## Add EMS to Report Emissions ## Description This measure reports emissions based on user-provided CSVs. ## Modeler Description This measure uses EnergyPlus' Energy Management System to log and report emissions based on user provided CSV file(s). ## Measure Type EnergyPlusMeasure ## Arguments ## Subregion Name: sub_regn, Type: string, Units: none, Required: true, Model Dependent: false. This argument is the eGrid subregion. Options are: AZNM, CAMX, ERCT, FRCC, MROE, MROW, NEWE, NWPP, NYST, RFCE, RFCM, RFCW, RMPA, SPNO, SPSO, SRMV, SRMW, SRSO, SRTV, and SRVC. Default is RMPA. ## Future Year Name: fut_year, Type: integer, Units: none, Required: true, Model Dependent: false. This argument is the future year of interest. Options are: 2020 to 2050 in two year increments. Default is 2030. ## Historical Year Name: his_year, Type: integer, Units: none, Required: true, Model Dependent: false. This argument is the historical year of interest. Options are: 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019. Default is 2010.