package SectLabel::AAMatching; ### # This package provides methods to solve the matching problem # between author and affiliation in a pdf # # Do Hoang Nhat Huy 21 Apr, 11 ### use strict; # Dependencies use POSIX; use IO::File; use XML::Writer; use XML::Writer::String; use Class::Struct; # Local libraries use SectLabel::Config; use ParsCit::PostProcess; # Dictionary my %dict = (); # CRF++ my $crft = $SectLabel::Config::crf_test; # Matching features of each author, including # Signals # Coordinations: top, bottom, left, right # Position: page, sections, paragraph, line struct aut_rcfeatures => { signals => '@', top => '$', bottom => '$', left => '$', right => '$', page => '$', section => '$', para => '$', line => '$' }; # Matching features of each affiliation, including # Signals # Coordinations: top, bottom, left, right # Position: page, sections, paragraph, line struct aff_rcfeatures => { signals => '@', top => '$', bottom => '$', left => '$', right => '$', page => '$', section => '$', para => '$', line => '$' }; # Author # Affiliation sub AAMatching { my ($doc, $aut_addrs, $aff_addrs) = @_; my $need_object = 1; # Get the author objects my $aut_lines = Omni::Traversal::OmniCollector($doc, $aut_addrs, $need_object); # Get the affiliation objects my $aff_lines = Omni::Traversal::OmniCollector($doc, $aff_addrs, $need_object); # Dictionary ReadDict($FindBin::Bin . "/../" . $SectLabel::Config::dictFile); # Authors my ($aut_features, $aut_rc_features) = AuthorFeatureExtraction($aut_lines, $aut_addrs); # Call CRF my ($aut_signal, $aut_rc) = AuthorExtraction($aut_features, $aut_rc_features); # Affiliations my ($aff_features, $aff_rc_features) = AffiliationFeatureExtraction($aff_lines, $aff_addrs); # Call CRF my ($aff_signal, $aff_rc, $affs) = AffiliationExtraction($aff_features, $aff_rc_features); # Matching features my $aa_features = AAFeatureExtraction($aut_rc, $aff_rc); # Matching my $aa = AAMatchingImp($aa_features); =pod # DEBUG my $aut_handle = undef; my $aff_handle = undef; my $aau_handle = undef; my $aaf_handle = undef; my $aut_debug = undef; my $aff_debug = undef; my $aa_handle = undef; open $aut_handle, ">:utf8", "aut.features"; open $aff_handle, ">:utf8", "aff.features"; open $aau_handle, ">:utf8", "aau.features"; open $aaf_handle, ">:utf8", "aaf.features"; open $aut_debug, ">:utf8", "aut.debug.features"; open $aff_debug, ">:utf8", "aff.debug.features"; open $aa_handle, ">:utf8", "aa.features"; print $aut_handle $aut_features; print $aff_handle $aff_features; print $aau_handle $aut_rc_features; print $aaf_handle $aff_rc_features; print $aa_handle $aa_features, "\n"; foreach my $author (keys %{ $aut_rc } ) { print $aut_debug $author, ": ", "\n"; foreach my $signal (@{ $aut_rc->{ $author }->signals }) { print $aut_debug "\t", $signal, "\n"; } print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->top, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->bottom, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->left, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->right, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->page, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->section, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->para, "\n"; print $aut_debug "\t", $aut_rc->{ $author }->line, "\n"; } foreach my $affiliation (keys %{ $aff_rc } ) { print $aff_debug $affiliation, ": ", "\n"; foreach my $signal (@{ $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->signals }) { print $aff_debug "\t", $signal, "\n"; } print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->top, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->bottom, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->left, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->right, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->page, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->section, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->para, "\n"; print $aff_debug "\t", $aff_rc->{ $affiliation }->line, "\n"; } close $aut_handle; close $aff_handle; close $aau_handle; close $aaf_handle; close $aut_debug; close $aff_debug; close $aa_handle; # END =cut # Do the matching # XML string my $sxml = ""; # and XML writer my $writer = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => \$sxml, ENCODING => 'utf-8', DATA_MODE => 'true', DATA_INDENT => 2); # Algorithm $writer->startTag("algorithm", "name" => "AAMatching", "version" => $SectLabel::Config::algorithmVersion); # XML header my $date = `date`; chomp($date); my $time = `date +%s`; chomp($time); # Write XML header $writer->startTag("results", "time" => $time, "date" => $date); # Write authors $writer->startTag("authors"); # Write the author name and his corresponding institution foreach my $author (keys %{ $aut_signal }) { $writer->startTag("author"); $writer->startTag("fullname", "source" => "parscit"); $writer->characters($author); $writer->endTag("fullname"); $writer->startTag("institutions"); =pod foreach my $signal (@{ $aut_signal->{ $author } }) { $signal =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Skip blank if ($signal eq "") { next; } $writer->startTag("institution", "symbol" => $signal); $writer->characters($aff_signal->{ $signal }); $writer->endTag("institution"); } =cut foreach my $affiliation (@{ $aa->{ $author } }) { $writer->startTag("institution"); $writer->characters($affiliation); $writer->endTag("institution"); } $writer->endTag("institutions"); $writer->endTag("author"); } # Finish authors $writer->endTag("authors"); # Write institutions $writer->startTag("institutions"); # Write the instituion name foreach my $institute (@{ $affs }) { $writer->startTag("institution"); $writer->characters($institute); $writer->endTag("institution"); } $writer->endTag("institutions"); # Done $writer->endTag("results"); # Done $writer->endTag("algorithm"); # Done $writer->end(); # Return the xml content back to the caller return $sxml; } # Features of the relational classifier between author and affiliation sub AAFeatureExtraction { my ($aut_rc, $aff_rc) = @_; # Relational features my $features = ""; # Features between x authors foreach my $author (keys %{ $aut_rc }) { my @aut_tokens = split /\s/, $author; my $author_nb = join '|||', @aut_tokens; my $min_aff_x = undef; my $min_dist_x = LONG_MAX; my $min_aff_y = undef; my $min_dist_y = LONG_MAX; # Find the nearest affiliation foreach my $aff (keys %{ $aff_rc }) { my $aut_x = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->left + $aut_rc->{ $author }->right) / 2; my $aut_y = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->top + $aut_rc->{ $author }->bottom) / 2; my $aff_x = ($aff_rc->{ $aff }->left + $aff_rc->{ $aff }->right) / 2; my $aff_y = ($aff_rc->{ $aff }->top + $aff_rc->{ $aff }->bottom) / 2; my $dis_x = abs( $aut_x - $aff_x ); my $dis_y = abs( $aut_y - $aff_y ); # Distance between an author and an affiliation # my $distance = sqrt( $dis_x * $dis_x + $dis_y * $dis_y ); # Check if it it the minimum distance in x axis if ($dis_x < $min_dist_x) { $min_dist_x = $dis_x; $min_aff_x = $aff; } # Check if it it the minimum distance in y axis if ($dis_y < $min_dist_y) { $min_dist_y = $dis_y; $min_aff_y = $aff; } } # and y affiliation foreach my $aff (keys %{ $aff_rc }) { my @aff_tokens = split /\s/, $aff; my $aff_nb = join '|||', @aff_tokens; # Content $features .= $author_nb . "#" . $aff_nb . "\t"; my $signal = undef; # Signal if ((scalar(@{ $aut_rc->{ $author }->signals }) == 0) || (scalar(@{ $aff_rc->{ $aff }->signals }) == 0)) { $signal = "diff"; } else { my $matched = undef; # Check each author signal foreach my $aut_sig (@{ $aut_rc->{ $author }->signals }) { # if it match with affiliation signal if ($aut_sig eq ${ $aff_rc->{ $aff }->signals }[ 0 ]) { $matched = 1; last; } } $signal = (! defined $matched) ? "diff" : "same"; } # Signal $features .= $signal . "\t"; # Same page my $page = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->page == $aff_rc->{ $aff }->page) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $page . "\t"; my $section = undef; # Same section if ($page eq "yes") { $section = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->section == $aff_rc->{ $aff }->section) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $section . "\t"; } else { $section = "no"; $features .= $section . "\t"; } my $para = undef; # Same paragraph if (($page eq "yes") && ($section eq "yes")) { $para = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->para == $aff_rc->{ $aff }->para) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $para . "\t"; } else { $para = "no"; $features .= $para . "\t"; } my $line = undef; # Same line if (($page eq "yes") && ($section eq "yes") && ($para eq "yes")) { $line = ($aut_rc->{ $author }->line == $aff_rc->{ $aff }->line) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $line . "\t"; } else { $line = "no"; $features .= $line . "\t"; } # Is neartest affiliation in x axis ? my $nearest_x = ($aff eq $min_aff_x) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $nearest_x . "\t"; # Is neartest affiliation in y axis ? my $nearest_y = ($aff eq $min_aff_y) ? "yes" : "no"; $features .= $nearest_y . "\n"; } } return $features; } # Actually do the matching between author and affiliation sub AAMatchingImp { my ($features) = @_; # Temporary input file for CRF my $infile = BuildTmpFile("aa-input"); # Temporary output file for CRF my $outfile = BuildTmpFile("aa-output"); my $output_handle = undef; # Split and write to temporary input open $output_handle, ">:utf8", $infile; # Split my @lines = split /\n/, $features; # and write foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line eq "") { print $output_handle "\n"; } else { print $output_handle $line, "\t", "no", "\n"; } } # Done close $output_handle; # AA matching model my $match_model = $SectLabel::Config::matFile; # Matching system("$crft -m $match_model $infile > $outfile"); # List of authors and their affiliation (if exists) my %aa = (); my $input_handle = undef; # Read the CRF output open $input_handle, "<:utf8", $outfile; # Read each line and get its label while (<$input_handle>) { my $line = $_; # Trim $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Blank linem, what the heck ? if ($line eq "") { next; } # Split the line my @fields = split /\t/, $line; # and extract the class and the content my $class = $fields[ -1 ]; my $content = $fields[ 0 ]; # You miss if ($class ne "yes") { next; } # Split the content into author name and affiliation name my @tmp = split /#/, $content; # Author name my $author = $tmp[ 0 ]; $author =~ s/\|\|\|/ /g; # Affiliation name my $aff = $tmp[ 1 ]; $aff =~ s/\|\|\|/ /g; # Save if (! exists $aa{ $author }) { $aa{ $author } = (); } # Save push @{ $aa{ $author } }, $aff; } # Done close $input_handle; # Clean up unlink $infile; unlink $outfile; # Done return (\%aa); } # Extract affiliation and their signal using crf sub AffiliationExtraction { my ($features, $rc_features) = @_; # Temporary input file for CRF my $infile = BuildTmpFile("aff-input"); # Temporary output file for CRF my $outfile = BuildTmpFile("aff-output"); my $output_handle = undef; # Split and write to temporary input open $output_handle, ">:utf8", $infile; # Split my @lines = split /\n/, $features; # and write foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line eq "") { print $output_handle "\n"; } else { print $output_handle $line, "\t", "affiliation", "\n"; } } # Done