# would like to have this in YML format :) 2022-01-19 v0.14.1: - added `rainbows_and_unicorns` method to String. Syntactis sugar at its limit! - better Septober. Now supports :local/:remote which seems more meaningful. - removed Makefile from .gemspec (which is like a manual and SILLY .gemignore) 2022-01-05 v0.14.0: - fixed Septober script to v1.0.1. Yuppie! 2022-01-05 v0.13.1: - just realized some idiot (me) pushed 0.13.0 so i need to beat it. https://rubygems.org/gems/ric/ 2022-01-05 v0.12.5: - Added lolcat as dependency. Life wouldnt be the same without. 2020-11-08 v0.12.4: - nothing really just testing the deploy for my other gem (ric_addons) - renamed xcopy to ric-xcopy for respect to better developers :P 2011-10-06 v0.12.1: - Nothing really. Just testing the deploy 2011-10-05 v0.12.0: - Requiring at Gemfile level some libraries (such as active_resource), so I can DRY the requirement in scripts... ;) 2012-11-25 v0.11.20: - added Gemfile and Travios, now it compiles better. 2011-10-05 v0.11.19: - moved itunes to itunes.rb (itunes ships now with sakura!) 2011-10-05 v0.11.18: - septober v1.0.0 (just updated label) 2011-10-05 v0.11.17: - echo gemspec: now added to Runtime Dependencies like in rails gem. Lets see if it works 2011-10-05 v0.11.16: - echoe gemspec: tried to add activeresource to dependencies but cut/pasted wrong and now its a DEVEL dependency: worthless 2011-10-05 v0.11.15: - septober v0.9.8 timeout from 7 to 15 secs 2011-02-06 v0.11.14: - septober v0.9.8 with timeout and :edit 2011-02-06 v0.11.13: - septober v0.9.7 with better CLI - reengineering septober yaml and help... 2011-02-06 v0.11.12: - septober v0.9.6 with tags and other stuff 2011-02-06 v0.11.12: - septober v0.9.6 with tags and other stuff 2011-02-06 v0.11.11: - better septober add 2011-02-06 v0.11.10: - refactored fatal, and better xcopy script and library. Yay! 2011-02-06 v0.11.8: - just cleanup 2011-02-06 v0.11.7: - small small bug that forced u to include require yaml.. - added debug funcs like 'fatal' and 'warning' 2011-02-06 v0.11.6: - Added xconf 2011-02-06 v0.11.5: - Added septober binary 2011-02-06 v0.11.4: - Added some tests but they dont work :P 2011-01-24 v0.11.3: - Added debug() alias 2011-01-24 v0.11.2: - Added debug() alias WITH A BUG!!! 2011-01-24 v0.11.1: - 'trying to better link ric/debug, I hope God wants its the good one!!' 2011-01-24 v0.11.0: - Moved 'riclib' to 'ric' in github! 2011-01-24 v0.10.7: - Added Ric::Debug with deb and debug_on (and merged) 2011-01-16 v0.10.1: - moving everything! Its a miracle if it still works.. in fact it doesnt 2011-01-16 v0.9.7: - ric_help fixed - VERSION made DRY! (same in module Ric.version and into gem! Its extremely unefficient but thats the price for dryness!) 2011-01-16 v0.9.6: - colors are broken, I implemnent a small test script in bin/ 2011-01-16 v0.9.2: - Added uniquify from rbates just to copy it. # See Echoe CHANGELOG format (this is an example, should RAKE/BAKE it from the HISTORY.YML) #2011-02-06 v0.11.14: #v0.11.15. Changed timeout and something else #v0.11.14. v0.9.8 with timeout and :edit #v0.11.13: septober v0.9.7 with better CLI - reengineering septober yaml and help...