require 'spec_helper' require 'support/active_record' describe Travis::Notifications::Worker::Queue do include Support::ActiveRecord def queue(*args)*args) end let(:common) { queue('builds.common', nil, nil, nil) } let(:rails) { queue('builds.rails', 'rails/rails', nil) } let(:erlang) { queue('builds.erlang', nil, 'erlang', nil) } let(:clojure) { queue('builds.common', nil, nil, 'clojure') } it "name still returns the actual class name for custom worker classes" do == 'builds.rails' end describe 'matches?' do it "returns true when the given slug matches" do rails.matches?('rails/rails', nil, nil).should be_true end # it "returns true when the given target matches" do # erlang.matches?(nil, 'erlang', nil).should be_true # end it "returns true when the given language matches" do clojure.matches?(nil, nil, 'clojure').should be_true end it "returns false when none of slug, target or language match" do erlang.matches?('foo/bar', 'worker-on-mars', 'COBOL').should be_false end end end