#!/bin/bash function __rvm_install_source { if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_selected_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi __rvm_log "info" "Installing Ruby from source to: $rvm_ruby_home" mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_log_path" __rvm_pushpop "$rvm_src_path" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_force_flag" ]] ; then rm -rf "$rvm_ruby_home" "$rvm_ruby_src_path" fi result=0 # TODO: This really should be about the url instead of this hokey logic. if [[ -z "$rvm_head_flag" ]] && [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_tag" ]] && [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_revision" ]] ; then if [[ ! -f "$rvm_archives_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name.tar.gz" ]] ; then rvm_url="${rvm_url:-"ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.$rvm_major_version/$rvm_ruby_package_name.tar.gz"}" __rvm_log "info" "Downloading $rvm_ruby_package_name, this may take a while depending on your connection..." __rvm_fetch "$rvm_url" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi #mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_src_path" # Is this line necessary considering -C below? v __rvm_run "extract" "tar xzf $rvm_archives_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name.tar.gz -C $rvm_src_path" "Extracting $rvm_ruby_package_name ..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi else if [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_url | awk '/^git/')" ]] ; then if [[ -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path/.git" ]] ; then cd $rvm_ruby_src_path if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_revision" ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Pulling from $rvm_ruby_repo_url, this may take a while depending on your connection..." git pull origin master if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi else if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_sha" ]] ; then git checkout HEAD else git checkout $(echo $rvm_ruby_sha | sed 's#^s##') fi if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi else __rvm_log "info" "Cloning from $rvm_ruby_repo_url, this may take a while depending on your connection..." git clone --depth 1 $rvm_ruby_repo_url $rvm_ruby_src_path if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi else if [[ ! -z "$rvm_head_flag" ]] || [[ "trunk" = "$rvm_ruby_revision" ]] ; then rvm_url="$rvm_ruby_repo_url/trunk" rvm_rev="" elif [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_tag" ]] ; then # TODO: Check if tag v is valid rvm_url="$rvm_ruby_repo_url/tags/$rvm_ruby_tag" rvm_rev="" else rvm_url=$rvm_ruby_repo_url/branches/ruby_1_${rvm_major_version}_${rvm_minor_version} rvm_rev="-$rvm_ruby_revision" fi if [[ -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path/.svn" ]] ; then cd $rvm_ruby_src_path __rvm_log "info" "Updating ruby from $rvm_url" __rvm_run "svn.update" "svn update" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_rev" ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Checking out revision ${rvm_rev/-r/-r } from $rvm_url" __rvm_run "svn.checkout" "svn update -q ${rvm_rev/-r/-r }" fi else rm -rf $rvm_ruby_src_path __rvm_run "svn.checkout" "svn checkout -q ${rvm_rev/-r/-r } $rvm_url $rvm_ruby_src_path" fi if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi fi cd $rvm_ruby_src_path if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" ; __rvm_pushpop ; return $result ; fi if [[ ! -s "$rvm_ruby_src_path/configure" ]] ; then rvm_autoconf="$(which autoconf)" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "rvm expects autoconf" ; result=$? ; return $result ; fi __rvm_run "autoconf" "$rvm_autoconf" "Running autoconf" # if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi # Don't barf on autoconf fail... fi if [[ -s ./Makefile ]] && [[ -z "$rvm_reconfigure_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Skipping configure step, Makefile exists so configure must have already been run." elif [[ ! -z "rvm_ruby_configure" ]] ; then __rvm_run "configure" "$rvm_ruby_configure" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi elif [[ -s ./configure ]] ; then __rvm_run "configure" "./configure --prefix=$rvm_ruby_home $rvm_ruby_configure $configure_parameters" "Configuring $rvm_ruby_package_name, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi unset configure_parameters else __rvm_log "error" "Skipping configure step, 'configure' script does not exist, did autoconf not run successfully?" fi rvm_ruby_make=${rvm_ruby_make:-"/usr/bin/make"} __rvm_run "make" "$rvm_ruby_make $rvm_make_flags" "Compiling $rvm_ruby_package_name, this may take a while, depending on your cpu(s)..