close $output_handle; # Author model my $aff_model = $SectLabel::Config::affFile; # Split the authors system("$crft -m $aff_model $infile > $outfile"); # Each affiliation can have only one signal my %asg = (); # Each affilitiaon can have only one struct my %aaf = (); # List of all affiliations my @aff = (); # Each line in the relational features string my @rc_lines = split /\n/, $rc_features; my $input_handle = undef; # Read the CRF output open $input_handle, "<:utf8", $outfile; # Author and signal string my $prev_class = ""; my @aff_str = (); my $signal_str = ""; # Relational classifier my @aaf_rc = (); # Line counter my $counter = 0; # Next to last signal my $ntl_signal = ""; # Read each line and get its label # TODO: The code assumes that an affiliation will have the following format: 1 foobar institute while (<$input_handle>) { my $line = $_; # Trim $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Blank line mark the end of an affiliation section if ($line eq "") { if ($prev_class eq "affiliation") { my ($affiliation, $rcs) = NormalizeAffiliationName(\@aff_str, \@aaf_rc); # Save the affiliation push @aff, $affiliation; # and its signal if ($ntl_signal ne "") { $asg{ $ntl_signal } = $affiliation; } # Save the signal push @{ $rcs->signals }, $ntl_signal; # Save the record $aaf{ $affiliation } = $rcs; } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { # Save the next to last signal $ntl_signal = NormalizeAffiliationSignal($signal_str); } # Cleanup $ntl_signal = ""; # Cleanup @aff_str = (); $signal_str = ""; $prev_class = ""; # Cleanup @aaf_rc = (); # Update the counter $counter++; next ; } # Split the line my @fields = split /\t/, $line; # and extract the class and the content my $class = $fields[ -1 ]; my $content = $fields[ 0 ]; if ($class eq $prev_class) { # An affiliation if ($class eq "affiliation") { push @aff_str, $content; push @aaf_rc, $rc_lines[ $counter ]; } # A signal elsif ($class eq "signal") { $signal_str .= $content . " "; } } else { if ($prev_class eq "affiliation") { my ($affiliation, $rcs) = NormalizeAffiliationName(\@aff_str, \@aaf_rc); # Save the affiliation push @aff, $affiliation; # and its signal if ($ntl_signal ne "") { $asg{ $ntl_signal } = $affiliation; } # Save the signal push @{ $rcs->signals }, $ntl_signal; # Save the record $aaf{ $affiliation } = $rcs; } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { # Save the next to last signal $ntl_signal = NormalizeAffiliationSignal($signal_str); } # Cleanup @aff_str = (); $signal_str = ""; @aaf_rc = (); # Switch to the current class $prev_class = $class; if ($class eq "affiliation") { push @aff_str, $content; push @aaf_rc, $rc_lines[ $counter ]; } elsif ($class eq "signal") { $signal_str .= $content . " "; } } # Update the counter $counter++; } # Final class if ($prev_class eq "affiliation") { my ($affiliation, $rcs) = NormalizeAffiliationName(\@aff_str, \@aaf_rc); # Save the affiliation push @aff, $affiliation; # and its signal if ($ntl_signal ne "") { $asg{ $ntl_signal } = $affiliation; } # Save the signal push @{ $rcs->signals }, $ntl_signal; # Save the record $aaf{ $affiliation } = $rcs; } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { # Save the next to last signal $ntl_signal = NormalizeAffiliationSignal($signal_str); } # Done close $input_handle; # Clean up unlink $infile; unlink $outfile; # Done return (\%asg, \%aaf, \@aff); } sub NormalizeAffiliationSignal { my ($signal_str) = @_; # Trim $signal_str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Remove all space inside the signature $signal_str =~ s/\s+//g; # Done return $signal_str; } sub NormalizeAffiliationName { my ($aff_str, $aaf_rc) = @_; # Constraint if (scalar(@{ $aff_str }) != scalar(@{ $aaf_rc })) { print STDERR "# It cannot happen, if you encounter it, please consider report it as a bug", "\n"; die; } # Affiliation string my $affiliation = join ' ', @{ $aff_str }; # First word my @fields = split /\s/, $aaf_rc->[ 0 ]; # Save the relational features of an affiliation (its first word) my $rcs = aff_rcfeatures->new( signals => [], top => $fields[ 1 ], bottom => $fields[ 2 ], left => $fields[ 3 ], right => $fields[ 4 ], page => $fields[ 5 ], section => $fields[ 6 ], para => $fields[ 7 ], line => $fields[ 8 ] ); # Done return ($affiliation, $rcs); } # Extract author name and their signal using crf sub AuthorExtraction { my ($features, $rc_features) = @_; # Temporary input file for CRF my $infile = BuildTmpFile("aut-input"); # Temporary output file for CRF my $outfile = BuildTmpFile("aut-output"); my $output_handle = undef; # Split and write to temporary input open $output_handle, ">:utf8", $infile; # Split my @lines = split /\n/, $features; # and write foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line eq "") { print $output_handle "\n"; } else { print $output_handle $line, "\t", "ns", "\n"; } } # Done close $output_handle; # Author model my $author_model = $SectLabel::Config::autFile; # Split the authors system("$crft -m $author_model $infile > $outfile"); # Each author can have one or more signals my %asg = (); # Each author can have only one struct my %aas = (); # Each line in the relational features string my @rc_lines = split /\n/, $rc_features; my $input_handle = undef; # Read the CRF output open $input_handle, "<:utf8", $outfile; # Author and signal string my $prev_class = ""; my @author_str = (); my $signal_str = ""; # Relational classifier my @author_rc = (); # Line counter my $counter = 0; # Next to last authors my %ntl_asg = (); # my $is_authors = 0; # Read each line and get its label while (<$input_handle>) { my $line = $_; # Trim $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Blank line mark the