self) def self.source_root; File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)); end def self.banner; "padrino-gen component [options]"; end include Thor::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Components::Actions desc "Description:\n\n\tpadrino-gen component add components into a Padrino project" class_option :app, :desc => 'The application name', :aliases => '-n', :default => nil, :type => :string class_option :root, :desc => 'The root destination', :aliases => '-r', :default => '.', :type => :string class_option :adapter, :desc => 'SQL adapter for ORM (sqlite, mysql, mysql2, mysql-gem, postgres)', :aliases => '-a', :default => 'sqlite', :type => :string defines_component_options :default => false ## # For each component, retrieve a valid choice and then execute the associated generator. # def setup_components self.destination_root = options[:root] if in_app_root? @_components ={ |key,_| self.class.component_types.include?(key.to_sym) } @app_name = (options[:app] || "App").gsub(/\W/, '_').camelize if @_components.values.delete_if(&:empty?).empty? self.class.start(["-h"]) say say "Current Selected Components:" list = [] self.class.component_types.each do |comp| list << [comp, fetch_component_choice(comp)] end print_table(list, :indent => 2) exit end self.class.component_types.each do |comp| next if @_components[comp].empty? choice = @_components[comp] = resolve_valid_choice(comp) existing = fetch_component_choice(comp) if existing != 'none' && existing != choice next unless yes?("Switch #{comp} to '#{choice}' from '#{existing}' ?[yes/no]:") end @project_name = fetch_component_choice(:namespace) if comp.to_s == 'test' && !already_exists?(@app_name, @project_name) say "#{@project_name}::#{@app_name} does not exist." say "Please, change app name." next end execute_component_setup(comp, choice) store_component_choice(comp, choice) if comp.to_s == 'orm' && choice.to_s != 'none' inject_into_file destination_root('Rakefile'), "PadrinoTasks.use(:database)\n", :before => "PadrinoTasks.init" inject_into_file destination_root('Rakefile'), "PadrinoTasks.use(#{choice.to_sym.inspect})\n", :before => "PadrinoTasks.init" end end else say 'You are not at the root of a Padrino application! (config/boot.rb not found)' end end end end end