module Nanoc::Helpers # @see module LinkTo require 'nanoc/helpers/html_escape' include Nanoc::Helpers::HTMLEscape # @param [String] text # # @param [Hash] attributes # # @return [String] def link_to(text, target, attributes = {}) # Find path path = case target when String target when Nanoc::ItemWithRepsView, Nanoc::ItemWithoutRepsView, Nanoc::ItemRepView raise "Cannot create a link to #{target.inspect} because this target is not outputted (its routing rule returns nil)" if target.path.nil? target.path else raise ArgumentError, "Cannot link to #{target.inspect} (expected a string or an item, not a #{})" end # Join attributes attributes = attributes.reduce('') do |memo, (key, value)| memo + key.to_s + '="' + h(value) + '" ' end # Create link "#{text}" end # @param [String] text # # @param [Hash] attributes # # @return [String] def link_to_unless_current(text, target, attributes = {}) # Find path path = target.is_a?(String) ? target : target.path if @item_rep && @item_rep.path == path # Create message "#{text}" else link_to(text, target, attributes) end end # @return [String] def relative_path_to(target) require 'pathname' # Find path if target.is_a?(String) path = target else path = target.path if path.nil? # TODO: get proper error raise "Cannot get the relative path to #{target.inspect} because this target is not outputted (its routing rule returns nil)" end end # Handle Windows network (UNC) paths if path.start_with?('//', '\\\\') return path end # Get source and destination paths dst_path = if @item_rep.path.nil? # TODO: get proper error raise "Cannot get the relative path to #{path} because the current item representation, #{@item_rep.inspect}, is not outputted (its routing rule returns nil)" end src_path = # Calculate the relative path (method depends on whether destination is # a directory or not). from = src_path.to_s.end_with?('/') ? src_path : src_path.dirname relative_path = dst_path.relative_path_from(from).to_s # Add trailing slash if necessary if dst_path.to_s.end_with?('/') relative_path << '/' end # Done relative_path end end end