# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require 'csv' require 'zip' require 'fileutils' require 'multi_json' require 'pmap' require 'zip' require 'net/smtp' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/compact' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' require_relative '../exceptions/no_project_error' require_relative '../helpers/auth_helpers' require_relative '../rest/resource' require_relative '../mixins/author' require_relative '../mixins/contributor' require_relative '../mixins/rest_resource' require_relative '../mixins/uri_getter' require_relative 'membership' require_relative 'process' require_relative 'project_log_formatter' require_relative 'project_role' require_relative 'blueprint/blueprint' require_relative 'metadata/scheduled_mail' require_relative 'metadata/scheduled_mail/dashboard_attachment' require_relative 'metadata/scheduled_mail/report_attachment' module GoodData class Project < Rest::Resource USERSPROJECTS_PATH = '/gdc/account/profile/%s/projects' PROJECTS_PATH = '/gdc/projects' PROJECT_PATH = '/gdc/projects/%s' SLIS_PATH = '/ldm/singleloadinterface' DEFAULT_INVITE_MESSAGE = 'Join us!' DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = 'PRODUCTION' EMPTY_OBJECT = { 'project' => { 'meta' => { 'summary' => 'No summary' }, 'content' => { 'guidedNavigation' => 1, 'driver' => 'Pg', 'environment' => GoodData::Helpers::AuthHelper.read_environment } } } attr_accessor :connection, :json include Mixin::Author include Mixin::Contributor include Mixin::UriGetter class << self # Returns an array of all projects accessible by # current user def all(opts = { client: GoodData.connection }, limit = nil) c = GoodData.get_client(opts) c.user.projects(limit) end # Returns a Project object identified by given string # The following identifiers are accepted # - /gdc/md/<id> # - /gdc/projects/<id> # - <id> # def [](id, opts = { client: GoodData.connection }) return id if id.instance_of?(GoodData::Project) || id.respond_to?(:project?) && id.project? if id == :all Project.all({ client: GoodData.connection }.merge(opts)) else fail(ArgumentError, 'wrong type of argument. Should be either project ID or path') unless project_id_or_path?(id) id = id.match(/[a-zA-Z\d]+$/)[0] if id =~ %r{/} c = GoodData.get_client(opts) response = c.get(PROJECT_PATH % id) c.factory.create(Project, response) end end def project_id_or_path?(id) id.to_s =~ %r{^(\/gdc\/(projects|md)\/)?[a-zA-Z\d]+$} end # Clones project along with etl and schedules # # @param project [Project] Project to be cloned from # @param [options] Options that are passed into project.clone # @return [GoodData::Project] New cloned project def clone_with_etl(project, options = {}) a_clone = project.clone(options) GoodData::Project.transfer_etl(project.client, project, a_clone) a_clone end def create_object(data = {}) c = GoodData.get_client(data) new_data = GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(EMPTY_OBJECT).tap do |d| d['project']['meta']['title'] = data[:title] d['project']['meta']['summary'] = data[:summary] if data[:summary] d['project']['meta']['projectTemplate'] = data[:template] if data[:template] d['project']['content']['guidedNavigation'] = data[:guided_navigation] if data[:guided_navigation] token = data[:auth_token] || data[:token] d['project']['content']['authorizationToken'] = token if token d['project']['content']['driver'] = data[:driver] if data[:driver] d['project']['content']['environment'] = data[:environment] if data[:environment] end c.create(Project, new_data) end # Create a project from a given attributes # Expected keys: # - :title (mandatory) # - :summary # - :template (default /projects/blank) # def create(opts = { client: GoodData.connection }, &block) GoodData.logger.info "Creating project #{opts[:title]}" auth_token = opts[:auth_token] || opts[:token] if auth_token.nil? || auth_token.empty? opts = { auth_token: Helpers::AuthHelper.read_token }.merge(opts) auth_token = opts[:auth_token] end fail ArgumentError, 'You have to provide your token for creating projects as :auth_token or :token parameter' if auth_token.nil? || auth_token.empty? project = create_object(opts) project.save # until it is enabled or deleted, recur. This should still end if there # is a exception thrown out from RESTClient. This sometimes happens from # WebApp when request is too long while project.state.to_s != 'enabled' if project.deleted? # if project is switched to deleted state, fail. This is usually problem of creating a template which is invalid. fail 'Project was marked as deleted during creation. This usually means you were trying to create from template and it failed.' end sleep(3) project.reload! end if block GoodData.with_project(project) do |p| block.call(p) end end sleep 3 project end def find(opts = { client: GoodData.connection }) c = GoodData.get_client(opts) user = c.user user.projects['projects'].map do |project| c.create(GoodData::Project, project) end end def create_from_blueprint(blueprint, options = {}) GoodData::Model::ProjectCreator.migrate(options.merge(spec: blueprint, client: client)) end # Takes one CSV line and creates hash from data extracted # # @param row CSV row def user_csv_import(row) { 'user' => { 'content' => { 'email' => row[0], 'login' => row[1], 'firstname' => row[2], 'lastname' => row[3] }, 'meta' => {} } } end def transfer_output_stage(from_project, to_project, options) from_prj_output_stage = from_project.add.output_stage output_stage_prefix = options[:ads_output_stage_prefix] || from_prj_output_stage.output_stage_prefix output_stage_uri = options[:ads_output_stage_uri] || from_prj_output_stage.schema if from_project.processes.any? { |p| p.type == :dataload } if to_project.processes.any? { |p| p.type == :dataload } to_project.add.output_stage.schema = output_stage_uri to_project.add.output_stage.output_stage_prefix = output_stage_prefix to_project.add.output_stage.save else from_server = from_project.client.connection.server.url to_server = to_project.client.connection.server.url if from_server != to_server && options[:ads_output_stage_uri].nil? raise "Cannot transfer output stage from #{from_server} to #{to_server}. " \ 'It is not possible to transfer output stages between ' \ 'different domains. Please specify an address of an output ' \ 'stage that is in the same domain as the target project ' \ 'using the "ads_output_stage_uri" parameter.' end to_project.add.output_stage = GoodData::AdsOutputStage.create( client: to_project.client, ads: output_stage_uri, client_id: from_prj_output_stage.client_id, output_stage_prefix: output_stage_prefix, project: to_project ) end end end # Clones project along with etl and schedules. # # @param client [GoodData::Rest::Client] GoodData client to be used for connection # @param from_project [GoodData::Project | GoodData::Segment | GoodData:Client | String] # Object to be cloned from. Can be either segment in which case we # take the master, client in which case we take its project, string # in which case we treat is as an project object or directly project # @param to_project [GoodData::Project | GoodData::Segment | GoodData:Client | String] def transfer_etl(client, from_project, to_project) from_project = case from_project when GoodData::Client from_project.project when GoodData::Segment from_project.master_project else client.projects(from_project) end to_project = case to_project when GoodData::Client to_project.project when GoodData::Segment to_project.master_project else client.projects(to_project) end transfer_processes(from_project, to_project) transfer_schedules(from_project, to_project) end # @param from_project The source project # @param to_project The target project # @param options Optional parameters # @option ads_output_stage_uri Uri of the source output stage. It must be in the same domain as the target project. def transfer_processes(from_project, to_project, options = {}) options = GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys(options) to_project_processes = to_project.processes additional_hidden_params = options[:additional_hidden_params] || {} result = from_project.processes.uniq(&:name).map do |process| fail "The process name #{process.name} must be unique in transfered project #{to_project}" if to_project_processes.count { |p| p.name == process.name } > 1 next if process.type == :dataload || process.add_v2_component? to_process = to_project_processes.find { |p| p.name == process.name } to_process = if process.path to_process.delete if to_process GoodData::Process.deploy_from_appstore(process.path, name: process.name, client: to_project.client, project: to_project) elsif process.component to_process.delete if to_process process_hash = GoodData::Helpers::DeepMergeableHash[GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys(process.to_hash)].deep_merge(additional_hidden_params) GoodData::Process.deploy_component(process_hash, project: to_project, client: to_project.client) else Dir.mktmpdir('etl_transfer') do |dir| dir = Pathname(dir) filename = dir + 'process.zip' File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f << process.download end if to_process to_process.deploy(filename, type: process.type, name: process.name) else to_project.deploy_process(filename, type: process.type, name: process.name) end end end { from: from_project.pid, to: to_project.pid, name: process.name, status: to_process ? 'successful' : 'failed' } end transfer_output_stage(from_project, to_project, options) result << { from: from_project.pid, to: to_project.pid, name: 'Automated Data Distribution', status: 'successful' } res = (from_project.processes + to_project.processes).map { |p| [p, p.name, p.type] } res.group_by { |x| [x[1], x[2]] } .select { |_, procs| procs.length == 1 && procs[2] != :dataload } .reject { |_, procs| procs.first.first.add_v2_component? } .flat_map { |_, procs| procs.select { |p| p[0].project.pid == to_project.pid }.map { |p| p[0] } } .peach(&:delete) result.compact end def transfer_user_groups(from_project, to_project) from_project.user_groups.map do |ug| # migrate groups new_group = to_project.user_groups.select { |group| group.name == ug.name }.first new_group_status = new_group ? 'modified' : 'created' new_group ||= UserGroup.create(:name => ug.name, :description => ug.description, :project => to_project) new_group.project = to_project new_group.description = ug.description new_group.save # migrate dashboard "grantees" dashboards = from_project.dashboards dashboards.each do |dashboard| new_dashboard = to_project.dashboards.select { |dash| dash.title == dashboard.title }.first next unless new_dashboard grantee = dashboard.grantees['granteeURIs']['items'].select { |item| item['aclEntryURI']['grantee'].split('/').last == ug.links['self'].split('/').last }.first next unless grantee permission = grantee['aclEntryURI']['permission'] new_dashboard.grant(:member => new_group, :permission => permission) end { from: from_project.pid, to: to_project.pid, user_group: new_group.name, status: new_group_status } end end # Clones project along with etl and schedules. # # @param client [GoodData::Rest::Client] GoodData client to be used for connection # @param from_project [GoodData::Project | GoodData::Segment | GoodData:Client | String] # Object to be cloned from. Can be either segment in which case we take # the master, client in which case we take its project, string in which # case we treat is as an project object or directly project. def transfer_schedules(from_project, to_project) to_project_processes = to_project.processes.sort_by(&:name) from_project_processes = from_project.processes.sort_by(&:name) from_project_processes.reject!(&:add_v2_component?) GoodData.logger.debug("Processes in from project #{from_project.pid}: #{from_project_processes.map(&:name).join(', ')}") GoodData.logger.debug("Processes in to project #{to_project.pid}: #{to_project_processes.map(&:name).join(', ')}") cache = to_project_processes .zip(from_project_processes) .flat_map do |remote, local| local.schedules.map do |schedule| [remote, local, schedule] end end remote_schedules = to_project.schedules remote_stuff = remote_schedules.map do |s| v = s.to_hash after_schedule = remote_schedules.find { |s2| s.trigger_id == s2.obj_id } v[:after] = s.trigger_id && after_schedule && after_schedule.name v[:remote_schedule] = s v[:params] = v[:params].except("EXECUTABLE", "PROCESS_ID") v.compact end local_schedules = from_project.schedules local_stuff = local_schedules.map do |s| v = s.to_hash after_schedule = local_schedules.find { |s2| s.trigger_id == s2.obj_id } v[:after] = s.trigger_id && after_schedule && after_schedule.name v[:remote_schedule] = s v[:params] = v[:params].except("EXECUTABLE", "PROCESS_ID") v.compact end diff = GoodData::Helpers.diff(remote_stuff, local_stuff, key: :name, fields: [:name, :cron, :after, :params, :hidden_params, :reschedule, :state]) stack = diff[:added].map do |x| [:added, x] end stack += diff[:changed].map do |x| [:changed, x] end schedule_cache = remote_schedules.reduce({}) do |a, e| a[e.name] = e a end results = [] loop do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength break if stack.empty? state, changed_schedule = stack.shift if state == :added schedule_spec = changed_schedule if schedule_spec[:after] && !schedule_cache[schedule_spec[:after]] stack << [state, schedule_spec] next end remote_process, process_spec = cache.find do |_remote, local, schedule| (schedule_spec[:process_id] == local.process_id) && (schedule.name == schedule_spec[:name]) end next unless remote_process || process_spec GoodData.logger.info("Creating schedule #{schedule_spec[:name]} for process #{remote_process.name}") executable = nil if process_spec.type != :dataload executable = schedule_spec[:executable] || (process_spec.type == :ruby ? 'main.rb' : 'main.grf') end params = schedule_parameters(schedule_spec) created_schedule = remote_process.create_schedule(schedule_spec[:cron] || schedule_cache[schedule_spec[:after]], executable, params) schedule_cache[created_schedule.name] = created_schedule results << { state: :added, process: remote_process, schedule: created_schedule } else schedule_spec = changed_schedule[:new_obj] if schedule_spec[:after] && !schedule_cache[schedule_spec[:after]] stack << [state, schedule_spec] next end remote_process, process_spec = cache.find do |i| i[2].name == schedule_spec[:name] end schedule = changed_schedule[:old_obj][:remote_schedule] GoodData.logger.info("Updating schedule #{schedule_spec[:name]} for process #{remote_process.name}") schedule.params = (schedule_spec[:params] || {}) schedule.cron = schedule_spec[:cron] if schedule_spec[:cron] schedule.after = schedule_cache[schedule_spec[:after]] if schedule_spec[:after] schedule.hidden_params = schedule_spec[:hidden_params] || {} if process_spec.type != :dataload schedule.executable = schedule_spec[:executable] || (process_spec.type == :ruby ? 'main.rb' : 'main.grf') end schedule.reschedule = schedule_spec[:reschedule] schedule.name = schedule_spec[:name] schedule.state = schedule_spec[:state] schedule.save schedule_cache[schedule.name] = schedule results << { state: :changed, process: remote_process, schedule: schedule } end end diff[:removed].each do |removed_schedule| GoodData.logger.info("Removing schedule #{removed_schedule[:name]}") removed_schedule[:remote_schedule].delete results << { state: :removed, process: removed_schedule.process, schedule: removed_schedule } end results end def transfer_tagged_stuff(from_project, to_project, tag) GoodData.logger.info("Transferring tagged stuff - #{tag}") objects = from_project.find_by_tag(tag) if objects.any? GoodData.logger.info("\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(objects)}") from_project.partial_md_export(objects, project: to_project) else GoodData.logger.info('No tagged objects to transfer') end end def transfer_color_palette(from_project, to_project) colors = from_project.current_color_palette to_project.create_custom_color_palette(colors) unless colors.empty? end private def schedule_parameters(schedule_spec) { params: schedule_spec[:params], hidden_params: schedule_spec[:hidden_params], name: schedule_spec[:name], reschedule: schedule_spec[:reschedule], state: schedule_spec[:state] } end end def add_dashboard(dashboard) GoodData::Dashboard.create(dashboard, :client => client, :project => self) end alias_method :create_dashboard, :add_dashboard def add_user_group(data) g = GoodData::UserGroup.create(data.merge(project: self)) begin g.save rescue RestClient::Conflict user_groups(data[:name]) end end alias_method :create_group, :add_user_group # Creates a metric in a project # # @param [options] Optional report options # @return [GoodData::Report] Instance of new report def add_metric(metric, options = {}) default = { client: client, project: self } if metric.is_a?