end of an author section if ($line eq "") { if ($prev_class eq "author") { my ($authors, $rcs) = NormalizeAuthorNames(\@author_str, \@author_rc); # Save each author for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $authors }); $i++) { $asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = (); $aas{ $authors->[ $i ] } = $rcs->[ $i ]; $ntl_asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = 0; } } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { my $signals = NormalizeAuthorSignal($signal_str); # Save each signal to its corresponding author foreach my $author (keys %ntl_asg) { foreach my $signal (@{ $signals }) { push @{ $asg{ $author } }, $signal; push @{ $aas{ $author }->signals }, $signal; } } } # Cleanup %ntl_asg = (); # Cleanup @author_str = (); $signal_str = ""; @author_rc = (); # Cleanup $prev_class = ""; # Update the counter $counter++; # $is_authors = 0; next; } # Split the line my @fields = split /\t/, $line; # and extract the class and the content my $class = $fields[ -1 ]; my $content = $fields[ 0 ]; if ($class eq $prev_class) { # An author if ($class eq "author") { push @author_str, $content; push @author_rc, $rc_lines[ $counter ]; } # A signal elsif ($class eq "signal") { $signal_str .= $content . " "; } } else { if ($prev_class eq "author") { my ($authors, $rcs) = NormalizeAuthorNames(\@author_str, \@author_rc); # Save each author for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $authors }); $i++) { $asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = (); $aas{ $authors->[ $i ] } = $rcs->[ $i ]; $ntl_asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = 0; } } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { my $signals = NormalizeAuthorSignal($signal_str); # Save each signal to its corresponding author foreach my $author (keys %ntl_asg) { foreach my $signal (@{ $signals }) { push @{ $asg{ $author } }, $signal; push @{ $aas{ $author }->signals }, $signal; } } } # Clean the next to last author list if this current class is author if (($is_authors == 0) && ($class eq "author")) { %ntl_asg = (); $is_authors = 1; } # if ($class eq "signal") { $is_authors = 0; } # Cleanup @author_str = (); $signal_str = ""; @author_rc = (); # Switch to the current class $prev_class = $class; if ($class eq "author") { push @author_str, $content; push @author_rc, $rc_lines[ $counter ]; } elsif ($class eq "signal") { $signal_str .= $content . " "; } } # Update the counter $counter++; } # Final class if ($prev_class eq "author") { my ($authors, $rcs) = NormalizeAuthorNames(\@author_str, \@author_rc); # Save each author for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $authors }); $i++) { $asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = (); $aas{ $authors->[ $i ] } = $rcs->[ $i ]; $ntl_asg{ $authors->[ $i ] } = 0; } } elsif ($prev_class eq "signal") { my $signals = NormalizeAuthorSignal($signal_str); # Save each signal to its corresponding author foreach my $author (keys %ntl_asg) { foreach my $signal (@{ $signals }) { push @{ $asg{ $author } }, $signal; push @{ $aas{ $author }->signals }, $signal; } } } # Done close $input_handle; # Clean up unlink $infile; unlink $outfile; # Done return (\%asg, \%aas); } sub NormalizeAuthorNames { my ($author_str, $author_rc) = @_; # Constraint if (scalar(@{ $author_str }) != scalar(@{ $author_rc })) { print STDERR "# It cannot happen, if you encounter it, please consider report it as a bug", "\n"; die; } # Mark the beginning of an author name my $begin = 1; # and its corresponding relational features my $rcbegin = 0; my @current = (); my @authors = (); my @rcs = (); # Check all tokens in the author string for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $author_str }); $i++) { my $token = $author_str->[ $i ]; # Mark the end of an author name if ($token =~ m/^(&|and|,|;)$/i) { if (scalar(@current) != 0) { push @authors, ParsCit::PostProcess::NormalizeAuthorName(@current); # Save the relational features of an author (its first word) my @fields = split /\s/, $author_rc->[ $rcbegin ]; # Create new record my $tmp = aut_rcfeatures->new( signals => [], top => $fields[ 1 ], bottom => $fields[ 2 ], left => $fields[ 3 ], right => $fields[ 4 ], page => $fields[ 5 ], section => $fields[ 6 ], para => $fields[ 7 ], line => $fields[ 8 ] ); # Save the record push @rcs, $tmp; } # Cleanup @current = (); $begin = 1; next; } # Mark the begin of an author name if ($begin == 1) { push @current, $token; $begin = 0; $rcbegin = $i; next; } # Author name ending with a comma if ($token =~ m/,$/) { push @current, $token; if (scalar(@current) != 0) { push @authors, ParsCit::PostProcess::NormalizeAuthorName(@current); # Save the relational features of an author (its first word) my @fields = split /\s/, $author_rc->[ $rcbegin ]; # Create new record my $tmp = aut_rcfeatures->new( signals => [], top => $fields[ 1 ], bottom => $fields[ 2 ], left => $fields[ 3 ], right => $fields[ 4 ], page => $fields[ 5 ], section => $fields[ 6 ], para => $fields[ 7 ], line => $fields[ 8 ] ); # Save the record push @rcs, $tmp; } # Cleanup @current = (); $begin = 1; } # or it's just parts of the name else { push @current, $token; } } # Last author name if (scalar(@current) != 0) { push @authors, ParsCit::PostProcess::NormalizeAuthorName(@current); # Save the relational features of an author (its first word) my @fields = split /\s/, $author_rc->[ $rcbegin ]; # Create new record my $tmp = aut_rcfeatures->new( signals => [], top => $fields[ 1 ], bottom => $fields[ 2 ], left => $fields[ 3 ], right => $fields[ 4 ], page => $fields[ 5 ], section => $fields[ 6 ], para => $fields[ 7 ], line => $fields[ 8 ] ); # Save the record push @rcs, $tmp; } # Done return (\@authors, \@rcs); } # sub