= 3.2.0 (unreleased) = 3.1.1 (unreleased) * [CHANGED] Removed user guide. Docs can now be found at http://docs.typuscmf.com/ * [NEW] New configuration setting which allows serving Typus from a subdomain. (42b5d8ae) * [FIXED] HABTM associations were not working as expected when using namespaced models. * [CHANGED] Configuration can be read from subfolders so you can organize better your models. I'm starting to use a file per model and I'd recommend you start using it ... (8a3fc09f) * [FIXED] Helper Method `display_virtual` was not defined. (2b7e1948) * [FIXED] Do not show Trash link when user can't edit items. * [CHANGED] Updated Rubies list for Travis-CI. * [CHANGED] Default development/test database is now **Postgresql**. = 3.1.0 * [NEW] Filter with scopes. * [NEW] Three different actions to save a record. * [CHANGED] Now we have a dashboard for every installed application. * [CHANGED] Associations are now cleaner. No more "relate" and "unrelate". * [NEW] 960.gs (http://960.gs/) * [NEW] Formalize (http://formalize.me/) * [NEW] Chosen (http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/) * [CHANGED] We now support data types, which is basically a cleaner way to add support to future data models. (Eg. CarrierWave) * [CHANGED] Dragonfly attachments now also show details. (Size, date ...) * [CHANGED] Improved usability by using Fancybox to add new related records. * [NEW] Bulk actions. * [CHANGED] Controllers are now splitted into modules so we can have a library of common use cases. * [CHANGED] WillPaginate has been replaced by Kaminari. * [CHANGED] TypusCMS becomes TypusCMF. * [NEW] Applications tabs can be sorted! * [NEW] Models can be hidden from sidebars and dashboard. * [NEW] Module to enable Trash functionality. Need the rails-trash plugin. * [FIXED] We should be able to use namespaced models with more than 2 levels of namespace. * [CHANGED] We can't longer set models as "Read Only" from the configuration files, this was interesting but not really usefull as anyone could mass-assign attributes. Now to set an attribute as "Read Only" you only need to protect it using "attr_protected". * [NEW] Detect "attr_protected" roles. * [NEW] Asset pipeline usage. (Yes, we are in Rails 3.1) * [CHANGED] Removed "Autocomplete" module. * [NEW] Typus is now tested with Travis-CI. * [NEW] Improved MongoDB support. * [NEW] Improved Devise support out of the box. * [CHANGED] Improved how exporters work. Exporting only works if we define it on the model, otherwise will raise a 422 error. * [CHANGED] Updated mailer templates and renamed them. We are using the templates provided by Devise. * [CHANGED] We can set image sizes. * [CHANGED] Moved demo application to "test/dummy" following "enginex" conventions. * [CHANGED] We are not longer using FasterCSV on Ruby 1.8.7. * [NEW] Introduced the concept of "Widgets". Dashboard is now a "Widget". * [CHANGED] Custom actions are back! * [REMOVED] Read Only option has been removed from configuration files. This wasn't really protecting the forms. We are now using `attr_protected` with roles: `attr_protected :title, :as => :admin`. * [CHANGED] Configuration files are now generated by model not by groups. = 3.0.12 * [FIXED] Use will_paginate 3.0.0. = 3.0.9 * [NEW] Refactored and renamed `User` extensions to `AdminUserV1`. * [NEW] `AdminUserV2` which uses `bcrypt` and it's simpler. This will be the default authentication mechanism for my new apps. = 3.0.8 (unreleased) * [FIXED] Missing alias. (Commit 2af7d4cfd98bb0) = 3.0.7 *[CHANGED] Updated assets. Please run the `typus:assets` generator in order to create the new files on the new location. = 3.0.3 * [NEW] Support for has many through relationships. [jmeiss] * [CHANGED] Removed typus pagination module and use `will_paginate` one. Pagination options can be configure overriding `Typus.pagination` variable. * [FIXED] Queries are now using the table name. [tyx] * [NEW] All queries are `unscoped` so we can separate completely the frontend from the backend. * [NEW] We can disable sortable tables. * [FIXED] Url generation bug when using namespaced STI models. [masone] * [NEW] Raise an exception if config for model cannot be found. [masone] * [FIXED] Minor bug fixes and re-styling ... * [NEW] Layouts contain metatag with generator information. * [NEW] Added missing csrf_meta_tag in `session.html.erb` layout. * [NEW] Added constrain to database to avoid duplicated emails. * [FIXED] Dates on tables are localized. * [FIXED] `@resource.classify.constantize` becomes `@resource.constantize`. * [CHANGED] Updated `typus_preview` to display original filaname when file is not an image. * [NEW] Support for Dragonfly attachments. Template for this kind of attribute is `_dragonfly.html.erb`. * [CHANGED] Paperclip attachments are detected as `:paperclip` thus the form template is not `_paperclip.html.erb`. * [NEW] 中文 (zh-CN) translation. [ZoOL] * [CHANGED] `action_after_save` by default is `index`. This has been changed after a usability test with a client. * [NEW] Greek (el) translation. [Spyros Livathinos] * [CHANGED] Updated jQuery to v1.4.4 * [CHANGED] Updated fancybox to v1.3.4 * [NEW] New generator: `rails generate typus:assets`. * [NEW] Created UserVoice (http://typuscms.uservoice.com/) * [CHANGED] Table of contents on documentation for easier access. * [CHANGED] Display `—` where no content is available. * [NEW] `Admin::ResourcesController` includes `Typus::Extensions` if available. * [CHANGED] Removed `remove_filter_link` helper in favour of predefined links to filters. * [NEW] Custom actions can be injected into table actions. This needs some refector to be more powerful (roles) but it works for now. * [CHANGED] `current_user` is now `admin_user`. * [CHANGED] All available locales are shown to the user. * [CHANGED] All the I18n stuff of `typus` is now under Typus::I18n namespace. * [CHANGED] `/admin/help` is now `/admin/user_guide`. * [NEW] Link to `/admin/user_guide` from the sidebar. * [CHANGED] AdminUser::LANGUAGES becomes AdminUser::LOCALE so you'll have to update your AdminUser. * [NEW] Better application templates. = 3.0.2 * [FIXED] Use Arel to get the data on lists. After moving to will_paginate I broke the data method, on each list we where "selecting ALL on the table of the current model" (Really ugly bug) [Reported by NateW] * [FIXED]* If @current_user was being set many times on each request, thanks to Rails caching mechanism this was not affecting to the performance. Now we only see the @current_user once. (As it should be.) = 3.0.1 * [FIXED] After moving from a vendored paginator to will_paginate I removed some stuff which shouldn't be removed, so the 3.0.0 gem is totally broken. * [FIXED] Force query with postgresql adapter to not be case sensitive [jmeiss] = 3.0.0 * [NEW] New gem version compatible with Rails 3. = Previously Why a 3.0.0 version? After considering the work done for the Rails 3 transition I though it would be a good idea to keep versions syncronized with Rails. Typus will have the same version numbers as Rails as I considered it's pretty tied to it. With each release of Rails, we will take the latest features into Typus. Pending stuff that someday will be done, donations and collaborations are accepted. * Add AJAX, specially when removing and adding new relationships. * Transversal search and full models search. * Test the helpers and add some functional testing. * Nested models. * Contextual content depending on the role logged. * Replace typus authentication by devise.