#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin tooltips.rb - Demonstrates the new tooltip API of Gtk+ 2.12; rg2 translation from gtk/tests/testtooltips.c. Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. =end require "gtk3" unless Gtk::Version.or_later?(3, 4, 2) puts "This sample requires GTK+ 3.4.2 or later: #{Gtk::Version::STRING}" exit end def treeview_query_tooltip(treeview, keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip) if keyboard_tip # Keyboard mode path, = treeview.cursor if not path return false end else bin_x, bin_y = treeview.convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(x, y) # Mouse mode path, = treeview.get_path_at_pos(bin_x, bin_y) if not path return false end end data = treeview.model.get_value(treeview.model.get_iter(path), 0) tooltip.markup = "Path #{path}: #{data}" return true end def textview_query_tooltip(textview, keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip, tag) if keyboard_tip iter = textview.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(textview.buffer.cursor_position) else bx, by = textview.window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk::TextWindowType::TEXT, x, y) iter, = textview.get_iter_at_position(bx, by) end if iter.has_tag?(tag) tooltip.text = 'Tooltip on text tag' return true else return false end end def drawingarea_query_tooltip(keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip, rectangles) if keyboard_tip return false end for r in rectangles if r.x < x && x < r.x + 50 && r.y < y && y < r.y + 50 tooltip.markup = r.tooltip return true end end return false end window = Gtk::Window.new(:toplevel) window.title = 'Tooltips test' window.border_width = 10 window.signal_connect('delete-event') { Gtk.main_quit } box = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, 3) window.add(box) # A check button using the tooltip-markup property button = Gtk::CheckButton.new('This one uses the tooltip-markup property') button.tooltip_text = 'Hello, I am a static tooltip.' box.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) raise if button.tooltip_text != 'Hello, I am a static tooltip.' raise if button.tooltip_markup != 'Hello, I am a static tooltip.' # A check button using the query-tooltip signal button = Gtk::CheckButton.new('I use the query-tooltip signal') button.has_tooltip = true button.signal_connect 'query-tooltip' do |widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip| tooltip.markup = widget.label tooltip.set_icon_from_icon_name(Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::IconSize::MENU) true end box.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) # A label label = Gtk::Label.new('I am just a label') label.selectable = false label.tooltip_text = 'Label & and tooltip' box.pack_start(label, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) raise if label.tooltip_text != "Label & and tooltip" raise if label.tooltip_markup != "Label & and tooltip" # A selectable label label = Gtk::Label.new('I am a selectable label') label.selectable = true label.tooltip_markup = 'Another Label tooltip' box.pack_start(label, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) raise if label.tooltip_text != 'Another Label tooltip' raise if label.tooltip_markup != 'Another Label tooltip' # Another one, with a custom tooltip window button = Gtk::CheckButton.new('This one has a custom tooltip window!') box.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) tooltip_window = Gtk::Window.new(:popup) tooltip_button = Gtk::Label.new('blaat!') tooltip_window.add(tooltip_button) tooltip_button.show button.tooltip_window = tooltip_window button.signal_connect('query-tooltip') { |widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip| widget.tooltip_window.override_background_color(Gtk::StateFlags::NORMAL, Gdk::RGBA.new(0, 1, 0, 1)) true } button.has_tooltip = true # An insensitive button button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => 'This one is insensitive') button.sensitive = false button.tooltip_text = 'Insensitive!' box.pack_start(button, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 0) # Tree view store = Gtk::TreeStore.new(String) ["File Manager", "Gossip", "System Settings", "The GIMP", "Terminal", "Word Processor"].each do |value| iter = store.insert(nil, 0) store.set_value(iter,0, value) end treeview = Gtk::TreeView.new(store) treeview.set_size_request(200, 240) treeview.append_column(Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new('Test', Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :text => 0 })) treeview.has_tooltip = true treeview.signal_connect('query-tooltip') { |widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip| treeview_query_tooltip(widget, keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip) } treeview.selection.signal_connect('changed') { treeview.trigger_tooltip_query } # Set a tooltip on the column column = treeview.get_column(0) column.clickable = true #column.button.tooltip_text = 'Header' .button not available box.pack_start(treeview, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 2) # Text view buffer = Gtk::TextBuffer.new buffer.insert(buffer.end_iter, 'Hello, the text ') tag = buffer.create_tag('bold', { 'weight' => Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD }) buffer.insert(buffer.end_iter, 'in bold', :tags => [tag]) buffer.insert(buffer.end_iter, ' has a tooltip!') textview = Gtk::TextView.new(buffer) textview.set_size_request(200, 50) textview.has_tooltip = true textview.signal_connect('query-tooltip') { |widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip| textview_query_tooltip(widget, keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip, tag) } box.pack_start(textview, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 2) # Drawing area Rectangle = Struct.new("Rectangle", :x, :y, :r, :g, :b, :tooltip) rectangles = [ Rectangle.new(10, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9, "Blue box!"), Rectangle.new(200, 170, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Red thing"), Rectangle.new(100, 50, 0.8, 0.8, 0.0, "Yellow thing") ] drawingarea = Gtk::DrawingArea.new drawingarea.set_size_request(320, 240) drawingarea.has_tooltip = true drawingarea.signal_connect('draw') { cr = drawingarea.window.create_cairo_context cr.rectangle(0, 0, drawingarea.allocation.width, drawingarea.allocation.height) cr.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) cr.fill rectangles.each { |r| cr.rectangle(r.x, r.y, 50, 50) cr.set_source_rgb(r.r, r.g, r.b) cr.stroke cr.rectangle(r.x, r.y, 50, 50) cr.set_source_rgba(r.r, r.g, r.b, 0.5) cr.fill } } drawingarea.signal_connect('query-tooltip') { |widget, x, y, keyboard_tip, tooltip| drawingarea_query_tooltip(keyboard_tip, x, y, tooltip, rectangles) } box.pack_start(drawingarea, :expand => false, :fill => false, :padding => 2) window.show_all Gtk.main