NormalizeAuthorSignal { my ($signal_str) = @_; # Trim $signal_str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Split into individual signal my @signals = split / |,|:|;/, $signal_str; # Done return \@signals; } # Extract features from affiliation lines # The list of features include # Content # Content, lower case, no punctuation # Content length # First word in line # # XML features # Subscript, superscript # Bold # Italic # Underline # Relative font size # Differentiate features sub AffiliationFeatureExtraction { my ($aff_lines, $aff_addrs) = @_; # NOTE: Relational classifier features my $rc_features = ""; # Features will be stored here my $features = ""; # First word in line my $is_first_line = undef; # Font size my %fonts = (); # Each line contains many runs foreach my $line (@{ $aff_lines }) { my $runs = $line->get_objs_ref(); # Iterator though all work in all lines foreach my $run (@{ $runs }) { my $fsize = $run->get_font_size(); my $words = $run->get_objs_ref(); # Statistic if (! exists $fonts{ $fsize }) { $fonts{ $fsize } = scalar(@{ $words }); } else { $fonts{ $fsize } += scalar(@{ $words }); } } } my $dominate_font = undef; # Sort all the font descend with the number of their appearance my @sorted = sort { $fonts{ $b } <=> $fonts{ $a } } keys %fonts; # Select the dominated font $dominate_font = $sorted[ 0 ]; my $size_mismatch = undef; # TODO: serious error if the size of aff_lines and the size of aff_addrs mismatch if (scalar(@{ $aff_lines }) != scalar(@{ $aff_addrs })) { $size_mismatch = 1; # Print the error but still try to continue print STDERR "# Total number of affiliation lines (" . scalar(@{ $aff_lines }) . ") != Total number of affiliation addresses (" . scalar(@{ $aff_addrs }) . ")." . "\n"; } my $prev_page = undef; my $prev_sect = undef; my $prev_para = undef; # Each line contains many runs for (my $counter = 0; $counter < scalar(@{ $aff_lines }); $counter++) { # Get the line object my $line = $aff_lines->[ $counter ]; # Check the size of aff_lines and aff_addrs if (! defined $size_mismatch) { # Check if two consecutive lines are from two different sections if (! defined $prev_page) { # Init $prev_page = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }; $prev_sect = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }; $prev_para = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' }; } else { # Affiliations from different sections will be separated immediately if (($prev_page != $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }) || ($prev_sect != $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }) || ($prev_para != $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' })) { $features .= "\n"; # NOTE: Relational classifier features $rc_features .= "\n"; } # Save the paragraph index $prev_page = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }; $prev_sect = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }; $prev_para = $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' }; } } # Set first word in line $is_first_line = 1; # Two previous words my $prev_word = undef; my $prev_prev_word = undef; # Format of the previous word my ($prev_bold, $prev_italic, $prev_underline, $prev_suscript, $prev_fontsize) = "unknown"; my $runs = $line->get_objs_ref(); # Iterator though all work in all lines foreach my $run (@{ $runs }) { # The run must be non-empty my $tmp = $run->get_content(); # Trim $tmp =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Skip blank run if ($tmp eq "") { next; } ### # The following features are XML features ### # Bold format my $bold = ($run->get_bold() eq "true") ? "bold" : "none"; # Italic format my $italic = ($run->get_italic() eq "true") ? "italic" : "none"; # Underline my $underline = ($run->get_underline() eq "true") ? "underline" : "none"; # Sub-Sup-script my $suscript = ($run->get_suscript() eq "superscript") ? "super" : ($run->get_suscript() eq "subscript") ? "sub" : "none"; # Relative font size my $fontsize = ($run->get_font_size() > $dominate_font) ? "large" : ($run->get_font_size() < $dominate_font) ? "small" : "normal"; ### # End of XML features ### # All words in the run my $words = $run->get_objs_ref(); # For each word foreach my $word (@{ $words }) { # Get word location my $top = $word->get_top_pos(); my $bottom = $word->get_bottom_pos(); my $left = $word->get_left_pos(); my $right = $word->get_right_pos(); # NOTE: heuristic rule, for words in the same line # If the x-axis distance between this word and the previous word is # three times larger than the distance between the previous word and # the word before it, then it marks the separator. # The better way to do this is to introduce it as a new feature in the # author and affiliation model but this step requires re-training these # two models, so ... # # NOTE: Assuming left to right writing if (! defined $prev_word) { $prev_word = $word; } elsif (! defined $prev_prev_word) { # NOTE: Words have the power to both destroy and heal, when words are both # true and kind, they can change our world if (($prev_word->get_left_pos() != $word->get_left_pos()) && ($prev_word->get_right_pos() != $word->get_right_pos())) { $prev_prev_word = $prev_word; $prev_word = $word; } } else { # NOTE: Words have the power to both destroy and heal, when words are both # true and kind, they can change our world if (($prev_word->get_left_pos() != $word->get_left_pos()) && ($prev_word->get_right_pos() != $word->get_right_pos())) { my $prev_dist = abs ($prev_word->get_left_pos() - $prev_prev_word->get_right_pos()); my $curr_dist = abs ($word->get_left_pos() - $prev_word->get_right_pos()); if ($prev_dist * 5 < $curr_dist) { $features .= "\n"; # NOTE: Relational classifier features $rc_features .