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi rvm_ruby_make_install=${rvm_ruby_make_install:-"/usr/bin/make install"} __rvm_run "install" "$rvm_ruby_make_install" "Installing $rvm_ruby_package_name" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi __rvm_log "info" "Installation of $rvm_ruby_package_name is complete." GEM_HOME="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ; export GEM_HOME GEM_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ; export GEM_PATH __rvm_rubygems_setup __rvm_bin_script __rvm_run "chmod.bin" "chmod +x $rvm_ruby_home/bin/*" __rvm_post_install __rvm_pushpop } function __rvm_install_ruby { if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_selected_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi if [[ ! -z "$RUBYOPT" ]] ; then ruby_options="$RUBYOPT" ; unset RUBYOPT ; fi __rvm_make_flags case "$rvm_ruby_interpreter" in macruby) if [[ "Darwin" = "$(uname)" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_head_flag" = 1 ]] ; then macruby_path="/usr/local/bin" # TODO: configure & make variables should be set here. rvm_ruby_configure="" rvm_ruby_make="rake" rvm_ruby_make_install="sudo rake install" rvm_url="$(__rvm_db "${rvm_ruby_interpreter}_repo_url")" rvm_ruby_repo_url=$rvm_url __rvm_install_source $* else # if [[ "nightly" = "$rvm_ruby_version" ]] ; then macruby_path="/usr/local/bin" # TODO: Separated nightly from head. rvm_url="$(__rvm_db "macruby_nightly_url")" __rvm_log "info" "Retrieving the latest nightly macruby build..." __rvm_fetch "$rvm_url" mv "$rvm_archives_path/latest" "$rvm_archives_path/macruby_nightly.pkg" __rvm_run "macruby/extract" "sudo installer -pkg '$rvm_path/archives/macruby_nightly.pkg' -target '/'" mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_home/bin" fi binaries="erb gem irb rake rdoc ri ruby testrb" # Trick to work in more shells :) for binary_name in $(echo $binaries); do # if [[ $binary_name != "gem" ]] ; then prefix="-S" ; fi ruby_wrapper=$(cat < $file_name if [[ -f $file_name ]] ; then chmod +x $file_name ; fi done unset file_name ruby_wrapper binary_name files prefix done __rvm_irbrc else __rvm_log "fail" "MacRuby can only be installed on a Darwin OS." fi ;; ree) if [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_version | awk '/^1\.8/')" ]] && [[ -z "$rvm_head_flag" ]] ; then rvm_url="$(__rvm_db "ree_${rvm_ruby_version}_url")/$rvm_ruby_package_file.tar.gz" __rvm_log "info" "Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition from source to: $rvm_ruby_home" __rvm_pushpop "$rvm_src_path" if [[ -z "$rvm_force_flag" ]] && [[ -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path" ]] && [[ ! -x "$rvm_ruby_src_path/installer" ]] ; then __rvm_log "It appears that the archive has already been extracted. Skipping extract (use --force to force re-download and extract)." else __rvm_log "Downloading $rvm_ruby_package_file, this may take a while depending on your connection..." __rvm_fetch "$rvm_url" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi rm -rf "$rvm_ruby_src_path" __rvm_run "extract" "tar xzf $rvm_archives_path/$rvm_ruby_package_file.tar.gz -C $rvm_src_path" "Extracting $rvm_ruby_package_file..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi mv "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_ruby_package_file" "$rvm_ruby_src_path" fi cd "$rvm_ruby_src_path" mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_log_path" mkdir -p "${rvm_ruby_home}/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_configure" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_configure="$(echo $rvm_ruby_configure | sed 's#--#-c --#g')"; fi __rvm_run "install" "./installer -a $rvm_path/$rvm_ruby_interpreter-$rvm_ruby_version-$rvm_ruby_patch_level $rvm_ree_options --dont-install-useful-gems $rvm_ruby_configure" "Installing $rvm_ruby_string, this may take a while, depending on your cpu(s)..." # --no-tcmalloc if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi chmod +x $rvm_ruby_home/bin/* __rvm_rubygems_setup for rvm_gem_name in rake ; do __rvm_run "gems" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem install $rvm_gem_name --no-rdoc --no-ri -q" "Installing $rvm_gem_name" done __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/rake" __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/rake" __rvm_irbrc __rvm_bin_scripts __rvm_post_install __rvm_pushpop else rvm_url="$(__rvm_db "ree_${rvm_ruby_version}_repo_url")" if [[ -z "$rvm_url" ]] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "rvm does not know the rvm repo url for 'ree_${rvm_ruby_version}'" result=1 else rvm_ruby_repo_url=$rvm_url __rvm_install_source $* fi fi ;; rbx|rubinius) __rvm_log "info" "Installing pre-requisites" # prereqs, 1.8.7 w/ParseTree & rake. Yes this could all be one line... not pushing our luck. echo "$(export rvm_install_on_use_flag=1 ; rvm 1.8.7)" # This should install if missing. # TODO: use 'rvm gems load' here: echo "$(rvm 1.8.7%rbx ; gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri rake ParseTree)" # This should install if missing. __rvm_unset_ruby_variables rvm_ruby_string="rbx-head" ; __rvm_select unset GEM_HOME GEM_PATH MY_RUBY_HOME IRBRC PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | awk '$0 !~ /rvm/' | paste -sd : -) PATH=$rvm_bin_path:$PATH ; export PATH rvm_ruby_repo_url=$rvm_rubinius_repo_url rvm_ruby_home="$rvm_path/$rvm_ruby_interpreter-$rvm_ruby_version" # For Installer, can do this once it's ready: RBX_PREFIX=$rvm_ruby_home ; export RBX_PREFIX # Also see 'rakelib/configuration.rake' if [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] || [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_home/.git" ]] ; then rm -rf $rvm_ruby_home ; cd $rvm_home __rvm_run "rbx.repo" "git clone --depth 1 $rvm_ruby_repo_url $rvm_ruby_home" "Cloning $rvm_ruby_repo_url" cd $rvm_ruby_home else cd $rvm_ruby_home __rvm_run "rbx.repo" "git pull origin master" "Pulling from origin master" fi #if [[ ! -x "$rvm_ruby_distclean" ]] ; then # __rvm_run "rake.distclean" "\$(rvm 1.8.7%rbx ; rake distclean --trace)" "Running distclean." #fi rvm_ruby_configure="./configure --prefix=$rvm_ruby_home" ; message="Configuring rbx" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_jit_flag" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_configure="$rvm_ruby_configure --enable-llvm" ; message="$message with LLVM enabled" fi __rvm_run "configure" "$rvm_ruby_configure" "$message" rvm_ruby_make="\$(rvm 1.8.7%rbx ; rake --trace)" ; message="Compiling rbx" __rvm_run "rake" "$rvm_ruby_make" "$message" # TODO: Uncomment the following once --prefix is working properly again #rvm_ruby_make_install="\$(rvm 1.8.7%rbx ; rake install --trace)" ; message="Installing rbx" #__rvm_run "rake.install" "$rvm_ruby_make" "$message" binaries="ruby irb" # Trick to work in more shells :) for binary_name in $(echo $binaries) ; do ln -fs $rvm_ruby_home/bin/rbx $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary_name done ; unset binary_name binaries __rvm_run "rake.install" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/rbx gem install rake --no-rdoc --no-ri" "Installing Rake" binary=rake if [[ -f $rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" != "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] ; then cp $rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary fi chmod +x $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" fi ; unset binary binaries="erb ri rdoc" __rvm_post_install binaries="gem" # Trick to work in more shells :) for binary_name in $(echo $binaries); do if [[ $binary_name != "gem" ]] ; then prefix="-S" ; fi ruby_wrapper=$(cat < $file_name if [[ -f $file_name ]] ; then chmod +x $file_name ; fi done ; unset file_name unset ruby_wrapper binary_name files prefix done __rvm_irbrc __rvm_bin_scripts ;; jruby) mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_log_path" "$rvm_ruby_src_path" __rvm_pushpop $rvm_src_path if [[ "$rvm_head_flag" -eq 1 ]] || [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_revision" ]] ; then if [[ -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path/.git" ]] ; then cd "$rvm_ruby_src_path" if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_revision" ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Pulling from $rvm_ruby_repo_url, this may take a while depending on your connection..." git pull origin master if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi else if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_sha" ]] ; then git checkout HEAD else git checkout $(echo $rvm_ruby_sha | sed 's#^s##') fi if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi else rm -rf "$rvm_ruby_src_path" __rvm_log "info" "Cloning