module ActiveRecord #:nodoc: module ConnectionAdapters #:nodoc: module OracleEnhancedStructureDump #:nodoc: # Statements separator used in structure dump to allow loading of structure dump also with SQL*Plus STATEMENT_TOKEN = "\n\n/\n\n" def structure_dump #:nodoc: structure = select_values("SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences ORDER BY 1").map do |seq| "CREATE SEQUENCE \"#{seq}\"" end select_values("SELECT table_name FROM all_tables t WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') AND secondary = 'N' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT mv.mview_name FROM all_mviews mv WHERE mv.owner = t.owner AND mv.mview_name = t.table_name) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT mvl.log_table FROM all_mview_logs mvl WHERE mvl.log_owner = t.owner AND mvl.log_table = t.table_name) ORDER BY 1").each do |table_name| virtual_columns = virtual_columns_for(table_name) ddl = "CREATE#{ ' GLOBAL TEMPORARY' if temporary_table?(table_name)} TABLE \"#{table_name}\" (\n" cols = select_all(%Q{ SELECT column_name, data_type, data_length, char_used, char_length, data_precision, data_scale, data_default, nullable FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '#{table_name}' ORDER BY column_id }).map do |row| if(v = virtual_columns.find {|col| col['column_name'] == row['column_name']}) structure_dump_virtual_column(row, v['data_default']) else structure_dump_column(row) end end ddl << cols.join(",\n ") ddl << structure_dump_primary_key(table_name) ddl << "\n)" structure << ddl structure << structure_dump_indexes(table_name) structure << structure_dump_unique_keys(table_name) structure << structure_dump_table_comments(table_name) structure << structure_dump_column_comments(table_name) end join_with_statement_token(structure) << structure_dump_fk_constraints end def structure_dump_column(column) #:nodoc: col = "\"#{column['column_name']}\" #{column['data_type']}" if column['data_type'] =='NUMBER' and !column['data_precision'].nil? col << "(#{column['data_precision'].to_i}" col << ",#{column['data_scale'].to_i}" if !column['data_scale'].nil? col << ')' elsif column['data_type'].include?('CHAR') || column['data_type'] == 'RAW' length = column['char_used'] == 'C' ? column['char_length'].to_i : column['data_length'].to_i col << "(#{length})" end col << " DEFAULT #{column['data_default']}" if !column['data_default'].nil? col << ' NOT NULL' if column['nullable'] == 'N' col end def structure_dump_virtual_column(column, data_default) #:nodoc: data_default = data_default.gsub(/"/, '') col = "\"#{column['column_name']}\" #{column['data_type']}" if column['data_type'] =='NUMBER' and !column['data_precision'].nil? col << "(#{column['data_precision'].to_i}" col << ",#{column['data_scale'].to_i}" if !column['data_scale'].nil? col << ')' elsif column['data_type'].include?('CHAR') || column['data_type'] == 'RAW' length = column['char_used'] == 'C' ? column['char_length'].to_i : column['data_length'].to_i col << "(#{length})" end col << " GENERATED ALWAYS AS (#{data_default}) VIRTUAL" end def structure_dump_primary_key(table) #:nodoc: opts = {:name => '', :cols => []} pks = select_all(<<-SQL, "Primary Keys") SELECT a.constraint_name, a.column_name, a.position FROM user_cons_columns a JOIN user_constraints c ON a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name WHERE c.table_name = '#{table.upcase}' AND c.constraint_type = 'P' AND c.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') SQL pks.each do |row| opts[:name] = row['constraint_name'] opts[:cols][row['position']-1] = row['column_name'] end opts[:cols].length > 0 ? ",\n CONSTRAINT #{opts[:name]} PRIMARY KEY (#{opts[:cols].join(',')})" : '' end def structure_dump_unique_keys(table) #:nodoc: keys = {} uks = select_all(<<-SQL, "Primary Keys") SELECT a.constraint_name, a.column_name, a.position FROM user_cons_columns a JOIN user_constraints c ON a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name WHERE c.table_name = '#{table.upcase}' AND c.constraint_type = 'U' AND c.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') SQL uks.each do |uk| keys[uk['constraint_name']] ||= [] keys[uk['constraint_name']][uk['position']-1] = uk['column_name'] end do |k,v| "ALTER TABLE #{table.upcase} ADD CONSTRAINT #{k} UNIQUE (#{v.join(',')})" end end def structure_dump_indexes(table_name) #:nodoc: indexes(table_name).map do |options| column_names = options[:columns] options = {:name => options[:name], :unique => options[:unique]} index_name = index_name(table_name, :column => column_names) if Hash === options # legacy support, since this param was a string index_type = options[:unique] ? "UNIQUE" : "" index_name = options[:name] || index_name else index_type = options end quoted_column_names = { |e| quote_column_name_or_expression(e) }.join(", ") "CREATE #{index_type} INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)} ON #{quote_table_name(table_name)} (#{quoted_column_names})" end end def structure_dump_fk_constraints #:nodoc: fks = select_all("SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') ORDER BY 1").map do |table| if respond_to?(:foreign_keys) && (foreign_keys = foreign_keys(table["table_name"])).any? do |fk| sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(fk.from_table)} ADD CONSTRAINT #{quote_column_name(fk.options[:name])} " sql << "#{foreign_key_definition(fk.to_table, fk.options)}" end end end.flatten.compact join_with_statement_token(fks) end def structure_dump_table_comments(table_name) comments = [] comment = table_comment(table_name) unless comment.nil? comments << "COMMENT ON TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} IS '#{quote_string(comment)}'" end join_with_statement_token(comments) end def structure_dump_column_comments(table_name) comments = [] columns = select_values("SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '#{table_name}' ORDER BY column_id") columns.each do |column| comment = column_comment(table_name, column) unless comment.nil? comments << "COMMENT ON COLUMN #{quote_table_name(table_name)}.