# lib/gemwarrior/entities/player.rb # Player creature require_relative 'creature' require_relative '../battle' require_relative '../misc/formatting' require_relative '../misc/name_generator' require_relative '../misc/player_levels' require_relative '../misc/wordlist' module Gemwarrior class Player < Creature include PlayerLevels include Formatting attr_accessor :stam_cur, :stam_max, :cur_coords, :god_mode, :beast_mode, :use_wordnik, :special_abilities, :monsters_killed, :items_taken, :movements_made, :rests_taken def initialize(options) self.name = generate_name self.description = options.fetch(:description) self.use_wordnik = options.fetch(:use_wordnik) self.face = generate_face(use_wordnik) self.hands = generate_hands(use_wordnik) self.mood = generate_mood(use_wordnik) self.level = options.fetch(:level) self.xp = options.fetch(:xp) self.hp_cur = options.fetch(:hp_cur) self.hp_max = options.fetch(:hp_max) self.atk_lo = options.fetch(:atk_lo) self.atk_hi = options.fetch(:atk_hi) self.defense = options.fetch(:defense) self.dexterity = options.fetch(:dexterity) self.inventory = options.fetch(:inventory) self.rox = options.fetch(:rox) self.stam_cur = options.fetch(:stam_cur) self.stam_max = options.fetch(:stam_max) self.cur_coords = options.fetch(:cur_coords) self.god_mode = options.fetch(:god_mode) self.beast_mode = options.fetch(:beast_mode) self.special_abilities = [] self.monsters_killed = 0 self.items_taken = 0 self.movements_made = 0 self.rests_taken = 0 end def check_self(debug_mode = false, show_pic = true) unless show_pic == false print_char_pic end weapon_slot = '' if has_weapon_equipped? weapon_slot = inventory.weapon.name self.atk_lo = inventory.weapon.atk_lo self.atk_hi = inventory.weapon.atk_hi else weapon_slot = '(unarmed)' end abilities = '' if special_abilities.empty? abilities = 'none...yet(?)' else abilities = Formatting::upstyle(special_abilities.collect { |x| x.to_s }).join(', ') end self_text = "NAME : #{self.name}\n" self_text << "POSITION : #{self.cur_coords.values.to_a}\n" self_text << "WEAPON : #{weapon_slot}\n" self_text << "LEVEL : #{self.level}\n" self_text << "EXPERIENCE: #{self.xp}\n" self_text << "HIT POINTS: #{self.hp_cur}/#{self.hp_max}\n" self_text << "ATTACK : #{self.atk_lo}-#{self.atk_hi}\n" self_text << "DEXTERITY : #{self.dexterity}\n" self_text << "DEFENSE : #{self.defense}\n" self_text << "ABILITIES : #{abilities}\n" if debug_mode self_text << "GOD_MODE : #{self.god_mode}\n" self_text << "BEAST_MODE: #{self.beast_mode}\n" end self_text << "\n#{self.description}\n\n" self_text << "Current status - breathing, wearing clothing, and with a few other specific characteristics: face is #{self.face}, hands are #{self.hands}, and general mood is #{self.mood}.\n" end def rest(world, tent_uses = nil, ensure_fight = false) if ensure_fight battle = Battle.new({:world => world, :player => self, :monster => world.monsters[rand(0..world.monsters.length-1)].clone}) result = battle.start(is_arena = false, is_event = true) if result.eql?('death') return 'death' else return end end cur_loc = world.location_by_coords(cur_coords) if cur_loc.should_spawn_monster? chance_of_ambush = rand(0..100) if chance_of_ambush < 25 battle = Battle.new({:world => world, :player => self, :monster => cur_loc.monsters_abounding[rand(0..cur_loc.monsters_abounding.length-1)].clone}) return battle.start(is_arena = false, is_event = true) end end # stats self.rests_taken += 1 hours = rand(1..23) minutes = rand(1..59) seconds = rand(1..59) hours_text = hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours" mins_text = minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes" secs_text = seconds == 1 ? "second" : "seconds" Animation::run({:phrase => '** Zzzzz **'}) if tent_uses > 0 self.hp_cur = self.hp_max puts "You brandish the trusty magical canvas and, with a flick of the wrist, your home for the evening is set up. Approximately #{hours} #{hours_text}, #{minutes} #{mins_text}, and #{seconds} #{secs_text} later, you wake up, fully rested, ready for adventure." else self.hp_cur = self.hp_cur.to_i + rand(10..15) self.hp_cur = self.hp_max if self.hp_cur > self.hp_max puts "You lie down somewhere quasi-flat and after a few moments, due to extreme exhaustion, you fall into a deep, yet troubled, slumber. Approximately #{hours} #{hours_text}, #{minutes} #{mins_text}, and #{seconds} #{secs_text} later, you wake up with a start. Upon getting to your feet you look around, notice you feel somewhat better, and wonder why you dreamt about #{WordList.new(world.use_wordnik, 'noun-plural').get_random_value}." end end def stamina_dec self.stam_cur = stam_cur - 