module MemoryProfiler module TopN # Fast approach for determining the top_n entries in a Hash of Stat objects. # Returns results for both memory (memsize summed) and objects allocated (count) as a tuple. def top_n(max, metric_method) stat_totals = self.values.group_by(&metric_method).map do |metric, stats| [metric, stats.reduce(0) { |sum, stat| sum + stat.memsize }, stats.size] end stats_by_memsize = stat_totals.sort_by! { |metric, memsize, _count| [-memsize, metric] }.take(max). map! { |metric, memsize, _count| { data: metric, count: memsize } } stats_by_count = stat_totals.sort_by! { |metric, _memsize, count| [-count, metric] }.take(max). map! { |metric, _memsize, count| { data: metric, count: count } } [stats_by_memsize, stats_by_count] end end end