require 'websocket-client-simple' module Deribit class WS AVAILABLE_EVENTS = [:order_book, :trade, :my_trade, :user_order, :index, :portfolio, :announcement] attr_reader :socket, :response, :ids_stack, :handler, :subscribed_instruments def initialize(key, secret, handler: Handler, test_server: nil) test_server = ENV["DERIBIT_TEST_SERVER"] if test_server == nil @request =, secret, test_server: test_server) @socket = connect(test_server ? WS_TEST_URL : WS_SERVER_URL) @handler = handler.instance_of?(Class) ? : handler @ids_stack = [] # the structure of subscribed_instruments: {'event_name' => ['instrument1', 'instrument2']]} @subscribed_instruments = {} start_handle end def add_subscribed_instruments(instruments: , events: ) instruments = [instruments] unless instruments.is_a?(Array) events.each do |event| _event = event.to_sym @subscribed_instruments[_event] = if sub_instr = @subscribed_instruments[_event] (sub_instr + instruments).uniq else instruments.uniq end end end def connect(url) puts "Connecting to #{url}" WebSocket::Client::Simple.connect(url) end def reconnect! @socket = connect start_handle sleep 3 resubscribe! end def resubscribe! if subscribed_instruments.any? subscribed_instruments.each do |event, instruments| p "Reconnecting to event: #{event} at instrument: #{instruments}" subscribe(instruments, events: event.to_s) end end end def close @socket.close end def ping message = {action: "/api/v1/public/ping"} @socket.send(message.to_json) end def test message = {action: "/api/v1/public/test"} @socket.send(message.to_json) end # events to be reported, possible events: # "order_book" -- order book change # "trade" -- trade notification # "announcements" -- announcements (list of new announcements titles is send) # "user_order" -- change of user orders (openning, cancelling, filling) # "my_trade" -- filtered trade notification, only trades of the # subscribed user are reported with trade direction "buy"/"sell" from the # subscribed user point of view ("I sell ...", "I buy ..."), see below. # Note, for "index" - events are ignored and can be [] def subscribe(instruments = ['BTC-PERPETUAL'] , events: ["user_order"], arguments: {}) instruments = [instruments] unless instruments.is_a?(Array) events = [events] unless events.is_a?(Array) raise "Events must include only #{AVAILABLE_EVENTS.join(", ")} actions" if{|e| AVAILABLE_EVENTS.include?(e.to_sym)}.index(false) or events.empty? raise "instruments are required" if instruments.empty? arguments = arguments.merge(instrument: instruments, event: events) send(path: '/api/v1/private/subscribe', arguments: arguments) end #unsubscribe for all notifications if instruments is empty def unsubscribe(instruments=[]) instruments = [instruments] unless instruments.is_a?(Array) send(path: '/api/v1/private/unsubscribe') sleep(0.2) if instruments.any? @subscribed_instruments.each do |event, _instruments| @subscribed_instruments[event] = _instruments - instruments subscribe(@subscribed_instruments[event], events: [event]) sleep(0.2) end end end # | Name | Type | Decription | # |--------------|------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | `instrument` | `string` | Required, instrument name | # | `quantity` | `integer` | Required, quantity, in contracts ($10 per contract for futures, ฿1 — for options) | # | `price` | `float` | Required, USD for futures, BTC for options | # | `type` | `string` | Required, "limit", "market" or for futures only: "stop_limit" | # | `stopPx` | `string` | Required, needed for stop_limit order, defines stop price | # | `post_only` | `boolean` | Optional, if true then the order will be POST ONLY | # | `label` | `string` | Optional, user defined maximum 32-char label for the order | # | `max_show` | `string` | Optional, optional parameter, if "0" then the order will be hidden | # | `adv` | `string` | Optional, can be "implv", "usd", or absent (advanced order type) | def buy(instrument, quantity, price, type: "limit", stopPx: nil, execInst: "mark_price", post_only: nil, label: nil, max_show: nil, adv: nil) params = { instrument: instrument, quantity: quantity } params[:price] = price if price %i(type stopPx post_only label max_show adv execInst).each do |var| variable = eval(var.to_s) params[var] = variable if variable end send(path: '/api/v1/private/buy', arguments: params) end # | Name | Type | Decription | # |--------------|------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | `instrument` | `string` | Required, instrument name | # | `quantity` | `integer` | Required, quantity, in contracts ($10 per contract for futures, ฿1 — for options) | # | `price` | `float` | Required, USD for futures, BTC for options | # | `post_only` | `boolean` | Optional, if true then the order will be POST ONLY | # | `label` | `string` | Optional, user defined maximum 32-char label for the order | # | `max_show` | `string` | Optional, optional parameter, if "0" then the order will be hidden | # | `adv` | `string` | Optional, can be "implv", "usd", or absent (advanced order type) | # def sell(instrument, quantity, price, type: "limit", stopPx: nil, execInst: "mark_price", post_only: nil, label: nil, max_show: nil, adv: nil) params = { instrument: instrument, quantity: quantity } params[:price] = price if price %i(type stopPx post_only label max_show adv execInst).each do |var| variable = eval(var.to_s) params[var] = variable if variable end send(path: '/api/v1/private/sell', arguments: params) end def account send(path: '/api/v1/private/account') end def instruments(expired: false) send(path: '/api/v1/public/getinstruments', arguments: {expired: expired}) end def currencies send(path: '/api/v1/public/getcurrencies') end def summary(instrument = 'BTC-PERPETUAL') send(path: '/api/v1/public/getsummary', arguments: { instrument: instrument }) end def openorders(instrument: "BTC-PERPETUAL", order_id: nil, type: nil) params = {} params[:instrument] = instrument if instrument params[:orderId] = order_id if order_id params[:type] = type if type send(path: '/api/v1/private/getopenorders', arguments: params) end def cancel(order_id) params = { "orderId": order_id } send(path: '/api/v1/private/cancel', arguments: params) end def cancel_all(type = "all") params = { "type": type } send(path: '/api/v1/private/cancelall', arguments: params) end def set_heartbeat(interval = "60") params = { "interval": interval } send(path: '/api/v1/public/setheartbeat', arguments: params) end def handle_notifications(notifications) return if notifications.empty? notification, *tail = notifications handler.send(notification[:message], notification[:result]) handle_notifications(tail) end private def start_handle instance = self @socket.on :message do |msg| # puts "msg = #{msg.inspect}" begin if msg.type == :text json = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true) puts "Subscribed!" if json[:message] == "subscribed" if json[:message] == "test_request" # puts "Got test request: #{json.inspect}" # DEBUG instance.test elsif json[:id] and stack_id = instance.ids_stack.find{|i| i[json[:id]]} method = stack_id[json[:id]][0] #pass the method to handler params = instance.ids_stack.delete(stack_id) #save subscribed_instruments for resubscribe in unsubscribe action if method == 'subscribe' params = params[json[:id]][1][:arguments] instance.add_subscribed_instruments(instruments: params[:instrument], events: params[:event]) end instance.handler.send(method, json) elsif json[:notifications] instance.handle_notifications(json[:notifications]) else instance.handler.send(:notice, json) end instance.handler.timestamp = elsif msg.type == :close puts "trying to reconnect = got close event, msg: #{msg.inspect}" instance.reconnect! end rescue StandardError => e instance.handler.handle_error(json, e) end end @socket.on :error do |e| puts e end end def send(path: , arguments: {}) return unless path params = {action: path, arguments: arguments} sig = @request.generate_signature(path, arguments) params[:sig] = sig params[:id] = action = path[/\/api.*\/([^\/]+)$/, 1] put_id(params[:id], [action, params]) p params @socket.send(params.to_json) end def put_id(id, action) @ids_stack << {id => action} end def pop_id(id) @ids_stack.delete(id) end end end