# coding : utf-8 =begin ============================================================= Copyright (C) 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================== =end transactd_gem_root_relative = '../../../' require File.expand_path(File.join(transactd_gem_root_relative, 'build/tdclrb/gem/detect.rb')) require File.expand_path(File.join(transactd_gem_root_relative, 'build/tdclrb/gem/helper.rb')) require 'rbconfig' transactd_gem_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), transactd_gem_root_relative)) ruby_bin_path = RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'] ruby_exe_path = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) # # use prebuilt binary # if has_binary(transactd_gem_root) make_makefile_prebuilt_win32(ruby_bin_path, transactd_gem_root) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ exit end # # build binary # require 'mkmf' require 'open3' # need cmake and swig find_executable('cmake') find_executable('swig') # options boost = arg_config('--boost', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') generator = arg_config('--generator', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') ruby_include_dirs = arg_config('--ruby_include_dirs', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') ruby_library_path = arg_config('--ruby_library_path', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') install_prefix = arg_config('--install_prefix', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') build_type = arg_config('--build_type', '').gsub(/"\n/, '') no_rb_tbr = arg_config('--without_rb_thread_blocking_region', '').gsub(/"\n/, '').downcase # boost if boost != '' && boost !=~ /^\-DBOOST_ROOT/ boost = '-DBOOST_ROOT="' + to_slash_path(boost) + '"' end # detect generator if generator == '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ bit = (get_ruby_bitness() == 64) ? ' Win64' : '' generator = '-G "Visual Studio 10' + bit + '"' elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ generator = '-G "MSYS Makefiles"' end else if generator !=~ /^\-G / generator = '-G "' + generator + '"' end end # ruby_include_dirs if ruby_include_dirs != '' && ruby_include_dirs !=~ /^\-DRUBY_SWIG_INCLUDE_PATH/ ruby_include_dirs = '-DTRANSACTD_RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH="' + to_slash_path(ruby_include_dirs) + '"' end # ruby_library_path if ruby_library_path != '' && ruby_library_path !=~ /^\-DRUBY_SWIG_LIBRARY_PATH/ lib_path = to_slash_path(ruby_library_path) $LDFLAGS = $LDFLAGS + ' -libpath:' + File.dirname(lib_path) ruby_library_path = '-DTRANSACTD_RUBY_LIBRARY_PATH="' + lib_path + '"' end # install_prefix if install_prefix != '' && install_prefix !=~ /^\-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/ install_prefix = '-DTRANSACTD_CLIENTS_PREFIX="' + to_slash_path(install_prefix) + '"' end # build_type if build_type !=~ /^\-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE/ if build_type != '' build_type = '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + build_type else build_type = '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' end end # ruby executable path ruby_executable = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) ruby_executable = '-DTRANSACTD_RUBY_EXECUTABLE_PATH="' + to_slash_path(ruby_executable) + '"' # output dir gem_root = '-DTRANSACTD_RUBY_GEM_ROOT_PATH="' + to_slash_path(transactd_gem_root) + '"' # rb_thread_blocking_region or rb_thread_call_without_gvl use_TCWOG = have_func('rb_thread_call_without_gvl', 'ruby/thread.h') use_TBR = (! use_TCWOG) && have_func('rb_thread_blocking_region') if no_rb_tbr != '' && no_rb_tbr != 'off' use_TCWOG = false use_TBR = false end rb_tbr = ' -DTRANSACTD_HAVE_RB_THREAD_CALL_WITHOUT_GVL=' + (use_TCWOG ? 'ON' : 'OFF') + ' -DTRANSACTD_HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION=' + (use_TBR ? 'ON' : 'OFF') # cmake cmake_cmd = ['cmake', to_native_path(transactd_gem_root_relative), '-DTRANSACTD_RUBY_GEM=ON', generator, boost, ruby_executable, ruby_library_path, ruby_include_dirs, install_prefix, gem_root, build_type, rb_tbr, '>> cmake_generate.log'].join(' ') begin f = open('cmake_generate.log', 'w') f.puts cmake_cmd ensure f.close end stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmake_cmd) succeed = (status == 0) STDERR.puts stderr if !succeed # crete dummy Makefile for Visual Studio .sln if /Visual Studio/ =~ generator FileUtils.copy('../gem/Makefile.win32-VS', './nmake.cmd') begin mkfile_dummy = open('Makefile', 'w') ensure mkfile_dummy.close end end $makefile_created = true if succeed