(String) GoodData::Metric.xcreate(metric, options.merge(default)) else GoodData::Metric.xcreate(options[:expression], metric.merge(options.merge(default))) end end alias_method :create_metric, :add_metric alias_method :add_measure, :add_metric alias_method :create_measure, :add_metric # Creates new instance of report in context of project # # @param [options] Optional report options # @return [GoodData::Report] Instance of new report def add_report(options = {}) report = GoodData::Report.create(options.merge(client: client, project: self)) report.save end alias_method :create_report, :add_report # Creates new instance of report definition in context of project # This report definition can be used for creating of GoodData::Report # # @param [json] Raw report definition json # @return [GoodData::ReportDefinition] Instance of new report definition def add_report_definition(json) rd = GoodData::ReportDefinition.new(json) rd.client = client rd.project = self rd.save end alias_method :create_report_definition, :add_report_definition # Returns an indication whether current user is admin in this project # # @return [Boolean] True if user has admin role in the project, false otherwise. def am_i_admin? user_has_role?(client.user, 'admin') end # Helper for getting attributes of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Attribute[id] # @return [GoodData::Attribute | Array<GoodData::Attribute>] fact instance or list def attributes(id = :all) GoodData::Attribute[id, project: self, client: client] end def computed_attributes(id = :all) attrs = attributes(id) if attrs.is_a?(GoodData::Attribute) attrs.computed_attribute? ? attrs : nil else attrs.select(&:computed_attribute?) end end def attribute_by_identifier(identifier) GoodData::Attribute.find_first_by_identifier(identifier, project: self, client: client) end def attributes_by_identifier(identifier) GoodData::Attribute.find_by_identifier(identifier, project: self, client: client) end def attribute_by_title(title) GoodData::Attribute.find_first_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end def attributes_by_title(title) GoodData::Attribute.find_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end # Gets project blueprint from the server # # @return [GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role if found def blueprint(options = {}) options = { include_ca: true }.merge(options) result = client.get("/gdc/projects/#{pid}/model/view", params: { includeDeprecated: true, includeGrain: true, includeCA: options[:include_ca] }) polling_url = result['asyncTask']['link']['poll'] model = client.poll_on_code(polling_url, options) bp = GoodData::Model::FromWire.from_wire(model, options) bp.title = title bp end # Returns web interface URI of project # # @return [String] Project URL def browser_uri(options = {}) grey = options[:grey] server = client.connection.server_url if grey "#{server}#{uri}" else "#{server}/#s=#{uri}" end end # Clones project # # @param options [Hash] Export options # @option options [Boolean] :data Clone project with data # @option options [Boolean] :users Clone project with users # @option options [Boolean] :exclude_schedules Specifies whether to include scheduled emails # @return [GoodData::Project] Newly created project def clone(options = {}) a_title = options[:title] || "Clone of #{title}" begin # Create the project first so we know that it is passing. # What most likely is wrong is the token and the export actaully takes majority of the time new_project = GoodData::Project.create(options.merge(:title => a_title, :client => client, :driver => content[:driver])) export_token = export_clone(options) new_project.import_clone(export_token) rescue new_project.delete if new_project raise end end # Gives you list of datasets. These are not blueprint datasets but model datasets coming from meta # data server. # # @param id [Symbol | String | GoodData::MdObject] Export options # @return [Array<GoodData::Dataset> | GoodData::Dataset] Dataset or list of datasets in the project def datasets(id = :all) GoodData::Dataset[id, project: self, client: client] end def dimensions(id = :all) GoodData::Dimension[id, client: client, project: self] end # Export a clone from a project to be later imported. # If you do not want to do anything special and you do not need fine grained # controle use clone method which does all the heavy lifting for you. # # @param options [Hash] Export options # @option options [Boolean] :data Clone project with data # @option options [Boolean] :users Clone project with users # @option options [String] :authorized_users Comma separated logins of authorized users. Users that can use the export # @option options [Boolean] :exclude_schedules Specifies whether to include scheduled notifications in the export # @option options [Boolean] :cross_data_center_export Specifies whether export can be used in any data center # @return [String] token of the export def export_clone(options = {}) with_data = options[:data].nil? ? true : options[:data] with_users = options[:users].nil? ? false : options[:users] export = { :exportProject => { :exportUsers => with_users ? 1 : 0, :exportData => with_data ? 1 : 0 } } export[:exportProject][:authorizedUsers] = options[:authorized_users] if options[:authorized_users] if options[:exclude_schedules] exclude_notifications = options[:exclude_schedules] ? 1 : 0 export[:exportProject][:excludeSchedules] = exclude_notifications end if options[:cross_data_center_export] cross_data_center = options[:cross_data_center_export] ? 1 : 0 export[:exportProject][:crossDataCenterExport] = cross_data_center end result = client.post("/gdc/md/#{obj_id}/maintenance/export", export) status_url = result['exportArtifact']['status']['uri'] polling_result = client.poll_on_response(status_url) do |body| body['taskState']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end ensure_clone_task_ok(polling_result, GoodData::ExportCloneError) result['exportArtifact']['token'] end def folders(id = :all) GoodData::Folder[id, project: self, client: client] end def user_groups(id = :all, options = {}) GoodData::UserGroup[id, options.merge(project: self)] end # Imports a clone into current project. The project has to be freshly # created. # # @param export_token [String] Export token of the package to be imported # @return [Project] current project def import_clone(export_token, options = {}) import = { :importProject => { :token => export_token } } result = client.post("/gdc/md/#{obj_id}/maintenance/import", import) status_url = result['uri'] polling_result = client.poll_on_response(status_url, options) do |body| body['taskState']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end ensure_clone_task_ok(polling_result, GoodData::ImportCloneError) self end def compute_report(spec = {}) GoodData::ReportDefinition.execute(spec.merge(client: client, project: self)) end def compute_metric(expression) GoodData::Metric.xexecute(expression, client: client, project: self) end alias_method :compute_measure, :compute_metric def create_schedule(process, date, executable, options = {}) s = GoodData::Schedule.create(process, date, executable, options.merge(client: client, project: self)) s.save end def create_variable(data) GoodData::Variable.create(data, client: client, project: self) end # Helper for getting dashboards of a project # # @param id [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Dashboard[id] # @return [GoodData::Dashboard | Array<GoodData::Dashboard>] dashboard instance or list def dashboards(id = :all) GoodData::Dashboard[id, project: self, client: client] end def data_permissions(id = :all) GoodData::MandatoryUserFilter[id, client: client, project: self] end alias_method :user_filters, :data_permissions # Deletes project def delete fail "Project '#{title}' with id #{uri} is already deleted" if deleted? client.delete(uri) end # Returns true if project is in deleted state # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if object deleted. False otherwise. def deleted? state == :deleted end # Helper for getting rid of all data in the project # # @option options [Boolean] :force has to be added otherwise the operation is not performed # @return [Array] Result of executing MAQLs def delete_all_data(options = {}) return false unless options[:force] begin datasets.reject(&:date_dimension?).pmap(&:delete_data) rescue MaqlExecutionError => e # This is here so that we do not throw out exceptions on synchornizing date dimensions # Currently there is no reliable way how to tell it is a date dimension fail e unless GoodData::Helpers.interpolate_error_messages(e.data['wTaskStatus']['messages']) == ["Internal error [handle_exception, hide_internal]."] end end # Deletes dashboards for project def delete_dashboards Dashboard.all.map { |data| Dashboard[data['link']] }.each(&:delete) end def deploy_process(path, options = {}) GoodData::Process.deploy(path, options.merge(client: client, project: self)) end # Executes DML expression. See (https://developer.gooddata.com/article/deleting-records-from-datasets) # for some examples and explanations # # @param dml [String] DML expression # @return [Hash] Result of executing DML def execute_dml(dml, options = {}) uri = "/gdc/md/#{pid}/dml/manage" result = client.post(uri, manage: { maql: dml }) polling_uri = result['uri'] client.poll_on_response(polling_uri, options) do |body| body && body['taskState'] && body['taskState']['status'] == 'WAIT' end end # Executes MAQL expression and waits for it to be finished. # # @param maql [String] MAQL expression # @return [Hash] Result of executing MAQL def execute_maql(maql, options = {}) ldm_links = client.get(md[GoodData::Model::LDM_CTG]) ldm_uri = Links.new(ldm_links)[GoodData::Model::LDM_MANAGE_CTG] response = client.post(ldm_uri, manage: { maql: maql }) polling_uri = response['entries'].first['link'] result = client.poll_on_response(polling_uri, options) do |body| body && body['wTaskStatus'] && body['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end if result['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'ERROR' fail MaqlExecutionError.new("Executionof MAQL '#{maql}' failed in project '#{pid}'", result) end result end # Helper for getting facts of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Fact[id] # @return [GoodData::Fact | Array<GoodData::Fact>] fact instance or list def facts(id = :all) GoodData::Fact[id, project: self, client: client] end def fact_by_title(title) GoodData::Fact.find_first_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end def facts_by_title(title) GoodData::Fact.find_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end def find_attribute_element_value(uri) GoodData::Attribute.find_element_value(uri, client: client, project: self) end # Get WebDav directory for project data # @return [String] def project_webdav_path client.project_webdav_path(:project => self) end # Gets project role by its identifier # # @param [String] role_name Title of role to look for # @return [GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role if found def get_role_by_identifier(role_name, role_list = roles) role_name = role_name.downcase.gsub(/role$/, '') role_list.each do |role| tmp_role_name = role.identifier.downcase.gsub(/role$/, '') return role if tmp_role_name == role_name end nil end # Gets project role byt its summary # # @param [String] role_summary Summary of role to look for # @return [GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role if found def get_role_by_summary(role_summary, role_list = roles) role_list.each do |role| return role if role.summary.downcase == role_summary.downcase end nil end # Gets project role by its name # # @param [String] role_title Title of role to look for # @return [GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role if found def get_role_by_title(role_title, role_list = roles) role_list.each do |role| return role if role.title.downcase == role_title.downcase end nil end # Gets project role # # @param [String] role_title Title of role to look for # @return [GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role if found def get_role(role_name, role_list = roles) return role_name if role_name.is_a? GoodData::ProjectRole role_name.downcase! role_list.each do |role| return role if role.uri == role_name || role.identifier.downcase == role_name || role.identifier.downcase.gsub(/role$/, '') == role_name || role.title.downcase == role_name || role.summary.downcase == role_name end nil end # Gets user by its login or uri in various shapes # It does not find by other information because that is not unique. If you want to search by name or email please # use fuzzy_get_user. # # @param [String] name Name to look for # @param [Array<GoodData::User>]user_list Optional cached list of users used for look-ups # @return [GoodDta::Membership] User def get_user(slug, user_list = users) search_crit = if slug.respond_to?(:login) slug.login || slug.uri elsif slug.is_a?(Hash) slug[:login] || slug[:uri] else slug end return nil unless search_crit user_list.find do |user| user.uri == search_crit.downcase || user.login.downcase == search_crit.downcase end end def upload_file(file, options = {}) GoodData.upload_to_project_webdav(file, options.merge(project: self)) end def download_file(file, where) GoodData.download_from_project_webdav(file, where, project: self) end def driver content['driver'] end def environment content['environment'] end def public? content['isPublic'] end def token content['authorizationToken'] end # Gets user by its email, full_name, login or uri alias_method :member, :get_user def find_by_tag(tags) tags = tags.split(',').map(&:strip) unless tags.is_a?(Array) objects = tags.map do |tag| url = "/gdc/md/#{pid}/tags/#{tag}" res = client.get(url) ((res || {})['entries'] || []).map do |entry| entry['link'] end end objects.flatten! objects.uniq! objects end # Gets user by its email, full_name, login or uri. # # @param [String] name Name to look for # @param [Array<GoodData::User>]user_list Optional cached list of users used for look-ups # @return [GoodDta::Membership] User def fuzzy_get_user(name, user_list = users) return name if name.instance_of?(GoodData::Membership) return member(name) if name.instance_of?(GoodData::Profile) name = name.is_a?(Hash) ? name[:login] || name[:uri] : name return nil unless name name.downcase! user_list.select do |user| user.uri.downcase == name || user.login.downcase == name || user.email.downcase == name end nil end # Checks whether user has particular role in given proejct # # @param user [GoodData::Profile | GoodData::Membership | String] User in question. Can be passed by login (String), profile or membershi objects # @param role_name [String || GoodData::ProjectRole] Project role cna be given by either string or GoodData::ProjectRole object # @return [Boolean] Tru if user has role_name def user_has_role?(user, role_name) member = get_user(user) role = get_role(role_name) member.roles.include?