class App.ResourcesList constructor: (@el) -> # initialize some stuff @searchForm = @el[0] # # searchPost handles ordering search on index actions # orderSearch: (url,query) => loader = '
' loaded_element = $('.fixed-action-btn') App.shared.setLoader( loaded_element,loader ) window.location.href= url + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query) # # handleLinkedUrls handles other urls referred by an A tag # handleLinkedUrls: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() loaded_element = $(e.currentTarget) App.shared.spinWhileLoading( loaded_element ) url = '&' + $(e.currentTarget).data('url').split('?')[1] window.location.href = App.shared.buildUrl(url,/q=/) # # handleColumnSort will # handleColumnSort: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() dir = $(e.currentTarget).data('direction') || 'asc' fld = $(e.currentTarget).data('field') || 'id' srt = '&s=' + fld + '&d=' + dir window.location.href = App.shared.buildUrl(srt,/q=/) # jqxhr = $.ajax # url: url, # type: 'GET', # dataType: 'html' # jqxhr.done (data, textStatus, jqXHR) -> # $('').html(data) # (data, textStatus, errorThrown) -> # $('#message_container').html(data.responseText) # # handleAttachLinks # allows for attaching/detaching resources from their parents - like: /admin/users/2/printers/3/attach.js # handleAttachLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) => $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) .error (data) => swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handleActivateLinks # allows for activating/deactivating resources - like: /admin/users/2/activate # handleActivateLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) => $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) .error (data) => swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handlePreferredLinks # allows for preferring/deferring resources - like: /admin/printers/2/prefer & /admin/printers/2/defer # handlePreferredLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) # are we preferring? prefer = $elem.attr('href').match /prefer/ request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) => if prefer sel='a.preferred' if $elem.attr('ref')!=undefined sel='a.preferred[ref="x"]'.replace /x/, $elem.attr('ref') $(sel).each (k,e) => $e=$(e) if $e!=$elem url=$e.attr('href').replace 'defer', 'prefer' $e.attr 'href', url $e.html 'bookmark_border' $elem.html(data) # if prefer # sel='a.preferred' # if $elem.attr('ref')!=undefined # sel='a.preferred[ref="x"]'.replace /x/, $elem.attr('ref') # # $(sel).each (k,e) => # $e = $(e) # if $e != $elem # console.log $e # $e.attr('href').replace 'defer', 'prefer' # $e.html 'bookmark_border' # # $elem.html 'bookmark' # # here we have to write all the existing preferred ones # $.when $(sel).each (k,e) => # $e = $(e) # $e.attr('href').replace 'defer', 'prefer' # $e.html 'bookmark_border' # # $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) # .then $elem.html 'bookmark' .error (data) => swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handlePrintLinks # initializes the tags classed with '.print_post_link' to print a post # handlePrintLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() elem = $(e.currentTarget) loaded_element = elem.closest('.loader_container') App.shared.printPost( elem, loaded_element ) # # starting a search - and making some noise about it! # searchKey: (e) => if e.keyCode == 13 e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $('') @orderSearch(@searchForm.action, $elem.val()) # # starting a search - and making some noise about it! # searchClick: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $('') @orderSearch(@searchForm.action, $elem.val()) prepare: => @searchForm = $('#list-search-form')[0] try $(document.body).off('click.print') $(document.body).off('') $(document.body).off('') $(document.body).on 'click.print', 'a.print_post_link, a.print_item', @handlePrintLinks $(document.body).on '', '', @searchKey $(document.body).on '', 'form[type="submit"]', @searchClick # # If this page has a resources_list # $('table.resources_table').map (k,t) => $(document.body).off('click.attach') $(document.body).off('click.activate') $(document.body).off('click.prefer') $(document.body).off('click.sort_on_column') $(document.body).off('click.linked_urls') $(document.body).on 'click.attach', 'a.attached, a.detached', @handleAttachLinks $(document.body).on 'click.activate', 'a.activated, a.deactivated', @handleActivateLinks $(document.body).on 'click.prefer', 'a.preferred, a.deferred', @handlePreferredLinks $(document.body).on 'click.sort_on_column', 'th[role="sort"]', @handleColumnSort $(document.body).on 'click.linked_urls', 'a.linked_url', @handleLinkedUrls catch error alert 'App.ResourcesList did not prepare!' console.log error