= "\n"; } $prev_prev_word = $prev_word; $prev_word = $word; } } # Extract features my $full_content = $word->get_content(); # Trim $full_content =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Skip blank run if ($full_content eq "") { next; } my @sub_content = (); # This is the tricky part, one word e.g. **affiliation will be # splitted into two parts: the signal, and the affiliation if # possible using regular expression while ($full_content =~ m/([\w|-]*)(\W*)/g) { my $first = $1; my $second = $2; # Trim $first =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $second =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Only keep non-blank content if ($first ne "") { push @sub_content, $first; } # Check the signal and separator while ($second =~ m/([,|\.|:|;]*)([^,\.:;]*)/g) { my $sub_first = $1; my $sub_second = $2; # Trim $sub_first =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $sub_second =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Only keep non-blank separator if ($sub_first ne "") { push @sub_content, $sub_first; } # Only keep non-blank signal if ($sub_second ne "") { push @sub_content, $sub_second; } } } foreach my $content (@sub_content) { # Content $features .= $content . "\t"; my $content_n = $content; # Remove punctuation $content_n =~ s/[^\w]//g; # Lower case my $content_l = lc($content); # Lower case, no punctuation my $content_nl = lc($content_n); # Lower case $features .= $content_l . "\t"; # Lower case, no punctuation if ($content_nl ne "") { $features .= $content_nl . "\t"; } else { $features .= $content_l . "\t"; } # Split into character my @chars = split(//, $content); # Content length my $length = (scalar(@chars) == 1) ? "1-char" : (scalar(@chars) == 2) ? "2-char" : (scalar(@chars) == 3) ? "3-char" : "4+char"; $features .= $length . "\t"; # First word in line if ($is_first_line == 1) { $features .= "begin" . "\t"; # Next words are not the first in line anymore $is_first_line = 0; } else { $features .= "continue" . "\t"; } ### # The following features are XML features ### # Bold format $features .= $bold . "\t"; # Italic format $features .= $italic . "\t"; # Underline $features .= $underline . "\t"; # Sub-Sup-script $features .= $suscript . "\t"; # Relative font size $features .= $fontsize . "\t"; # First word in run if (($prev_bold ne $bold) || ($prev_italic ne $italic) || ($prev_underline ne $underline) || ($prev_suscript ne $suscript) || ($prev_fontsize ne $fontsize)) { $features .= "fbegin" . "\t"; } else { $features .= "fcontinue" . "\t"; } # New token $features .= "\n"; # Save the XML format $prev_bold = $bold; $prev_italic = $italic; $prev_underline = $underline; $prev_suscript = $suscript; $prev_fontsize = $fontsize; # NOTE: Relational classifier features # Content $rc_features .= $content . "\t"; # Location $rc_features .= $top . "\t"; $rc_features .= $bottom . "\t"; $rc_features .= $left . "\t"; $rc_features .= $right . "\t"; # Index if (! defined $size_mismatch) { $rc_features .= $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aff_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L4' } . "\t"; } # Done $rc_features .= "\n"; } } } } return ($features, $rc_features); } # Extract features from author lines # The list of features include # Content # Content, lower case, no punctuation # Content length # Capitalization # Numeric property # Last punctuation # First 4-gram # Last 4-gram # Dictionary # First word in line # # XML features # Subscript, superscript # Bold # Italic # Underline # Relative font size # Differentiate features sub AuthorFeatureExtraction { my ($aut_lines, $aut_addrs) = @_; # NOTE: Relational classifier features my $rc_features = ""; # Features will be stored here my $features = ""; # First word in line my $is_first_line = undef; # First word in run # my $is_first_run = undef; # Font size my %fonts = (); # Each line contains many runs foreach my $line (@{ $aut_lines }) { my $runs = $line->get_objs_ref(); # Iterator though all work in all lines foreach my $run (@{ $runs }) { my $fsize = $run->get_font_size(); my $words = $run->get_objs_ref(); # Statistic if (! exists $fonts{ $fsize }) { $fonts{ $fsize } = scalar(@{ $words }); } else { $fonts{ $fsize } += scalar(@{ $words }); } } } my $dominate_font = undef; # Sort all the font descend with the number of their appearance my @sorted = sort { $fonts{ $b } <=> $fonts{ $a } } keys %fonts; # Select the dominated font $dominate_font = $sorted[ 0 ]; my $size_mismatch = undef; # TODO: serious error if the size of aut_lines and the size of aut_addrs mismatch if (scalar(@{ $aut_lines }) != scalar(@{ $aut_addrs })) { $size_mismatch = 1; # Print the error but still try to continue print STDERR "# Total number of author lines (" . scalar(@{ $aut_lines }) . ") != Total number of author addresses (" . scalar(@{ $aut_addrs }) . ")." . "\n"; } my $prev_page = undef; my $prev_sect = undef; my $prev_para = undef; # Each line contains many runs for (my $counter = 0; $counter < scalar(@{ $aut_lines }); $counter++) { # Get the line object my $line = $aut_lines->[ $counter ]; # Check the size of aut_line and aut_addrs if (! defined $size_mismatch) { # Check if two consecutive lines are from two different sections if (! defined $prev_page) { # Init $prev_page = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }; $prev_sect = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }; $prev_para = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' }; } else { # Authors from different sections will be separated immediately if (($prev_page != $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }) || ($prev_sect != $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }) || ($prev_para != $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' })) { $features .