(role) rescue false end # Initializes object instance from raw wire JSON # # @param json Json used for initialization def initialize(json) super @json = json @log_formatter = GoodData::ProjectLogFormatter.new(self) end # Invites new user to project # # @param email [String] User to be invited # @param role [String] Role URL or Role ID to be used # @param msg [String] Optional invite message # # TODO: Return invite object def invite(email, role, msg = DEFAULT_INVITE_MESSAGE) GoodData.logger.info("Inviting #{email}, role: #{role}") role_url = nil if role.index('/gdc/').nil? tmp = get_role(role) role_url = tmp.uri if tmp else role_url = role if role_url.nil? end data = { :invitations => [ { :invitation => { :content => { :email => email, :role => role_url, :action => { :setMessage => msg } } } } ] } url = "/gdc/projects/#{pid}/invitations" client.post(url, data) end # Returns invitations to project # # @return [Array<GoodData::Invitation>] List of invitations def invitations invitations = client.get @json['project']['links']['invitations'] invitations['invitations'].pmap do |invitation| client.create GoodData::Invitation, invitation end end # Returns project related links # # @return [Hash] Project related links def links data['links'] end # Helper for getting labels of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to # GoodData::Label[id] + it supports :all as welll # @return [GoodData::Fact | Array<GoodData::Fact>] fact instance or list def labels(id = :all, opts = {}) if id == :all attributes.pmapcat(&:labels).uniq else GoodData::Label[id, opts.merge(project: self, client: client)] end end def md @md ||= client.create(Links, client.get(data['links']['metadata'])) end # Get data from project specific metadata storage # # @param [Symbol | String] :all or nothing for all keys or a string for value of specific key # @return [Hash] key Hash of stored data def metadata(key = :all) GoodData::ProjectMetadata[key, client: client, project: self] end # Set data for specific key in project specific metadata storage # # @param [String] key key of the value to be stored # @return [String] val value to be stored def set_metadata(key, val) GoodData::ProjectMetadata.[]=(key, { client: client, project: self }, val) end # Helper for getting metrics of a project # # @return [Array<GoodData::Metric>] matric instance or list def metrics(id = :all, opts = { :full => true }) GoodData::Metric[id, opts.merge(project: self, client: client)] end alias_method :measures, :metrics def metric_by_title(title) GoodData::Metric.find_first_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end alias_method :measure_by_title, :metric_by_title def metrics_by_title(title) GoodData::Metric.find_by_title(title, project: self, client: client) end alias_method :measures_by_title, :metrics_by_title # Checks if the profile is member of project # # @param [GoodData::Profile] profile - Profile to be checked # @param [Array<GoodData::Membership>] list Optional list of members to check against # @return [Boolean] true if is member else false def member?(profile, list = members) !member(profile, list).nil? end def members?(profiles, list = members) profiles.map { |p| member?(p, list) } end # Gets raw resource ID # # @return [String] Raw resource ID def obj_id uri.split('/').last end alias_method :pid, :obj_id # Helper for getting objects of a project # # @return [Array<GoodData::MdObject>] object instance or list def objects(id, opts = {}) GoodData::MdObject[id, opts.merge(project: self, client: client)] end # Transfer objects from one project to another # # @param [Array<GoodData::MdObject | String>, String, GoodData::MdObject] objs Any representation of the object or a list of those # @param [Hash] options The options to migration. # @option options [Number] :time_limit Time in seconds before the blocking call will fail. See GoodData::Rest::Client.poll_on_response for additional details # @option options [Number] :sleep_interval Interval between polls on the status of the migration. # @return [String] Returns token that you can use as input for object_import def objects_export(objs, options = {}) fail 'Nothing to migrate. You have to pass list of objects, ids or uris that you would like to migrate' if objs.nil? objs = Array(objs).map { |o| o.respond_to?(:uri) ? o.uri : o } if objs.empty? GoodData.logger.warn 'Nothing to migrate.' return end export_payload = { :partialMDExport => { :uris => objs, :exportAttributeProperties => '1', :crossDataCenterExport => '1' } } result = client.post("#{md['maintenance']}/partialmdexport", export_payload) polling_url = result['partialMDArtifact']['status']['uri'] token = result['partialMDArtifact']['token'] polling_result = client.poll_on_response(polling_url, options) do |body| body['wTaskStatus'] && body['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end if polling_result['wTaskStatus'] && polling_result['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'ERROR' messages = GoodData::Helpers.interpolate_error_messages(polling_result['wTaskStatus']['messages']).join(' ') fail ObjectsExportError, "Exporting objects failed with messages. #{messages}" end token end # Import objects from import token. If you do not need specifically this method what you are probably looking for is transfer_objects. This is a lower level method. # # @param [String] token Migration token ID # @param [Hash] options The options to migration. # @option options [Number] :time_limit Time in seconds before the blocking call will fail. See GoodData::Rest::Client.poll_on_response for additional details # @option options [Number] :sleep_interval Interval between polls on the status of the migration. # @return [Boolean] Returns true if it succeeds or throws exceoption def objects_import(token, options = {}) fail 'You need to provide a token for object import' if token.blank? import_payload = { :partialMDImport => { :token => token, :overwriteNewer => '1', :updateLDMObjects => '1', :importAttributeProperties => '1' } } result = client.post("#{md['maintenance']}/partialmdimport", import_payload) polling_url = result['uri'] polling_result = client.poll_on_response(polling_url, options) do |body| body['wTaskStatus'] && body['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end if polling_result['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'ERROR' messages = GoodData::Helpers.interpolate_error_messages(polling_result['wTaskStatus']['messages']).join(' ') fail ObjectsImportError, "Importing objects failed with messages. #{messages}" end true end # Transfer objects from one project to another # # @param [Array<GoodData::MdObject | String>, String, GoodData::MdObject] objects Any representation of the object or a list of those # @param [Hash] options The options to migration. # @option options [GoodData::Project | String | Array<String> | Array<GoodData::Project>] :project Project(s) to migrate to # @option options [Number] :batch_size Number of projects that are migrated at the same time. Default is 10 # # @return [Boolean | Array<Hash>] Return either true or throws exception # if you passed only one project. If you provided an array returns list # of hashes signifying sucees or failure. Take note that in case of list # of projects it does not throw exception. def partial_md_export(objects, options = {}) projects = options[:project] batch_size = options[:batch_size] || 10 token = objects_export(objects) return if token.nil? if projects.is_a?