require 'spec_helper' require 'h8' describe 'js_gate' do it 'should return number as string' do cxt = res = cxt.eval("0.2 + 122.1;") res.to_s.should == '122.3' # res.should_not be_integer # res.should_not be_string end it 'should return integers' do cxt = res = cxt.eval("0.2 + 122.1;") res.to_i.should == 122 res.should_not be_integer res = cxt.eval("11+22;") res.to_i.should == 33 res.should be_integer res.should be_float res.should_not be_string end it 'should return floats' do cxt = res = cxt.eval("0.2 + 122.1;") res.to_s.should == '122.3' res.should be_float res.should_not be_integer res.should_not be_string end it 'should return strings' do res = H8::Context.eval("'hel' + 'lo';") res.to_s.should == 'hello' res.should be_string res.should_not be_integer res.should_not be_float end it 'should retreive JS fieds as indexes' do res = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122 });") res['foo'].to_s.should == 'bar' res['bar'].to_i.should == 122 end it 'should retreive JS fieds as properties' do res = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122 });") == 122 == 'bar' == 'bar' == 122 # cached method check == 'bar' == 122 end it 'should access arrays' do res = H8::Context.eval("[-10, 'foo', 'bar'];") res.should_not be_undefined res.array?.should be_true res.length.should == 3 3.times { res[0].to_i.should == -10 res[1].to_s.should == 'foo' res[2].to_s.should == 'bar' } end it 'should eval and keep context alive' do obj = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122 });") GC.start # Here Context of obj that is not referenced should be kept == 'bar' end it 'should convert simple types to ruby' do res = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122, pi: 3.1415 });") r = r.should be_kind_of(String) r.should == 'bar' r = r.should be_kind_of(Fixnum) r.should == 122 r = res.pi.to_ruby r.should be_kind_of(Float) (r == 3.1415).should be_true end it 'should convert arrays to ruby' do res = H8::Context.eval("[-10, 'foo', 'bar'];") res.to_ruby.should == [-10, 'foo', 'bar'] res.to_ary.should == [-10, 'foo', 'bar'] expect(-> { H8::Context.eval("'not array'").to_ary}).to raise_error(H8::Error) end it 'should provide hash methods' do pending obj = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122 });") obj.keys.should == ['foo', 'bar'] end it 'should convert compare to ruby objects' do res = H8::Context.eval("({ 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 122 });") ( != 'bar').should be_false ( == 'bar').should be_true ( != 'ba1').should be_true ( == 'ba1').should be_false ( != 'bar').should be_true ( == 'bar').should be_false ( != 122).should be_false ( == 122).should be_true ( <= 122).should be_true ( <= 123).should be_true ( >= 122).should be_true ( >= 121).should be_true ( > 120).should be_true ( < 130).should be_true ( > 129).should be_false ( < 19).should be_false end it 'should call functions with no args' do res = H8::Context.eval "(function() { return 'sono callable'; });"'a', '1', '2').should == 'sono callable' end it 'should call functions with args' do res = H8::Context.eval "(function(a, b) { return a + b; });"'10', '1').should == '101', 1).should == 11 end it 'should raise error on syntax' do expect( -> { H8::Context.eval 'this is not a valid js' }).to raise_error(H8::Error) end it 'should call member functions only' do res = H8::Context.eval <<-End function cls(base) { this.base = base; this.someVal = 'hello!'; this.noArgs = function() { return 'world!'}; this.doAdd = function(a, b) { return a + b + base; } } new cls(100); End res.someVal.should == 'hello!' res.noArgs.should == 'world!' res.doAdd(10, 1).should == 111 end end