from $rvm_ruby_repo_url, this may take a while depending on your connection..." git clone --depth 1 "$rvm_ruby_repo_url" "$rvm_ruby_src_path" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi fi cd "$rvm_ruby_src_path" ant dist else if [[ -z "$rvm_force_flag" ]] && [[ -f $rvm_package_file ]] && [[ -s $rvm_package_file ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "It appears that $rvm_package_file has already been downloaded, skipping. Use --force to force re-download." else __rvm_log "info" "Downloading $rvm_package_file, this may take a while depending on your connection..." __rvm_fetch "$rvm_url" fi __rvm_run "extract" "tar zxf $rvm_archives_path/$rvm_package_file.tar.gz -C $rvm_src_path" "Extracting $rvm_package_file..." if [[ "$rvm_package_file" != "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then mv "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_package_file" "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_ruby_string" fi cd "$rvm_ruby_src_path" fi mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/" cd "$rvm_ruby_src_path/tool/nailgun" && /usr/bin/make $rvm_make_flags __rvm_pushpop if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] || [[ "$rvm_ruby_home" = "/" ]] ; then echo "WTH?!?! rvm_ruby_home == / ??? not removing." ; return 1000000 ; fi rm -rf $rvm_ruby_home __rvm_run "install" "/bin/cp -Rf $rvm_ruby_src_path $rvm_ruby_home" "Installing JRuby to $rvm_ruby_home" __rvm_pushpop $rvm_ruby_home/bin/ for binary in jirb jruby jgem ; do ln -nfs $binary ${binary#j} done ; unset binary __rvm_pushpop for binary in rake rdoc ri spec autospec \ testrb jrubyc jirb_swing jirb jgem ast generate_yaml_index.rb; do __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary __rvm_inject_gem_env $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary chmod +x $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary done ; unset binary __rvm_rubygems_setup __rvm_irbrc __rvm_bin_script __rvm_use for rvm_gem_name in jruby-openssl ; do __rvm_run "gems" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem install $rvm_gem_name --no-rdoc --no-ri -q" "Installing $rvm_gem_name" done ; unset rvm_gem_name ;; mput|shyouhei) unset GEM_HOME GEM_PATH MY_RUBY_HOME IRBRC PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | awk '$0 !~ /rvm/' | paste -sd : -) PATH=$rvm_bin_path:$PATH ; export PATH rvm_ruby_repo_url=$rvm_shyouhei_repo_url rvm_ruby_configure=" " rvm_ruby_src_path=$rvm_ruby_home # rvm_ruby_make="rake" # rvm_ruby_make_install="rake install" rvm_ruby_home="$rvm_path/$rvm_ruby_interpreter-$rvm_ruby_version" # rvm_ruby_revision="head" if [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path" ]] || [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_src_path/.git" ]] ; then rm -rf $rvm_ruby_src_path __rvm_run "mput.repo" "git clone --depth 1 $rvm_ruby_repo_url $rvm_ruby_src_path" "Cloning $rvm_ruby_repo_url" cd $rvm_ruby_home else cd $rvm_ruby_home __rvm_run "mput.repo" "git pull origin trunk" "Pulling from origin trunk" fi if [[ ! -s "$rvm_ruby_src_path/configure" ]] ; then rvm_autoconf="$(which autoconf)" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "rvm expects autoconf" ; result=$? ; return $result ; fi __rvm_run "autoconf" "$rvm_autoconf" "Running autoconf" # if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi # Don't barf on autoconf fail... fi if [[ -s ./Makefile ]] && [[ -z "$rvm_reconfigure_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Skipping configure step, Makefile exists so configure must have already been run." elif [[ -s ./configure ]] ; then __rvm_run "configure" "./configure --prefix=$rvm_ruby_home $rvm_ruby_configure $configure_parameters" "Configuring $rvm_ruby_package_name using $rvm_ruby_configure, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi unset configure_parameters elif [[ ! -z "rvm_ruby_configure" ]] ; then $rvm_ruby_configure else __rvm_log "error" "Skipping configure step, 'configure' script does not exist, did autoconf not run successfully?" fi rvm_ruby_make=${rvm_ruby_make:-"/usr/bin/make"} __rvm_run "make" "$rvm_ruby_make $rvm_make_flags" "Compiling $rvm_ruby_package_name, this may take a while, depending on your cpu(s)..." if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi rvm_ruby_make_install=${rvm_ruby_make_install:-"/usr/bin/make install"} __rvm_run "install" "$rvm_ruby_make_install" "Installing $rvm_ruby_package_name" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then