1 end def modify_name print "Enter new name: " new_name = gets.chomp! if new_name.length <= 0 return "You continue on as #{name}." elsif new_name.length < 3 || new_name.length > 10 return "'#{new_name}' is an invalid length. Make it between 3 and 10 characters, please." else self.name = Formatting::upstyle(new_name) return "New name, '#{name}', accepted." end end def list_inventory inventory.list_contents end def go(locations, direction, sound) case direction when 'north', 'n' self.cur_coords = { :x => cur_coords[:x], :y => cur_coords[:y]+1, :z => cur_coords[:z] } direction_text = '^^^' when 'east', 'e' self.cur_coords = { :x => cur_coords[:x]+1, :y => cur_coords[:y], :z => cur_coords[:z] } direction_text = '>>>' when 'south', 's' self.cur_coords = { :x => cur_coords[:x], :y => cur_coords[:y]-1, :z => cur_coords[:z] } direction_text = 'vvv' when 'west', 'w' self.cur_coords = { :x => cur_coords[:x]-1, :y => cur_coords[:y], :z => cur_coords[:z] } direction_text = '<<<' end print_traveling_text(direction_text, sound) # stats self.movements_made += 1 end def attack(world, monster) battle = Battle.new({:world => world, :player => self, :monster => monster}) result = battle.start if result.eql?('death') return 'death' end end def has_weapon_equipped? self.inventory.weapon end def cur_weapon_name if has_weapon_equipped? return " with your #{inventory.weapon.name}" else return nil end end def take_damage(dmg) self.hp_cur = self.hp_cur - dmg.to_i if hp_cur <= 0 player_death end end def heal_damage(dmg) self.hp_cur = self.hp_cur + dmg.to_i if self.hp_cur > self.hp_max self.hp_cur = self.hp_max end end def update_stats(trigger) old_player_level = PlayerLevels::check_level(self.xp) case when trigger[:reason].eql?(:monster) monster = trigger[:value] self.xp += monster.xp self.rox += monster.rox monster_items = monster.inventory.items unless monster_items.nil? self.inventory.items.concat monster_items unless monster_items.empty? end when trigger[:reason].eql?(:xp) self.xp += trigger[:value] when trigger[:reason].eql?(:level_bump) next_player_level = old_player_level + 1 self.xp = PlayerLevels::get_level_stats(next_player_level)[:xp_start] end new_player_level = PlayerLevels::check_level(self.xp) if new_player_level > old_player_level Animation::run({:phrase => '** LEVEL UP! **'}) new_stats = PlayerLevels::get_level_stats(new_player_level) self.level = new_stats[:level] puts "You are now level #{self.level}!" self.hp_cur = new_stats[:hp_max] self.hp_max = new_stats[:hp_max] puts "You now have #{self.hp_max} hit points!" self.stam_cur = new_stats[:stam_max] self.stam_max = new_stats[:stam_max] puts "You now have #{self.stam_max} stamina points!" self.atk_lo = new_stats[:atk_lo] self.atk_hi = new_stats[:atk_hi] puts "You now have an attack of #{self.atk_lo}-#{self.atk_hi}!" self.defense = new_stats[:defense] puts "You now have #{self.defense} defensive points!" self.dexterity = new_stats[:dexterity] puts "You now have #{self.dexterity} dexterity points!" unless new_stats[:special_abilities].nil? unless self.special_abilities.include?(new_stats[:special_abilities]) self.special_abilities.push(new_stats[:special_abilities]) puts "You learned a new ability: #{Formatting::upstyle(new_stats[:special_abilities])}!" end end end end private def player_death puts 'Your actions have reduced you to death.'.colorize(:red) puts 'Somehow, however, your adventure does not end here. Instead, you are whisked back home via some magical force, a bit worse for the weary and somewhat poorer, but ALIVE!'.colorize(:yellow) return 'death' end # TRAVEL def print_traveling_text(direction_text, sound) Animation::run({:oneline => false, :phrase => "* #{direction_text} *"}) if sound Music::cue([ {:freq_or_note => 'C3', :duration => 75}, {:freq_or_note => 'D3', :duration => 75}, {:freq_or_note => 'E3', :duration => 75} ]) end end # CHARACTER def print_char_pic char_pic = "" char_pic << "************\n" char_pic << "* () *\n" char_pic << "* \\-||-/ *\n" char_pic << "* -- *\n" char_pic << "* || *\n" char_pic << "* _||_ *\n" char_pic << "************\n" puts char_pic end def print_battle_line puts '**************************************' end # INIT def generate_name NameGenerator.new('fantasy').generate_name end def generate_face(use_wordnik) face_descriptors = WordList.new(use_wordnik, 'adjective') face_descriptors.get_random_value end def generate_hands(use_wordnik) hand_descriptors = WordList.new(use_wordnik, 'adjective') hand_descriptors.get_random_value end def generate_mood(use_wordnik) mood_descriptors = WordList.new(use_wordnik, 'adjective') mood_descriptors.get_random_value end end end