require 'rails/generators' # # # keep generator idempotent, thanks module FlexibleAdmin class CkeditorGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) desc "flexible_admin ckeditor generator" def install_gem append_file "Gemfile", "\n", :force => true gem "ckeditor", "~> 3.6.3" gem "paperclip" gem 'aws-s3', :require => 'aws/s3' inside Rails.root do run "bundle install" end end def run_generator generate "ckeditor:install" generate "ckeditor:models --orm=active_record --backend=paperclip" end def set_paperclip_settings_for_s3 remove_file 'app/models/ckeditor/picture.rb' remove_file 'app/models/ckeditor/attachment_file.rb' template "ckeditor/picture.rb", "app/models/ckeditor/picture.rb" template "ckeditor/attachment_file.rb", "app/models/ckeditor/attachment_file.rb" end def instructions say "you now need to run 'rake db:migrate' to create the ckeditor tables", :blue say "the pictures/attachments for ckeditor assume an amazon_s3 config file at config/amazon_s3.yml. Add that file OR change the settings at app/models/ckeditor/picture.rb & app/models/ckeditor/attachment_file.rb", :blue end end end