#{quote_column_name(column)} IS '#{quote_string(comment)}'" end end join_with_statement_token(comments) end def foreign_key_definition(to_table, options = {}) #:nodoc: columns = Array(options[:column] || options[:columns]) if columns.size > 1 # composite foreign key columns_sql = {|c| quote_column_name(c)}.join(',') references = options[:references] || columns references_sql = {|c| quote_column_name(c)}.join(',') else columns_sql = quote_column_name(columns.first || "#{to_table.to_s.singularize}_id") references = options[:references] ? options[:references].first : nil references_sql = quote_column_name(options[:primary_key] || references || "id") end table_name = to_table sql = "FOREIGN KEY (#{columns_sql}) REFERENCES #{quote_table_name(table_name)}(#{references_sql})" case options[:dependent] when :nullify sql << " ON DELETE SET NULL" when :delete sql << " ON DELETE CASCADE" end sql end # Extract all stored procedures, packages, synonyms and views. def structure_dump_db_stored_code #:nodoc: structure = [] select_all("SELECT DISTINCT name, type FROM all_source WHERE type IN ('PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'FUNCTION', 'TRIGGER', 'TYPE') AND name NOT LIKE 'BIN$%' AND owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') ORDER BY type").each do |source| ddl = "CREATE OR REPLACE \n" select_all(%Q{ SELECT text FROM all_source WHERE name = '#{source['name']}' AND type = '#{source['type']}' AND owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') ORDER BY line }).each do |row| ddl << row['text'] end ddl << ";" unless ddl.strip[-1,1] == ';' structure << ddl end # export views select_all("SELECT view_name, text FROM user_views ORDER BY view_name ASC").each do |view| structure << "CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW #{view['view_name']} AS\n #{view['text']}" end # export synonyms select_all("SELECT owner, synonym_name, table_name, table_owner FROM all_synonyms WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') ").each do |synonym| structure << "CREATE OR REPLACE #{synonym['owner'] == 'PUBLIC' ? 'PUBLIC' : '' } SYNONYM #{synonym['synonym_name']} FOR #{synonym['table_owner']}.#{synonym['table_name']}" end join_with_statement_token(structure) end def structure_drop #:nodoc: statements = select_values("SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences ORDER BY 1").map do |seq| "DROP SEQUENCE \"#{seq}\"" end select_values("SELECT table_name from all_tables t WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') AND secondary = 'N' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT mv.mview_name FROM all_mviews mv WHERE mv.owner = t.owner AND mv.mview_name = t.table_name) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT mvl.log_table FROM all_mview_logs mvl WHERE mvl.log_owner = t.owner AND mvl.log_table = t.table_name) ORDER BY 1").each do |table| statements << "DROP TABLE \"#{table}\" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS" end join_with_statement_token(statements) end def temp_table_drop #:nodoc: join_with_statement_token(select_values( "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema') AND secondary = 'N' AND temporary = 'Y' ORDER BY 1").map do |table| "DROP TABLE \"#{table}\" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS" end) end def full_drop(preserve_tables=false) #:nodoc: s = preserve_tables ? [] : [structure_drop] s << temp_table_drop if preserve_tables s << drop_sql_for_feature("view") s << drop_sql_for_feature("materialized view") s << drop_sql_for_feature("synonym") s << drop_sql_for_feature("type") s << drop_sql_for_object("package") s << drop_sql_for_object("function") s << drop_sql_for_object("procedure") s.join end def add_column_options!(sql, options) #:nodoc: type = options[:type] || ((column = options[:column]) && column.type) type = type && type.to_sym # handle case of defaults for CLOB columns, which would otherwise get "quoted" incorrectly if options_include_default?(options) if type == :text sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default])}" else # from abstract adapter sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default], options[:column])}" end end # must explicitly add NULL or NOT NULL to allow change_column to work on migrations if options[:null] == false sql << " NOT NULL" elsif options[:null] == true sql << " NULL" unless type == :primary_key end # add AS expression for virtual columns if options[:as].present? sql << " AS (#{options[:as]})" end end def execute_structure_dump(string) string.split(STATEMENT_TOKEN).each do |ddl| execute(ddl) unless ddl.blank? end end private # virtual columns are an 11g feature. This returns [] if feature is not # present or none are found. # return [{'column_name' => 'FOOS', 'data_default' => '...'}, ...] def virtual_columns_for(table) begin select_all <<-SQL SELECT column_name, data_default FROM user_tab_cols WHERE virtual_column = 'YES' AND table_name = '#{table.upcase}' SQL # feature not supported previous to 11g rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => _e [] end end def drop_sql_for_feature(type) short_type = type == 'materialized view' ? 'mview' : type join_with_statement_token( select_values("SELECT #{short_type}_name FROM user_#{short_type.tableize}").map do |name| "DROP #{type.upcase} \"#{name}\"" end) end def drop_sql_for_object(type) join_with_statement_token( select_values("SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type = '#{type.upcase}'").map do |name| "DROP #{type.upcase} \"#{name}\"" end) end def join_with_statement_token(array) string = array.join(STATEMENT_TOKEN) string << STATEMENT_TOKEN unless string.blank? string end end end end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter.class_eval do include ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedStructureDump end