# frozen_string_literal: true box({id: :my_box}) circle({id: :my_circle, left: 333}) box({id: :red_box, left: 666, color: :red}) shortcut(key: :b, affect: :all) do |key, object_id| puts "Key #{key} press on #{object_id}" end text({data: "Key 'b' on :all", top: 0}) shortcut(key: :e, option: :meta,affect: [:my_circle, :red_box]) do |key, object_id| puts "Key #{key} press on #{object_id}" end text({data: "Key 'e' with Meta on [:my_circle, :red_box]", top: 30, left: 0, position: :absolute}) shortcut(key: :j, option: :ctrl, affect: :all, exclude: [:my_circle, :my_box]) do |key, object_id| puts "Key #{key} with Ctrl press on #{object_id}" end text({data: "Key 'j' with Ctrl on :all but [:my_circle, :my_box]", top: 50,left: 0, position: :absolute})