module GitReflow module GitServer class PullRequest attr_accessor :description, :html_url, :feature_branch_name, :base_branch_name, :build, :source_object, :number DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REGEX = /(?i-mx:lgtm|looks good to me|:\+1:|:thumbsup:|:shipit:)/ class Build attr_accessor :state, :description, :url def initialize(state: nil, description: nil, url: nil) self.state = state self.description = description self.url = url end end def self.minimum_approvals "#{GitReflow::Config.get('constants.minimumApprovals')}" end def self.approval_regex if "#{GitReflow::Config.get('constants.approvalRegex')}".length > 0"#{GitReflow::Config.get('constants.approvalRegex')}") else DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REGEX end end def initialize(attributes) raise "PullRequest#initialize must be implemented" end def commit_author raise "#{self.class.to_s}#commit_author method must be implemented" end def comments raise "#{self.class.to_s}#comments method must be implemented" end def has_comments? comments.count > 0 end def last_comment raise "#{self.class.to_s}#last_comment method must be implemented" end def reviewers raise "#{self.class.to_s}#reviewers method must be implemented" end def approvals raise "#{self.class.to_s}#approvals method must be implemented" end def reviewers_pending_response reviewers - approvals end def approved? has_comments_or_approvals = (has_comments? or approvals.any?) case self.class.minimum_approvals when "0" true when "", nil # Approvals from every commenter has_comments_or_approvals && reviewers_pending_response.empty? else approvals.size >= self.class.minimum_approvals.to_i end end def build_status build.nil? ? nil : build.state end def rejection_message if !build_status.nil? and build_status != "success" "#{build.description}: #{build.url}" elsif !approval_minimums_reached? "You need approval from at least #{self.class.minimum_approvals} users!" elsif !all_comments_addressed? # Maybe add what the last comment is? "The last comment is holding up approval:\n#{last_comment}" elsif reviewers_pending_response.count > 0 "You still need a LGTM from: #{reviewers_pending_response.join(', ')}" else "Your code has not been reviewed yet." end end def approval_minimums_reached? self.class.minimum_approvals.length <= 0 or approvals.size >= self.class.minimum_approvals.to_i end def all_comments_addressed? self.class.minimum_approvals.length <= 0 or !last_comment.match(self.class.approval_regex).nil? end def good_to_merge?(force: false) return true if force (build_status.nil? or build_status == "success") and approved? end def display_pull_request_summary summary_data = { "branches" => "#{self.feature_branch_name} -> #{self.base_branch_name}", "number" => self.number, "url" => self.html_url } notices = [] reviewed_by = [] # check for CI build status if self.build_status notices << "Your build status is not successful: #{}.\n" unless == "success" summary_data.merge!( "Build status" => GitReflow.git_server.colorized_build_description(, ) end # check for needed lgtm's if self.reviewers.any? reviewed_by = {|author| author.colorize(:red) } summary_data.merge!("Last comment" => self.last_comment) if self.approvals.any?! { |author| approvals.include?(author.uncolorize) ? author.colorize(:green) : author } end notices << "You still need a LGTM from: #{reviewers_pending_response.join(', ')}\n" if reviewers_pending_response.any? else notices << "No one has reviewed your pull request.\n" end summary_data['reviewed by'] = reviewed_by.join(', ') padding_size = summary_data.keys.max_by(&:size).size + 2 summary_data.keys.sort.each do |name| string_format = " %-#{padding_size}s %s\n" printf string_format, "#{name}:", summary_data[name] end notices.each do |notice| GitReflow.say notice, :notice end end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) if source_object and source_object.respond_to? method_sym source_object.send method_sym else super end end def commit_message_for_merge return GitReflow.merge_commit_template unless GitReflow.merge_commit_template.nil? message = "" if "#{self.description}".length > 0 message << "#{self.description}" else message << "#{GitReflow.get_first_commit_message}" end message << "\nMerges ##{self.number}\n" if lgtm_authors = Array(self.approvals) and lgtm_authors.any? message << "\nLGTM given by: @#{lgtm_authors.join(', @')}\n" end "#{message}\n" end def cleanup_feature_branch? cleanup_local_feature_branch? || cleanup_remote_feature_branch? end def cleanup_local_feature_branch? # backwards compat always_cleanup_local = GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-cleanup').to_s always_cleanup_local = GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-cleanup-local') if always_cleanup_local.empty? always_cleanup_local == "true" || (ask "Would you like to cleanup your local feature branch? ") =~ /^y/i end def cleanup_remote_feature_branch? # backwards compat always_cleanup_remote = GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-cleanup').to_s always_cleanup_remote = GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-cleanup-remote') if always_cleanup_remote.empty? always_cleanup_remote == "true" || (ask "Would you like to cleanup your remote feature branch? ") =~ /^y/i end def deliver? GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-deliver') == "true" || (ask "This is the current status of your Pull Request. Are you sure you want to deliver? ") =~ /^y/i end def cleanup_failure_message GitReflow.say "Cleanup halted. Local changes were not pushed to remote repo.", :deliver_halted GitReflow.say "To reset and go back to your branch run \`git reset --hard origin/#{self.base_branch_name} && git checkout #{self.feature_branch_name}\`" end def merge!(options = {}) if deliver? GitReflow.say "Merging pull request ##{self.number}: '#{self.title}', from '#{self.feature_branch_name}' into '#{self.base_branch_name}'", :notice GitReflow.update_current_branch GitReflow.fetch_destination(self.base_branch_name) message = commit_message_for_merge merge_method = options[:merge_method] || GitReflow::Config.get("reflow.merge-method") merge_method = "squash" if "#{merge_method}".length < 1 GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git checkout #{self.base_branch_name}" GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git pull origin #{self.base_branch_name}" case merge_method.to_s when /squash/i GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git merge --squash #{self.feature_branch_name}" else GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git merge #{self.feature_branch_name}" end GitReflow.append_to_merge_commit_message(message) if message.length > 0 if GitReflow.run_command_with_label 'git commit', with_system: true GitReflow.say "Pull request ##{self.number} successfully merged.", :success if cleanup_feature_branch? GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git push origin #{self.base_branch_name}" GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git push origin :#{self.feature_branch_name}" GitReflow.run_command_with_label "git branch -D #{self.feature_branch_name}" GitReflow.say "Nice job buddy." else cleanup_failure_message end else GitReflow.say "There were problems commiting your feature... please check the errors above and try again.", :error end else GitReflow.say "Merge aborted", :deliver_halted end end end end end