(Array) projects.each_slice(batch_size).flat_map do |batch| batch.pmap do |proj| target_project = client.projects(proj) target_project.objects_import(token, options) { project: target_project, result: true } end end else target_project = client.projects(projects) target_project.objects_import(token, options) [{ project: target_project, result: true }] end end alias_method :transfer_objects, :partial_md_export # Helper for getting processes of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Report[id] # @return [GoodData::Report | Array<GoodData::Report>] report instance or list def processes(id = :all) GoodData::Process[id, project: self, client: client] end # Checks if this object instance is project # # @return [Boolean] Return true for all instances def project? true end def info results = blueprint.datasets.pmap do |ds| [ds, ds.count(self)] end GoodData.logger.info(title) GoodData.logger.info(GoodData::Helpers.underline(title)) GoodData.logger.info("\nDatasets - #{results.count}\n") results.each do |x| dataset, count = x dataset.title.tap do |t| GoodData.logger.info(t) GoodData.logger.info(GoodData::Helpers.underline(t)) GoodData.logger.info("Size - #{count} rows") GoodData.logger.info("#{dataset.attributes_and_anchors.count} attributes, #{dataset.facts.count} facts, #{dataset.references.count} references\n") end end nil end # Forces project to reload def reload! if saved? response = client.get(uri) @json = response end self end # Method used for walking through objects in project and trying to # replace all occurences of some object for another object. This is # typically used as a means for exchanging Date dimensions. # # @param mapping [Array<Array>] Mapping specifying what should be exchanged for what. As mapping should be used output of GoodData::Helpers.prepare_mapping. def replace_from_mapping(mapping, opts = {}) default = { :purge => false, :dry_run => false } opts = default.merge(opts) dry_run = opts[:dry_run] if opts[:purge] GoodData.logger.info 'Purging old project definitions' reports.peach(&:purge_report_of_unused_definitions!) end fail ArgumentError, 'No mapping specified' if mapping.blank? rds = report_definitions { # data_permissions: data_permissions, variables: variables, dashboards: dashboards, metrics: metrics, report_definitions: rds }.each do |key, collection| GoodData.logger.info("Replacing #{key}") collection.peach do |item| new_item = item.replace(mapping) if new_item.json != item.json if dry_run GoodData.logger.info "Would save #{new_item.uri}. Running in dry run mode" else GoodData.logger.info "Saving #{new_item.uri}" new_item.save end else GoodData.logger.info "Ignore #{item.uri}" end end end GoodData.logger.info 'Replacing hidden metrics' local_metrics = mapping.map { |a, _| a }.pmapcat { |a| a.usedby('metric') }.select { |m| m['deprecated'] == '1' }.map { |m| m['link'] }.uniq GoodData.logger.info("Found #{local_metrics.count} metrics") local_metrics.pmap { |m| metrics(m) }.peach do |item| new_item = item.replace(mapping) if new_item.json != item.json if dry_run GoodData.logger.info "Would save #{new_item.uri}. Running in dry run mode" else GoodData.logger.info "Saving #{new_item.uri}" new_item.save end else GoodData.logger.info "Ignore #{item.uri}" end end GoodData.logger.info 'Replacing dashboard saved views' contexts = mapping.map { |a, _| a }.pmapcat { |a| a.usedby('executionContext') }.map { |a| GoodData::MdObject[a['link'], client: client, project: self] } GoodData.logger.info("Found #{contexts.count} dashboard saved views") contexts.peach do |item| new_item = GoodData::MdObject.replace_quoted(item, mapping) if new_item.json != item.json if dry_run GoodData.logger.info "Would save #{new_item.uri}. Running in dry run mode" else GoodData.logger.info "Saving #{new_item.uri}" new_item.save end else GoodData.logger.info "Ignore #{item.uri}" end end GoodData.logger.info 'Replacing variable values' variables.each do |var| var.values.peach do |val| val.replace(mapping).save unless dry_run end end { visualizations: MdObject.query('visualizationObject', MdObject, client: client, project: self), visualization_widgets: MdObject.query('visualizationWidget', MdObject, client: client, project: self), kpis: MdObject.query('kpi', MdObject, client: client, project: self) }.each do |key, collection| GoodData.logger.info "Replacing #{key}" collection.each do |item| new_item = MdObject.replace_quoted(item, mapping) if new_item.json != item.json if dry_run GoodData.logger.info "Would save #{new_item.uri}. Running in dry run mode" else GoodData.logger.info "Saving #{new_item.uri}" new_item.save end else GoodData.logger.info "Ignore #{item.uri}" end end end nil end # Helper for getting reports of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Report[id] # @return [GoodData::Report | Array<GoodData::Report>] report instance or list def reports(id = :all) GoodData::Report[id, project: self, client: client] end # Helper for getting report definitions of a project # # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::ReportDefinition[id] # @return [GoodData::ReportDefinition | Array<GoodData::ReportDefinition>] report definition instance or list def report_definitions(id = :all, options = {}) GoodData::ReportDefinition[id, options.merge(project: self, client: client)] end # Gets the list or project roles # # @return [Array<GoodData::ProjectRole>] List of roles def roles url = "/gdc/internal/projects/#{pid}/roles" res = client.get url res['internalProjectRoles']['roles'].map do |r| client.create(GoodData::ProjectRole, r, project: self) end end # Saves project def save data_to_send = GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(raw_data) data_to_send['project']['content'].delete('cluster') data_to_send['project']['content'].delete('isPublic') data_to_send['project']['content'].delete('state') response = if uri client.post(PROJECT_PATH % pid, data_to_send) client.get uri else result = client.post(PROJECTS_PATH, data_to_send) client.get result['uri'] end @json = response self end # Schedules an email with dashboard or report content def schedule_mail(options = GoodData::ScheduledMail::DEFAULT_OPTS) GoodData::ScheduledMail.create(options.merge(client: client, project: self)) end def scheduled_mails(options = { :full => false }) GoodData::ScheduledMail[:all, options.merge(project: self, client: client)] end # @param [String | Number | Object] Anything that you can pass to GoodData::Schedule[id] # @return [GoodData::Schedule | Array<GoodData::Schedule>] schedule instance or list def schedules(id = :all) GoodData::Schedule[id, project: self, client: client] end # Gets SLIs data # # @return [GoodData::Metadata] SLI Metadata def slis link = "#{data['links']['metadata']}#{SLIS_PATH}" # FIXME: Review what to do with passed extra argument Metadata.new client.get(link) end # Gets project state # # @return [String] Project state def state data['content']['state'].downcase.to_sym if data['content'] && data['content']['state'] end Project.metadata_property_reader :summary, :title # Gets project title # # @return [String] Project title def title=(a_title) data['meta']['title'] = a_title if data['meta'] end # Uploads file to project # # @param file File to be uploaded # @param schema Schema to be used def upload(data, blueprint, dataset_name, options = {}) GoodData::Model.upload_data(data, blueprint, dataset_name, options.merge(client: client, project: self)) end def upload_multiple(data, blueprint, options = {}) GoodData::Model.upload_multiple_data(data, blueprint, options.merge(client: client, project: self)) end def uri data['links']['self'] if data && data['links'] && data['links']['self'] end # List of users in project # # # @return [Array<GoodData::User>] List of users def users(opts = {}) client = client(opts) Enumerator.new do |y| offset = opts[:offset] || 0 limit = opts[:limit] || 1_000 loop do tmp = client.get("/gdc/projects/#{pid}/users", params: { offset: offset, limit: limit }) tmp['users'].each do |user_data| user = client.create(GoodData::Membership, user_data, project: self) if opts[:all] y << user elsif opts[:disabled] y << user if user && user.disabled? else y << user if user && user.enabled? end end break if tmp['users'].count < limit offset += limit end end end alias_method :members, :users def whitelist_users(new_users, users_list, whitelist, mode = :exclude) return [new_users, users_list] unless whitelist new_whitelist_proc = proc do |user| whitelist.any? do |wl| if wl.is_a?(Regexp) user[:login] =~ wl else user[:login] && user[:login] == wl end end end whitelist_proc = proc do |user| whitelist.any? do |wl| if wl.is_a?