require 'git/branch/stray/version' require 'English' require 'consenter' class String def colorize(color_code) "\e[#{color_code}m#{self}\e[0m" end def red colorize('31') end def yellow colorize('33') end end module Kernel def git(command) `git #{command}`.split($RS).each(&:strip!) end end module Git module_function def local_head_refs git("for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads") end def head_refs_for(remote) # alternative implementation that requires # access to the remote tracking repository # # git("ls-remote --quiet --refs --heads #{remote}") # .map { |sha_and_ref| sha_and_ref.split(/\s+/).last } # # but we assume that this utility will mainly be # used as part of a "git workflow" that includes # regular pruning of remote tracking references, # which means we don't have to go over the wire! git("for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/remotes/#{remote}") end def upstream_reference_for(branch) git("rev-parse --verify --abbrev-ref #{branch}@{upstream}").first end def remote_for(branch) git("config --local --get branch.#{branch}.remote").first end def merge_ref_for(branch) git("config --local --get branch.#{branch}.merge").first end def branch_name_from(symbolic_ref) # extract the branch name from a given symbolic ref # local: e.g. "refs/heads/master" # remote: e.g. "refs/remotes/origin/master" symbolic_ref.sub(%r{\Arefs/(heads|remotes/[^/]+)/}, '') end def stray_branches to_branch_name = method(:branch_name_from) local_branch_names = remote_branch_names = { |branch_names, remote| branch_names[remote] = head_refs_for(remote).map(&to_branch_name) } local_branch_names.find_all { |local_branch| (remote = remote_for(local_branch)) && (merge_ref = merge_ref_for(local_branch)) && (upstream_branch = to_branch_name[merge_ref]) && !remote_branch_names[remote].include?(upstream_branch) } end def delete_stray_branches stray_branches.each_consented('Delete stray branch "%s"', inspector: :yellow) do |stray| system("git branch -d #{stray}") next if $CHILD_STATUS.success? Array(stray).each_consented('Delete unmerged branch "%s"', inspector: :red) do |unmerged| system("git branch -D #{unmerged}") end end end def list_stray_branches stray_branches.each do |stray| system("git --no-pager branch -vv --list #{stray}") end end end