= "\n"; # NOTE: Relational classifier features $rc_features .= "\n"; } # Save the paragraph index $prev_page = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' }; $prev_sect = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' }; $prev_para = $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' }; } } # Set first word in line $is_first_line = 1; # Previous word and the word before this my $prev_prev_word = undef; my $prev_word = undef; # Format of the previous word my ($prev_bold, $prev_italic, $prev_underline, $prev_suscript, $prev_fontsize) = "unknown"; my $runs = $line->get_objs_ref(); # Iterator though all work in all lines foreach my $run (@{ $runs }) { # The run must be non-empty my $tmp = $run->get_content(); # Trim $tmp =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Skip blank run if ($tmp eq "") { next; } # Set first word in run # $is_first_run = 1; ### # The following features are XML features ### # Bold format my $bold = ($run->get_bold() eq "true") ? "bold" : "none"; # Italic format my $italic = ($run->get_italic() eq "true") ? "italic" : "none"; # Underline my $underline = ($run->get_underline() eq "true") ? "underline" : "none"; # Sub-Sup-script my $suscript = ($run->get_suscript() eq "superscript") ? "super" : ($run->get_suscript() eq "subscript") ? "sub" : "none"; # Relative font size my $fontsize = ($run->get_font_size() > $dominate_font) ? "large" : ($run->get_font_size() < $dominate_font) ? "small" : "normal"; ### # End of XML features ### # All words in the run my $words = $run->get_objs_ref(); # For each word foreach my $word (@{ $words }) { # Get word location my $top = $word->get_top_pos(); my $bottom = $word->get_bottom_pos(); my $left = $word->get_left_pos(); my $right = $word->get_right_pos(); # NOTE: heuristic rule, for words in the same line # If the x-axis distance between this word and the previous word is # three times larger than the distance between the previous word and # the word before it, then it marks the separator. # The better way to do this is to introduce it as a new feature in the # author and affiliation model but this step requires re-training these # two models, so ... # # NOTE: Assuming left to right writing if (! defined $prev_word) { $prev_word = $word; } elsif (! defined $prev_prev_word) { # NOTE: Words have the power to both destroy and heal, when words are both # true and kind, they can change our world if (($prev_word->get_left_pos() != $word->get_left_pos()) && ($prev_word->get_right_pos() != $word->get_right_pos())) { $prev_prev_word = $prev_word; $prev_word = $word; } } else { # NOTE: Words have the power to both destroy and heal, when words are both # true and kind, they can change our world if (($prev_word->get_left_pos() != $word->get_left_pos()) && ($prev_word->get_right_pos() != $word->get_right_pos())) { my $prev_dist = abs ($prev_word->get_left_pos() - $prev_prev_word->get_right_pos()); my $curr_dist = abs ($word->get_left_pos() - $prev_word->get_right_pos()); if ($prev_dist * 5 < $curr_dist) { $features .= "\n"; # NOTE: Relational classifier features $rc_features .= "\n"; } $prev_prev_word = $prev_word; $prev_word = $word; } } # Extract features my $full_content = $word->get_content(); # Trim $full_content =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Skip blank run if ($full_content eq "") { next; } my @sub_content = (); # This is the tricky part, one word e.g. name** will be splitted # into several parts: the name, the signal, and the separator if # possible using regular expression while ($full_content =~ m/([\w|-]*)(\W*)/g) { my $first = $1; my $second = $2; # Trim $first =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $second =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Only keep non-blank content if ($first ne "") { push @sub_content, $first; } # Check the signal and separator while ($second =~ m/([,|\.|:|;]*)([^,\.:;]*)/g) { my $sub_first = $1; my $sub_second = $2; # Trim $sub_first =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $sub_second =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Only keep non-blank separator if ($sub_first ne "") { push @sub_content, $sub_first; } # Only keep non-blank signal if ($sub_second ne "") { push @sub_content, $sub_second; } } } foreach my $content (@sub_content) { # Content $features .= $content . "\t"; my $content_n = $content; # Remove punctuation $content_n =~ s/[^\w]//g; # Lower case my $content_l = lc($content); # Lower case, no punctuation my $content_nl = lc($content_n); # Lower case $features .= $content_l . "\t"; # Lower case, no punctuation if ($content_nl ne "") { $features .= $content_nl . "\t"; } else { $features .= $content_l . "\t"; } # Capitalization my $ortho = ($content =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}]$/) ? "single" : ($content =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}][\p{IsLower}]+/) ? "init" : ($content =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}]+$/) ? "all" : "others"; $features .= $ortho . "\t"; # Numeric property my $num = ($content =~ /^[0-9]$/) ? "1dig" : ($content =~ /^[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "2dig" : ($content =~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) ? "3dig" : ($content =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "4+dig" : ($content =~ /^[0-9]+(th|st|nd|rd)$/) ? "ordinal" : ($content =~ /[0-9]/) ? "hasdig" : "nonnum"; $features .= $num . "\t"; # Last punctuation my $punct = ($content =~ /^[\"\'\`]/) ? "leadq" : ($content =~ /[\"\'\`][^s]?$/) ? "endq" : ($content =~ /\-.*\-/) ? "multi" : ($content =~ /[\-\,\:\;]$/) ? "cont" : ($content =~ /[\!