Feature: deprecation_stream Define a custom output stream for warning about deprecations (default `$stderr`). RSpec.configure {|c| c.deprecation_stream = File.open('deprecations.txt', 'w') } or RSpec.configure {|c| c.deprecation_stream = 'deprecations.txt' } Background: Given a file named "lib/foo.rb" with: """ruby class Foo def bar RSpec.deprecate "Foo#bar" end end """ Scenario: default - print deprecations to $stderr Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "foo" describe "calling a deprecated method" do example { Foo.new.bar } end """ When I run `rspec spec/example_spec.rb` Then the output should contain "DEPRECATION: Foo#bar is deprecated" Scenario: configure using the path to a file Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "foo" RSpec.configure {|c| c.deprecation_stream = 'deprecations.txt' } describe "calling a deprecated method" do example { Foo.new.bar } end """ When I run `rspec spec/example_spec.rb` Then the output should not contain "DEPRECATION" But the output should contain "1 deprecation logged to deprecations.txt" And the file "deprecations.txt" should contain "Foo#bar is deprecated" Scenario: configure using a File object Given a file named "spec/example_spec.rb" with: """ruby require "foo" RSpec.configure {|c| c.deprecation_stream = File.open('deprecations.txt', 'w') } describe "calling a deprecated method" do example { Foo.new.bar } end """ When I run `rspec spec/example_spec.rb` Then the output should not contain "DEPRECATION" But the output should contain "1 deprecation logged to deprecations.txt" And the file "deprecations.txt" should contain "Foo#bar is deprecated"