class Marty::Posting < Marty::Base has_mcfly append_only: true mcfly_validates_uniqueness_of :name validates_presence_of :name, :posting_type_id, :comment belongs_to :user, class_name: 'Marty::User' belongs_to :posting_type def self.make_name(posting_type, dt) return 'NOW' if Mcfly.is_infinity(dt) return unless posting_type # If no dt is provided (which is the usual non-testing case), we # use to name the posting. This has the effect # of using the host's timezone. i.e. since we're in PST8PDT, names # will be based off of the Pacific TZ. dt ||= "#{}-#{dt.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M')}" end before_validation :set_posting_name def set_posting_name posting_type = Marty::PostingType.find_by_id(posting_type_id) = self.class.make_name(posting_type, created_dt) true end def self.do_create(type_name, dt, comment) posting_type = Marty::PostingType.find_by_name(type_name) raise "unknown posting type #{name}" unless posting_type o = new o.posting_type = posting_type o.comment = comment o.created_dt = dt! o end def self.get_struct_attrs self.struct_attrs ||= super + ['created_dt', 'name'] end # Not using mcfly_lookup since we don't want these time-warp markers # time-warped. FIXME: perhaps this should use mcfly_lookup since we # may allow deletion of postings. i.e. a new one with same name # might be created. Or, use regular validates_uniqueness_of instead # of mcfly_validates_uniqueness_of. delorean_fn :lookup, sig: 1 do |name| p = select(get_struct_attrs).find_by_name(name) make_openstruct(p) end delorean_fn :lookup_dt, sig: 1 do |name| find_by_name(name).try(:created_dt) end delorean_fn :first_match, sig: [1, 2] do |dt, posting_type = nil| raise 'bad posting type' if posting_type && !posting_type.is_a?(Marty::PostingType) q = where('created_dt <= ?', dt) q = q.where(posting_type_id: if posting_type q.order('created_dt DESC').first.attributes end def self.get_latest(limit, _is_test = nil) # IMPORTANT: is_test arg is ignored (KEEP for backward compat.) q = where("created_dt <> 'infinity'"). order('created_dt DESC').limit(limit) end delorean_fn :get_latest_by_type, sig: [1, 2] do |limit, posting_types = []| raise 'missing posting types list' unless posting_types raise 'bad posting types list' unless posting_types.is_a?(Array) q = joins(:posting_type).where("created_dt <> 'infinity'"). where(marty_posting_types: { name: posting_types }). select(get_struct_attrs). order('created_dt DESC').limit(limit || 1) end end