- url ||= reports_path = form_for report, :url => url, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| - if report.errors.any? #error_explanation %h3= t('e.there_are_errors') %ul - report.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %li= msg .row .col-md-6 .field = f.label :"Name & Name SEO" = f.text_field :name, :class=> 'form-control', :placeholder => "name of report", :type => "text" = f.text_field :name_seo, :class=> 'form-control', :placeholder => "name seo", :type => "text" .col-md-6 .field = f.label :subhead = f.text_area :subhead, :class => 'form-control', :rows => "5", :style=> "resize: vertical;" .field = f.label :Description = f.text_area :descr, :class => 'tinymce' %br .row .col-md-4 .field %label City = select :report, :city_id, @cities_list, :class=>"btn" .field = f.label :Coordinates .panel.panel-default .panel-body .col-md-6 .form-group %label{} X-coordinate = f.text_field :x, :placeholder => "x", :type => "text", :class=>"form-control" .col-md-6 .form-group %label{} Y-coordinate = f.text_field :y, :placeholder => "y", :type => "text", :class=>"form-control" .col-sm-4 .field = f.label :premium_tier = f.number_field :premium_tier .field = f.label :user_profile = select :report, :user_profile_id, @user_profiles_list .col-md-4 unused .row .col-md-6 = f.label :site = f.select :site_id, options_for_select(@sites_list, :selected => report.site_id || params[:site_id] ) .col-md-6 = f.label :tags = f.select :tag_ids, @tags_list, {}, { multiple: true } .panel.panel-default .panel-heading %h3.panel-title Upload File .panel-body .row .col-md-6.col-md-offset-3 %button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block{:type => "button", :onClick => "upload()"} Upload File = file_field_tag :photo, :style => "display:none", :id=>"photo" .div.center %img#thumbnail_image_boy.img-thumbnail{:alt => "uploaded image", :width=>"200px"} :javascript $( document ).ready(function() { $(".caret").html(""); }); function upload(){ document.getElementById("photo").click(); } function handleFileSelect(evt) { var files = evt.target.files; // Loop through the FileList and render image files as thumbnails. for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) { // Only process image files. if (f.type.match('image.*')) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { // get loaded data and render thumbnail. document.getElementById("thumbnail_image_boy").src = e.target.result; }; // read the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsDataURL(f); }else{ $("#photo").val(""); alert("Only images accepted."); } } } document.getElementById('photo').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false); .input = f.check_box :is_public = f.label :is_public .input = f.check_box :is_trash = f.label :is_trash %button.btn.btn-success{:type => "submit"} submit