result=$? ; return $result ; fi __rvm_log "info" "Installation of $rvm_ruby_package_name is complete." GEM_HOME="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ; export GEM_HOME GEM_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ; export GEM_PATH __rvm_rubygems_setup __rvm_bin_script __rvm_run "chmod.bin" "chmod +x $rvm_ruby_home/bin/*" __rvm_post_install __rvm_pushpop ;; ruby) __rvm_install_source $* ;; default) __rvm_log "fail" "must specify a ruby interpreter to install." ;; *) __rvm_log "fail" "Ruby interpreter '$rvm_ruby_interpreter' is not known." esac if [[ ! -z "$ruby_options" ]] ; then RUBYOPT=$ruby_options ; export RUBYOPT ; fi } function __rvm_manage_rubies { __rvm_state rubies=() ; successes=() ; errors=() ; statuses=() unset rvm_gem_set_name rvm_ruby_gem_home=$(echo $rvm_ruby_gem_home | awk -F'%' '{print $1}') rvm_ruby_string=$(echo $rvm_ruby_string | awk -F'%' '{print $1}') # TODO: Extract the common functionality out of the if below if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then unset rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_version __rvm_${rvm_action}_ruby elif [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_version" ]] ;then for rvm_ruby_string in $(echo $rvm_ruby_version | tr ',' ' ') ; do eval "__rvm_${rvm_action}_ruby" __rvm_unset_ruby_variables done elif [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_interpreter" ]] ; then unset rvm_ruby_string rvm_ruby_version eval "__rvm_${rvm_action}_ruby" else # all if [[ "$rvm_action" != "install" ]] ; then while read bin_line do # Keep this on second line damnit! if [[ -x "$bin_line" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string="$(dirname "$bin_line" | xargs dirname | xargs basename)" eval "__rvm_${rvm_action}_ruby" __rvm_unset_ruby_variables fi done < <(\ls $rvm_path/*/bin/ruby 2> /dev/null) else __rvm_log "warn" 'Really? Install all? See "rvm list --all" and limit the selection to something more sane please :)' fi fi __rvm_state if [[ ! -z "$rvm_summary_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_summary ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_yaml_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_yaml ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_json_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_json ; fi } function __rvm_uninstall_ruby { if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_selected_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_package_name" ]] ; then for dir in $rvm_path ; do if [[ -d $dir/$rvm_ruby_package_name ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Removing $dir/$rvm_ruby_package_name..." rm -rf $dir/$rvm_ruby_package_name else __rvm_log "info" "$dir/$rvm_ruby_package_name has already been removed." fi if [[ -e $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name ]] ; then rm -f $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name fi done ; unset dir rm -rf $rvm_gem_path/$rvm_ruby_interpreter/$rvm_ruby_version*/ else __rvm_log "fail" "Cannot uninstall unknown package '$rvm_ruby_package_name'" fi } function __rvm_remove_ruby { if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_selected_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_select ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then for dir in $rvm_src_path $rvm_path ; do if [[ -d $dir/$rvm_ruby_string ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Removing $dir/$rvm_ruby_string..." rm -rf $dir/$rvm_ruby_package_name else __rvm_log "info" "it seems that $dir/$rvm_ruby_string is already non existent." fi if [[ -e $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_string ]] ; then rm -f $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_string fi done ; unset dir else __rvm_log "fail" "Cannot uninstall unknown package '$rvm_ruby_package_name'" fi } function __rvm_post_install { binaries="${binaries:-"gem irb erb ri rdoc testrb rake"}" for binary in $(echo $binaries) ; do if [[ -e "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" ]] || [[ -e "$rvm_ruby_src_path/bin/$binary" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_ruby_src_path" != "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] && [[ -f "$rvm_ruby_src_path/bin/$binary" ]] ; then cp -f "$rvm_ruby_src_path/bin/$binary" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" elif [[ -f "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary" ]] ; then cp -f "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" fi __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" chmod +x "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" fi done ; unset binary binaries __rvm_log "info" "Installing gems for $rvm_ruby_package_name." for rvm_gem_name in rake ; do __rvm_run "gems.install" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem install $rvm_gem_name --no-rdoc --no-ri -q" "Installing $rvm_gem_name" done ; unset rvm_gem_name __rvm_log "info" "Installation of gems for $rvm_ruby_package_name is complete." binary=rake if [[ -x $rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" != "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] ; then cp $rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin/$binary $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary fi __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary" fi ; unset binary } function __rvm_rubygems_setup { if [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_version | awk '/^1\.9/')" ]] || [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_interpreter | awk '/^mput/')" ]] ; then # 1.9 has it's own built-in gem command __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_src_path/bin/gem" __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem" cp $rvm_ruby_src_path/bin/gem $rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem __rvm_run "rubygems.update" "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem update --system" "Updating rubygems for $rvm_ruby_string" __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem" __rvm_inject_gem_env "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem" elif [[ ! -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_interpreter | awk '/^rbx|jruby/')" ]] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Skipping rubygems update for $rvm_ruby_version" else __rvm_log "info" "Installing rubygems dedicated to $rvm_ruby_package_name..." rvm_gem_package_name="rubygems-1.3.5" rvm_gem_url="http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/60718/$rvm_gem_package_name.tgz" if [[ -d "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name" ]] && [[ -f "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name/setup.rb" ]]; then cd "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name" else rm -rf "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name" __rvm_log "info" "Retrieving $rvm_gem_package_name" __rvm_fetch "$rvm_gem_url" mkdir -p "$rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name" __rvm_run "rubygems.extract" "tar zxf $rvm_archives_path/$rvm_gem_package_name.tgz -C $rvm_src_path" "Extracting $rvm_gem_package_name" fi __rvm_run "rubygems.install" "GEM_PATH=$rvm_gem_path GEM_HOME=$rvm_ruby_gem_home $rvm_ruby_home/bin/ruby $rvm_src_path/$rvm_gem_package_name/setup.rb" "Installing rubygems for $rvm_ruby_home/bin/ruby" result=$? if [[ $result -eq 0 ]] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Installation of rubygems $rvm_ruby_package_name completed successfully." else __rvm_log "warning" "Installation of rubygems $rvm_ruby_package_name did not complete successfully." fi __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang "$rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem" fi return $result } function __rvm_inject_ruby_shebang { __rvm_actual_file $1 if [[ -f "$actual_file" ]] ; then sed -i.orig -e "s=env [j]*ruby=env $rvm_ruby_home/bin/ruby=" $actual_file rm -f $actual_file.orig ; chmod +x "$actual_file" fi ; unset actual_file } function __rvm_inject_gem_env { __rvm_actual_file $1 if [[ -f "$actual_file" ]] ; then if [[ ! -z "$(head -n 1 $actual_file | awk '/[j]*ruby/')" ]] ; then string="ENV['GEM_HOME']=ENV['GEM_HOME'] || '$rvm_ruby_gem_home'\nENV['GEM_PATH']=ENV['GEM_PATH'] || '$rvm_ruby_gem_home'\nENV['PATH']='$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin:' + ENV['PATH']" elif [[ ! -z "$(head -n 1 $actual_file | awk '/bash/')" ]] ; then string="GEM_HOME=\${GEM_HOME:-'$rvm_ruby_gem_home'}\nGEM_PATH=\${GEM_PATH:-'$rvm_ruby_gem_home'}\nPATH=$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin:\$PATH" fi if [[ ! -z "$string" ]] ; then awk "NR==2 {print \"$string\"} {print}" "$actual_file" > "$actual_file.new" mv $actual_file.new $actual_file ; chmod +x "$actual_file" unset string fi fi ; unset actual_file } function __rvm_actual_file { if [[ -L $1 ]] ; then # If the file is a symlink, actual_file="$(readlink $1)" # read the link target so we can preserve it. else actual_file="$1" fi }