\?\.\"\']$/) ? "stop" : ($content =~ /^[\(\[\{\<].+[\)\]\}\>].?$/) ? "braces" : "others"; $features .= $punct . "\t"; # Split into character my @chars = split(//, $content); my $clen = scalar @chars; # Content length my $length = (scalar(@chars) == 1) ? "1-char" : (scalar(@chars) == 2) ? "2-char" : (scalar(@chars) == 3) ? "3-char" : "4+char"; $features .= $length . "\t"; # First n-gram $features .= $chars[ 0 ] . "\t"; if ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $length . "\t"; } if ($clen >= 3) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..2 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $length . "\t"; } if ($clen >= 4) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..3 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 3) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..2 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ 0..1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $length . "\t"; } # Last n-gram $features .= $chars[ -1 ] . "\t"; if ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -2..-1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $chars[ -1 ] . "\t"; } if ($clen >= 3) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -3..-1 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -2..-1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $chars[ -1 ] . "\t"; } if ($clen >= 4) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -4..-1 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 3) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -3..-1 ]) . "\t"; } elsif ($clen >= 2) { $features .= join("", @chars[ -2..-1 ]) . "\t"; } else { $features .= $chars[ -1 ] . "\t"; } # Dictionary my $dict_status = (defined $dict{ $content_nl }) ? $dict{ $content_nl } : 0; # Possible names my ($publisher_name, $place_name, $month_name, $last_name, $female_name, $male_name) = undef; # Check all case if ($dict_status >= 32) { $dict_status -= 32; $publisher_name = "publisher" } else { $publisher_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 16) { $dict_status -= 16; $place_name = "place" } else { $place_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 8) { $dict_status -= 8; $month_name = "month" } else { $month_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 4) { $dict_status -= 4; $last_name = "last" } else { $last_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 2) { $dict_status -= 2; $female_name = "female" } else { $female_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 1) { $dict_status -= 1; $male_name = "male" } else { $male_name = "no"; } # Save the feature $features .= $male_name . "\t"; $features .= $female_name . "\t"; $features .= $last_name . "\t"; $features .= $month_name . "\t"; $features .= $place_name . "\t"; $features .= $publisher_name . "\t"; # First word in line if ($is_first_line == 1) { $features .= "begin" . "\t"; # Next words are not the first in line anymore $is_first_line = 0; } else { $features .= "continue" . "\t"; } ### # The following features are XML features ### # Bold format $features .= $bold . "\t"; # Italic format $features .= $italic . "\t"; # Underline $features .= $underline . "\t"; # Sub-Sup-script $features .= $suscript . "\t"; # Relative font size $features .= $fontsize . "\t"; # First word in run if (($prev_bold ne $bold) || ($prev_italic ne $italic) || ($prev_underline ne $underline) || ($prev_suscript ne $suscript) || ($prev_fontsize ne $fontsize)) { $features .= "fbegin" . "\t"; # Next words are not the first in line anymore # $is_first_run = 0; } else { $features .= "fcontinue" . "\t"; } # New token $features .= "\n"; # Save the XML format $prev_bold = $bold; $prev_italic = $italic; $prev_underline = $underline; $prev_suscript = $suscript; $prev_fontsize = $fontsize; # NOTE: Relational classifier features # Content $rc_features .= $content . "\t"; # Location $rc_features .= $top . "\t"; $rc_features .= $bottom . "\t"; $rc_features .= $left . "\t"; $rc_features .= $right . "\t"; # Index if (! defined $size_mismatch) { $rc_features .= $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L1' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L2' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L3' } . "\t"; $rc_features .= $aut_addrs->[ $counter ]->{ 'L4' } . "\t"; } # Done $rc_features .= "\n"; } } } } return ($features, $rc_features); } sub ReadDict { my ($dictfile) = @_; # Absolute path my $dictfile_abs = File::Spec->rel2abs($dictfile); # Dictionary handle my $dict_handle = undef; open ($dict_handle, "<:utf8", $dictfile_abs) || die "Could not open dict file $dictfile_abs: $!"; my $mode = 0; while (<$dict_handle>) { if (/^\#\# Male/) { $mode = 1; } # male names elsif (/^\#\# Female/) { $mode = 2; } # female names elsif (/^\#\# Last/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Chinese/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Months/) { $mode = 8; } # month names elsif (/^\#\# Place/) { $mode = 16; } # place names elsif (/^\#\# Publisher/) { $mode = 32; } # publisher names elsif (/^\#/) { next; } else { chop; my $key = $_; my $val = 0; # Has probability if (/\t/) { ($key,$val) = split (/\t/,$_); } # Already tagged (some entries may appear in same part of lexicon more than once if (! exists $dict{ $key }) { $dict{ $key } = $mode; } else { if ($dict{ $key } >= $mode) { next; } # Not yet tagged else { $dict{ $key } += $mode; } } } } close ($dict_handle); } sub BuildTmpFile { my ($filename) = @_; my $tmpfile = $filename; $tmpfile =~ s/[\.\/]//g; $tmpfile .= $$ . time; # Untaint tmpfile variable if ($tmpfile =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { $tmpfile = $1; } return "/tmp/$tmpfile"; # Altered by Min (Thu Feb 28 13:08:59 SGT 2008) } 1;