<% # Controllers that use this partial must supply the following variables: # thread # user # per_page # page # show_all # Additionally, they may override the following variable: @commontator_thread_show ||= false %> <% if !thread.nil? && thread.can_be_read_by?(user) %>
<% if @commontator_thread_show %> <%= render partial: 'commontator/threads/show', locals: { thread: thread, user: user, page: page, per_page: per_page, show_all: show_all } %> <% else %> <% subscription = thread.subscription_for(user) %> <%= link_to "#{t 'commontator.thread.actions.show'} (#{ (subscription.unread_comments.count.to_s + '/') if subscription }#{thread.filtered_comments.count.to_s})", commontator.thread_path(thread), remote: true %> <% end %>
<% end %>