(Regexp) user.login =~ wl else user.login && user.login == wl end end end if mode == :include [new_users.select(&new_whitelist_proc), users_list.select(&whitelist_proc)] elsif mode == :exclude [new_users.reject(&new_whitelist_proc), users_list.reject(&whitelist_proc)] end end # Imports users def import_users(new_users, options = {}) role_list = roles users_list = users new_users = new_users.map { |x| ((x.is_a?(Hash) && x[:user] && x[:user].to_hash.merge(role: x[:role])) || x.to_hash).tap { |u| u[:login].downcase! } } GoodData.logger.warn("Importing users to project (#{pid})") whitelisted_new_users, whitelisted_users = whitelist_users(new_users.map(&:to_hash), users_list, options[:whitelists]) # First check that if groups are provided we have them set up options[:user_groups_cache] = check_groups(new_users.map(&:to_hash).flat_map { |u| u[:user_group] || [] }.uniq, options[:user_groups_cache], options) # conform the role on list of new users so we can diff them with the users coming from the project diffable_new_with_default_role = whitelisted_new_users.map do |u| u[:role] = Array(u[:role] || u[:roles] || 'readOnlyUser') u end intermediate_new = diffable_new_with_default_role.map do |u| u[:role] = u[:role].map do |r| role = get_role(r, role_list) role ? role.uri : r end u[:role_title] = u[:role].map do |r| role = get_role(r, role_list) role ? role.title : r end if u[:role].all?(&:nil?) u[:type] = :error u[:reason] = 'Invalid role(s) specified' else u[:type] = :ok end u[:status] = 'ENABLED' u end intermediate_new_by_type = intermediate_new.group_by { |i| i[:type] } diffable_new = intermediate_new_by_type[:ok] || [] # Diff users. Only login and role is important for the diff diff = GoodData::Helpers.diff(whitelisted_users, diffable_new, key: :login, fields: [:login, :role, :status]) diff_results = diff.flat_map do |operation, users| if operation == :changed users.map { |u| u[:new_obj].merge(operation: operation) } else users.map { |u| u.merge(operation: operation) } end end diff_results = diff_results.map do |u| u[:login_uri] = "/gdc/account/profile/" + u[:login] u end return diff_results if options[:dry_run] # Create new users results = [] GoodData.logger.warn("Creating #{diff[:added].count} users in project (#{pid})") to_create = diff[:added].map { |x| { user: x, role: x[:role] } } created_users_result = create_users(to_create, roles: role_list, project_users: whitelisted_users) @log_formatter.log_created_users(created_users_result, diff[:added]) results.concat(created_users_result) send_mail_to_new_users(diff[:added], options[:email_options]) if options[:email_options] && !options[:email_options].empty? && !diff[:added].empty? # # Update existing users GoodData.logger.warn("Updating #{diff[:changed].count} users in project (#{pid})") to_update = diff[:changed].map { |x| { user: x[:new_obj], role: x[:new_obj][:role] || x[:new_obj][:roles] } } updated_users_result = set_users_roles(to_update, roles: role_list, project_users: whitelisted_users) @log_formatter.log_updated_users(updated_users_result, diff[:changed], role_list) results.concat(updated_users_result) unless options[:do_not_touch_users_that_are_not_mentioned] # Remove old users to_disable = diff[:removed].reject { |user| user[:status] == 'DISABLED' || user[:status] == :disabled } GoodData.logger.warn("Disabling #{to_disable.count} users from project (#{pid})") disabled_users_result = disable_users(to_disable, roles: role_list, project_users: whitelisted_users) @log_formatter.log_disabled_users(disabled_users_result) results.concat(disabled_users_result) # Remove old users completely if options[:remove_users_from_project] to_remove = (to_disable + users(disabled: true).to_a).map(&:to_hash).uniq do |user| user[:uri] end GoodData.logger.warn("Removing #{to_remove.count} users from project (#{pid})") removed_users_result = remove_users(to_remove) @log_formatter.log_removed_users(removed_users_result) results.concat(removed_users_result) end end # reassign to groups mappings = new_users.map(&:to_hash).flat_map do |user| groups = user[:user_group] || [] groups.map { |g| [user[:login], g] } end unless mappings.empty? users_lookup = users.reduce({}) do |a, e| a[e.login] = e a end mappings.group_by { |_, g| g }.each do |g, mapping| remote_users = mapping.map { |user, _| user }.map { |login| users_lookup[login] && users_lookup[login].uri }.reject(&:nil?) next if remote_users.empty? user_groups(g).set_members(remote_users) end mentioned_groups = mappings.map(&:last).uniq groups_to_cleanup = options[:user_groups_cache].reject { |g| mentioned_groups.include?(g.name) } # clean all groups not mentioned with exception of whitelisted users groups_to_cleanup.each do |g| g.set_members(whitelist_users(g.members.map(&:to_hash), [], options[:whitelists], :include).first.map { |x| x[:uri] }) end end GoodData::Helpers.join(results, diff_results, [:user], [:login_uri]) end def disable_users(list, options = {}) list = list.map(&:to_hash) url = "#{uri}/users" payloads = list.map do |u| uri, = resolve_roles(u, [], options) generate_user_payload(uri, 'DISABLED') end payloads.each_slice(100).mapcat do |payload| result = client.post(url, 'users' => payload) result['projectUsersUpdateResult'].mapcat { |k, v| v.map { |x| { type: k.to_sym, user: x } } } end end def remove_users(list) list = list.map(&:to_hash) list.pmapcat do |u| u_id = GoodData::Helpers.last_uri_part(u[:uri]) url = "#{uri}/users/#{u_id}" begin client.delete(url) [{ type: :successful, operation: :user_deleted_from_project, user: u }] rescue => e [{ type: :failed, message: e.message, user: u }] end end end def check_groups(specified_groups, user_groups_cache = nil, options = {}) user_groups_cache = user_groups if user_groups_cache.nil? || user_groups_cache.empty? groups = user_groups_cache.map(&:name) missing_groups = specified_groups - groups if options[:create_non_existing_user_groups] missing_groups.each do |g| create_group(name: g, description: g) end else unless missing_groups.empty? fail 'All groups have to be specified before you try to import ' \ 'users. Groups that are currently in project are ' \ "#{groups.join(',')} and you asked for #{missing_groups.join(',')}" end end user_groups_cache end # Update user # # @param user User to be updated # @param desired_roles Roles to be assigned to user # @param role_list Optional cached list of roles used for lookups def set_user_roles(login, desired_roles, options = {}) user_uri, roles = resolve_roles(login, desired_roles, options) url = "#{uri}/users" payload = generate_user_payload(user_uri, 'ENABLED', roles) res = client.post(url, payload) failure = GoodData::Helpers.get_path(res, %w(projectUsersUpdateResult failed)) fail ArgumentError, "User #{user_uri} could not be aded. #{failure.first['message']}" unless failure.blank? res end alias_method :add_user, :set_user_roles # Update list of users # # @param list List of users to be updated # @param role_list Optional list of cached roles to prevent unnecessary server round-trips def set_users_roles(list, options = {}) return [] if list.empty? role_list = options[:roles] || roles project_users = options[:project_users] || users intermediate_users = list.flat_map do |user_hash| user = user_hash[:user] || user_hash[:login] desired_roles = user_hash[:role] || user_hash[:roles] || 'readOnlyUser' begin login, roles = resolve_roles(user, desired_roles, options.merge(project_users: project_users, roles: role_list)) [{ :type => :successful, user: login, roles: roles }] rescue => e [{ :type => :failed, :reason => e.message, user: user, roles: desired_roles }] end end # User can fail pre sending to API during resolving roles. We add only users that passed that step. users_by_type = intermediate_users.group_by { |u| u[:type] } users_to_add = users_by_type[:successful] || [] payloads = users_to_add.map { |u| generate_user_payload(u[:user], 'ENABLED', u[:roles]) } results = payloads.each_slice(100).map do |payload| client.post("#{uri}/users", 'users' => payload) end # this ugly line turns the hash of errors into list of errors with types so we can process them easily typed_results = results.flat_map do |x| x['projectUsersUpdateResult'].flat_map do |k, v| v.map { |v2| v2.is_a?