# path to parent directory of src_files # relative path from Rails.root # defaults to app/assets/javascripts # useless for decko file structure src_dir: <%= cardio_gem_root %>/card-mod-script/lib/javascript #"app/assets/javascripts" # path to additional directory of source file that are not part of assets pipeline and need to be included # relative path from Rails.root # defaults to [] # include_dir: # - ../mobile_app/public/js # path to parent directory of css_files # relative path from Rails.root # defaults to app/assets/stylesheets # useless for decko file structure css_dir: <%= cardio_gem_root %>/card-mod-style/lib/stylesheets # list of file expressions to include as source files # relative path from src_dir src_files: - script_jquery.js - script_tinymce.js - decko_mod.js.coffee - decko_editor.js.coffee - decko_upload.js.coffee - decko_layout.js.coffee - decko_navbox.js.coffee - decko.js.coffee - script_card_menu.js # - jquerymobile.js - jquery-ui.js - jquery.ui.autocomplete.html.js - jquery.autosize.js - jquery.fileupload.js - jquery.iframe-transport.js - jquery_ujs.js - script_ace.js - script_prosemirror.js #- "**/*.{js.coffee,js,coffee}" # list of file expressions to include as css files # relative path from css_dir css_files: # - "**/*.{css,scss}" # THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! include_dir: - <%= cardio_gem_root %>/card-mod-script/lib/javascript # path to parent directory of spec_files # relative path from Rails.root # # Alternatively accept an array of directory to include external spec files # spec_dir: # - spec/javascripts # - ../engine/spec/javascripts # # defaults to spec/javascripts spec_dir: <%= @decko_gem_root %>/spec/javascripts # list of file expressions to include as helpers into spec runner # relative path from spec_dir helpers: - "helpers/**/*.{js.coffee,js,coffee}" # list of file expressions to include as specs into spec runner # relative path from spec_dir spec_files: - "**/*[Ss]pec.{js.coffee,js,coffee}" # path to directory of temporary files # (spec runner and asset cache) # defaults to tmp/jasmine tmp_dir: "tmp/jasmine"