require 'base64' module ZTK # Parallel Error Class # # @author Zachary Patten <zachary AT jovelabs DOT com> class ParallelError < Error; end # Parallel Processing Class # # This class can be used to easily run iterative and linear processes in a parallel manner. # # The before fork callback is called once in the parent process. # # The after fork callback is called twice, once in the parent process and once # in the child process. # # *example code*: # # a_callback = do |pid| # puts "Hello from After Callback - PID #{pid}" # end # # b_callback = do |pid| # puts "Hello from Before Callback - PID #{pid}" # end # # parallel = # parallel.config do |config| # config.before_fork = b_callback # config.after_fork = a_callback # end # # puts # # 3.times do |x| # parallel.process do # x # end # end # # parallel.waitall # puts parallel.results.inspect # # *pry output*: # # [1] pry(main)> a_callback = do |pid| # [1] pry(main)* puts "Hello from After Callback - PID #{pid}" # [1] pry(main)* end # => #<Proc:0x000000015a8768@(pry):1> # [2] pry(main)> # [3] pry(main)> b_callback = do |pid| # [3] pry(main)* puts "Hello from Before Callback - PID #{pid}" # [3] pry(main)* end # => #<Proc:0x000000012910e8@(pry):4> # [4] pry(main)> # [5] pry(main)> parallel = # => #<ZTK::Parallel:0x000000015a9d48 # @config= # #<OpenStruct stdout=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, stderr=#<IO:<STDERR>>, stdin=#<IO:<STDIN>>, logger=#<ZTK::Logger filename="/dev/null">, max_forks=12>, # @forks=[], # @results=[]> # [6] pry(main)> parallel.config do |config| # [6] pry(main)* config.before_fork = b_callback # [6] pry(main)* config.after_fork = a_callback # [6] pry(main)* end # => #<Proc:0x000000015a8768@(pry):1> # [7] pry(main)> # [8] pry(main)> puts # 24761 # => nil # [9] pry(main)> # [10] pry(main)> 3.times do |x| # [10] pry(main)* parallel.process do # [10] pry(main)* x # [10] pry(main)* end # [10] pry(main)* end # Hello from Before Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from Before Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24776 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from Before Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24779 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24761 # Hello from After Callback - PID 24782 # => 3 # [11] pry(main)> # [12] pry(main)> parallel.waitall # => [0, 1, 2] # [13] pry(main)> puts parallel.results.inspect # [0, 1, 2] # => nil # # @author Zachary Patten <zachary AT jovelabs DOT com> class Parallel < ZTK::Base class Break < ParallelError; end # Tests if we can marshal an exception via the results; otherwise creates # an exception we can marshal. class ExceptionWrapper attr_reader :exception def initialize(exception) dumpable = (Marshal.dump(exception) rescue nil) dumpable.nil? and (exception = @exception = exception end end # Default Maximum Number of Forks MAX_FORKS = case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ then %x( sysctl hw.ncpu ).strip.split(':').last.strip.to_i when /linux/ then %x( grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo ).strip.strip.to_i end # Platforms memory capacity in bytes MAX_MEMORY = case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ then %x( sysctl hw.memsize ).strip.split[1].to_i when /linux/ then (%x( grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo ).strip.split[1].to_i * 1024) end # Result Set attr_accessor :results # @param [Hash] configuration Configuration options hash. # @option config [Integer] :max_forks Maximum number of forks to use. # @option config [Proc] :before_fork (nil) Proc to call before forking. # @option config [Proc] :after_fork (nil) Proc to call after forking. def initialize(configuration={}) super({ :max_forks => MAX_FORKS }, configuration) (config.max_forks < 1) and log_and_raise(ParallelError, "max_forks must be equal to or greater than one!") @forks = @results = GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true %w( kill term int hup ).map(&:upcase).each do |signal| Signal.trap(signal) do $stderr.puts("SIG#{signal} received by PID##{}; aborting parallel executing...") signal_all(signal) exit!(1) end end end # Process in parallel. # # @yield Block should execute tasks to be performed in parallel. # @yieldreturn [Object] Block can return any object to be marshalled back to # the parent processes result set. # @return [Integer] Returns the pid of the child process forked. def process(&block) !block_given? and log_and_raise(ParallelError, "You must supply a block to the process method!") config.ui.logger.debug { "forks(#{@forks.inspect})" } while (@forks.count >= config.max_forks) do wait end child_reader, parent_writer = IO.pipe parent_reader, child_writer = IO.pipe config.before_fork and pid = Process.fork do config.after_fork and parent_writer.close parent_reader.close data = nil begin data = rescue Exception => e data = end if !data.nil? config.ui.logger.debug { "write(#{data.inspect})" } child_writer.write(Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(data))) end child_reader.close child_writer.close Process.exit!(0) end config.after_fork and child_reader.close child_writer.close fork = {:reader => parent_reader, :writer => parent_writer, :pid => pid} @forks << fork pid end # Wait for a single fork to finish. # # If a fork successfully finishes, it's return value from the *process* # block is stored into the main result set. # # @return [Array<pid, status, data>] An array containing the pid, # status and data returned from the process block. If wait2() fails nil # is returned. def wait config.ui.logger.debug { "wait" } config.ui.logger.debug { "forks(#{@forks.inspect})" } pid, status = (Process.wait2(-1) rescue nil) if !pid.nil? && !status.nil? && !(fork ={ |f| f[:pid] == pid }.first).nil? data = (Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(fork[:reader].read.to_s)) rescue nil) config.ui.logger.debug { "read(#{data.inspect})" } process_exception_data(data) !data.nil? and @results.push(data) fork[:reader].close fork[:writer].close @forks -= [fork] return [pid, status, data] end nil end # Waits for all forks to finish. # # @return [Array<Object>] The results from all of the *process* blocks. def waitall config.ui.logger.debug { "waitall" } while @forks.count > 0 self.wait end @results end # Signals all forks. # # @return [Integer] The number of processes signaled. def signal_all(signal="KILL") signaled = 0 if (!@forks.nil? && (@forks.count > 0)) @forks.each do |fork| begin Process.kill(signal, fork[:pid]) signaled += 1 rescue nil end end end signaled end # Count of active forks. # # @return [Integer] Current number of active forks. def count config.ui.logger.debug { "count(#{@forks.count})" } @forks.count end private def process_exception_data(data) return if !(ZTK::Parallel::ExceptionWrapper === data) config.ui.logger.fatal { "exception(#{data.exception.inspect})" } signal_all raise data.exception end end end