(String) ? { type: k.to_sym, user: v2 } : GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys(v2).merge(type: k.to_sym) } end end # we have to concat errors from role resolution and API result typed_results + (users_by_type[:failed] || []) end alias_method :add_users, :set_users_roles alias_method :create_users, :set_users_roles def add_data_permissions(filters, options = {}) GoodData.logger.info("Synchronizing #{filters.count} filters in project #{pid}") GoodData::UserFilterBuilder.execute_mufs(filters, { client: client, project: self }.merge(options)) end def add_variable_permissions(filters, var, options = {}) GoodData::UserFilterBuilder.execute_variables(filters, var, { client: client, project: self }.merge(options)) end # Run validation on project # Valid settins for validation are (default all): # ldm - Checks the consistency of LDM objects. # pdm Checks LDM to PDM mapping consistency, also checks PDM reference integrity. # metric_filter - Checks metadata for inconsistent metric filters. # invalid_objects - Checks metadata for invalid/corrupted objects. # asyncTask response def validate(filters = %w(ldm pdm metric_filter invalid_objects), options = {}) response = client.post "#{md['validate-project']}", 'validateProject' => filters polling_link = response['asyncTask']['link']['poll'] client.poll_on_response(polling_link, options) do |body| body['wTaskStatus'] && body['wTaskStatus']['status'] == 'RUNNING' end end def variables(id = :all, options = { client: client, project: self }) GoodData::Variable[id, options] end # Applies blueprint to the project. # # @param [Hash] blueprint Blueprint to apply to the project. # @option options [Hash] :update_preference (cascade_drops: false, preserve_data: true) Specifies how dropping LDM and data should be treated. # @example Update with custom update preference. # GoodData.project.update_from_blueprint( # blueprint, # update_preference: { # cascade_drops: false, preserve_data: false # } # ) def update_from_blueprint(blueprint, options = {}) GoodData::Model::ProjectCreator.migrate(options.merge(spec: blueprint, token: options[:auth_token], client: client, project: self)) end def resolve_roles(login, desired_roles, options = {}) user = if login.is_a?(String) && login.include?('@') '/gdc/account/profile/' + login elsif login.is_a?(String) login elsif login.is_a?(Hash) && login[:login] '/gdc/account/profile/' + login[:login] elsif login.is_a?(Hash) && login[:uri] login[:uri] elsif login.respond_to?(:uri) && login.uri login.uri elsif login.respond_to?(:login) && login.login '/gdc/account/profile/' + login.login else fail "Unsupported user specification #{login}" end role_list = options[:roles] || roles desired_roles = Array(desired_roles) roles = desired_roles.map do |role_name| role = get_role(role_name, role_list) fail ArgumentError, "Invalid role '#{role_name}' specified for user '#{GoodData::Helpers.last_uri_part(user)}'" if role.nil? role.uri end [user, roles] end def add @add ||= GoodData::AutomatedDataDistribution.new(self) @add end def transfer_etl(target) GoodData::Project.transfer_etl(client, self, target) end def transfer_processes(target) GoodData::Project.transfer_processes(self, target) end def transfer_schedules(target) GoodData::Project.transfer_schedules(self, target) end def transfer_tagged_stuff(target, tag) GoodData::Project.transfer_tagged_stuff(self, target, tag) end def create_output_stage(ads, opts = {}) add.create_output_stage(ads, opts) end def transfer_color_palette(target) GoodData::Project.transfer_color_palette(self, target) end def current_color_palette GoodData::StyleSetting.current(client: client, project: self) end def create_custom_color_palette(colors) GoodData::StyleSetting.create(colors, client: client, project: self) end def reset_color_palette GoodData::StyleSetting.reset(client: client, project: self) end # get maql diff from another project or blueprint to current project # # @param options [Hash] options # @option options [GoodData::Project] :project source project # @option options [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] :blueprint blueprint of source project # @option options [Array] :params additional parameters for diff api # @return [Hash] project model diff def maql_diff(options = {}) fail "No :project or :blueprint specified" unless options[:blueprint] || options[:project] bp = options[:blueprint] || options[:project].blueprint uri = "/gdc/projects/#{pid}/model/diff" params = Hash[(options[:params] || []).map { |i| [i, true] }] result = client.post(uri, bp.to_wire, params: params) client.poll_on_code(result['asyncTask']['link']['poll']) end private def send_mail_to_new_users(users, email_options) password = email_options[:email_password] from = email_options[:email_from] raise 'Missing sender email, please specify parameter "email_from"' unless from raise 'Missing authentication password, please specify parameter "email_password"' unless password template = get_email_template(email_options) smtp = Net::SMTP.new('relay1.na.intgdc.com', 25) smtp.enable_starttls OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new("TLSv1_2_client") smtp.start('notifications.gooddata.com', 'gdc', password, :plain) users.each do |user| smtp.send_mail(get_email_body(template, user), from, user[:login]) end end def get_email_template(options) bucket = options[:email_template_bucket] path = options[:email_template_path] access_key = options[:email_template_access_key] secret_key = options[:email_template_secret_key] raise "Unable to connect to AWS. Parameter \"email_template_bucket\" seems to be empty" unless bucket raise "Unable to connect to AWS. Parameter \"email_template_path\" is missing" unless path raise "Unable to connect to AWS. Parameter \"email_template_access_key\" is missing" unless access_key raise "Unable to connect to AWS. Parameter \"email_template_secret_key\" is missing" unless secret_key args = { access_key_id: access_key, secret_access_key: secret_key, max_retries: 15, http_read_timeout: 120, http_open_timeout: 120 } server_side_encryption = options['email_server_side_encryption'] || false args['s3_server_side_encryption'] = :aes256 if server_side_encryption s3 = Aws::S3::Resource.new(args) bucket = s3.bucket(bucket) process_email_template(bucket, path) end def process_email_template(bucket, path) type = path.split('/').last.include?('.html') ? 'html' : 'txt' body = bucket.object(path).read body.prepend("MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html\n") if type == 'html' body end def get_email_body(template, user) template.gsub('${name}', "#{user[:first_name]} #{user[:last_name]}") .gsub('${role}', user[:role_title].count == 1 ? user[:role_title].first : user[:role_title].to_s) .gsub('${user_group}', user[:user_group].count == 1 ? user[:user_group].first : user[:user_group].to_s) .gsub('${project}', Project[user[:pid]].title) end def generate_user_payload(user_uri, status = 'ENABLED', roles_uri = nil) payload = { 'user' => { 'content' => { 'status' => status }, 'links' => { 'self' => user_uri } } } payload['user']['content']['userRoles'] = roles_uri if roles_uri payload end # Checks state of an export/import task. # @param response [Hash] Response from API # @param clone_task_error [Error] Error to raise when state is not OK def ensure_clone_task_ok(response, clone_task_error) if response['taskState'].nil? fail clone_task_error, "Clone task failed with unknown response: #{response}" elsif response['taskState']['status'] != 'OK' messages = response['taskState']['messages'] || [] interpolated_messages = GoodData::Helpers.interpolate_error_messages(messages).join(' ') fail clone_task_error, "Clone task failed. #{interpolated_messages}" end end end end